Stories by: Unnatural1999
17 stories
Unnatural Multiverse Book 6

In this world, Canada is spelled Kanada. This country is made of fifty islands and five keys. The keys are used as animal preserves. Everybody living on the islands has access to a bicycle. One could say that this version of Canada is a paradise. That would depend on who would answer that question. Especially if you ask antagonistic Leo Xenos. His father isn't at home a lot because he is a sailor. His brothers torment him and his mother only ignores him. Though his life just got a change. It all begins with a new EA teacher; Mrs. Darkblood. From that encounter, Leo is going to encounter many scary things. From undead fish to underwater monsters, and anything spooky from the islands and the depths. In addition, Leo has obtained a new gift. Though this gift does come with a creepy catch! Will Leo manage his new gift, or will the dark price take control of him forever?

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Unnatural Multiverse Book 5

In this world, Canada has ten provinces and four territories. The fourth territory is called the Southeast Territory. It doesn't have any giant storms. Though it does have plenty of mist to shroud the land. Fred Oakleaf is one of those kids who lives in the town of Dream Falls. He thinks that he has a perfect life with his parents and siblings Ruth and Houston. All of that changed when Fred had a dream of being in the hallway of a hospital. The only other thing he remembers from that dream is the hospital room number 36. But he hasn't just that dream to worry about. From chimeras, to nightmares, and even the infamous Herrera Mansion. What could be going on in the Southeast Territory? The only way for Fred to find out is to figure out what his nightmare means. Will he succeed? Or will his mind and fears get the best of him?

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Unnatural Multiverse Book 4

On a world where Canada is a global superpower, Kadence Yates has recently moved to a new city with her father. They are starting a new life after a dark past with Kadence's mother on the reserve. But V20 isn't just any city. It's located on the side of a volcano! There are plenty of cities like this through out Canada. Where people sell precious metals and stones from the cooled down magma. Even selling oil has gotten easier. Thanks to the discovery of it's solid form; Oleum Petrae. People have transformed and refined it into refined oil. Though Kadence is going to be encountering things from myths, legends, and the past of the mining city. Could Kadence take the heat from these scary supernatural threats? Or is there something else she doesn't know about? Something so mysterious that it could only be found in the hot lava of the Vio-Burst volcano.

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Unnatural Multiverse Book 3

In this world, the notorious Xaduyou virus has infected most of the population. The disease has turned the infected into zombies. Though the virus has mutated. Several infected have developed themselves to either climb or even run then the regular zombie could. Donkor Hosny is one of a few survivors. He tries to survives the plague everyday with his group of survivors. Made up of a bunch of kids his age, the parents of the kids, and a few soldiers. Though this group has been just as tough to deal with as the zombies. Just about half of the group of kids that are in his group can cause trouble at times with their bad attitudes. With twists and turns at every corner. Donkor has to survive in different areas of the city. Will he be able to find a cure for the virus? Or will the bad attitudes from his friends inadvertently cause him to be infected?

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Unnatural Multiverse Book 2

In a world where the American civil war was fought with the east and west instead with the north and south. Also, the old houses, battle sites, and buildings that were preserved for the public feature some glass domes that protect them from any weather damage on this world. Even entire cities could be considered as historical places to protect thanks to the United States National Historical Society Council. Charlotte Wouters (a nonverbal) is on a summer road trip through the states. She will learn about the civil war and what caused it. She will visit the preserved battle sites, museums that feature some of the history of the country, and even the infamous cherriple and wheatrain plants. Though there are dangers at every corner at this road trip with monsters and ghosts. Could Charlotte survive the road trip, or she will become a ghost to haunt the last place she visits?

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Do not enter!

Alice has three problems while at school. One, she has to deal with a boy that's teasing her. Two, she has to deal with a girl with bossy attitude. Three, she has to deal with a girl who would have a nasty attitude. Alice can't get home on the bus for a while. Her way home goes past an abandoned construction site. She has known somebody new while exploring the old area. It was the ghost of a construction worker. Ever since she met the ghost, bad things have been happening at the school. The three people who normally cause her problems are floating in mid air or getting hurt by the ghost that Alice met. Now Alice wants to get the ghost to stop. Will Alice convince the ghost to stop, or will he continue to hurt the students who are hurting her?

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Dark parallel trap

Owen is a normal boy with a normal family. All of that changed one day. The bell rang and his school is somehow different. The combination lock on his locker showed the number placed in a counter clockwise fashion. The school cheers as a boy that was suspended was being chased by alligators at a pool. Though the thing that makes this school very different from the school that he knew was that people at this school have a saying "Being bad is good". Though Owen somehow shifts into this unfamiliar version of this school with the sound of the school bell. Also, somebody is after him. This person looks exactly like Owen. Although he seems a bit bad. Can Owen avoid his double? Or will he be forced to live in the unfamiliar version of his world for good?

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No rest for trouble

Out from the school building, two people are in detention for the rest of the school year. Marxes and Grace are partners when it comes to getting into trouble. Though that has not worried them since they could practically do anything they want during their detention. Right? Unfortunately, they have uncovered a monster that they should have left alone. It was sleeping in a old cemetery. And it gives a horrible smell. Now the monster is out for revenge! Marxes and Grace still think they could just do anything they want for one night. That includes breaking into a convenience store. Though the vindictive monster might have other plans. What should Marxes and Grace do? Own up for their mistakes? Or just enjoy themselves enough for the monster to scare them straight?

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Project: Cecil Town

Dennis is not a natural explorer. Yet he does have a curiosity for abandoned areas. Such as the abandoned town called: Cecil Town. His father organized a trip to explore the abandoned town. Since he is a YouTuber with a specialty with abandoned places. The trip was going to be a blast. A few friends are coming along. The adults and kids are going to explore every building this town has left standing. Though there is one problem that this ghost town has; it is haunted! No matter what happens, something about this town doesn't add up. From a magical book about spells, to an ancient ritual that went wrong. This town has something to hide. Could Dennis figure out what happened in the town? Or will he be trapped in the ghost town forever?

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Hiking trip of no return

Tyson and Phoebe are going to spend the summer at Camp Wild. A new friend they made on the bus told them that Camp Wild was the best place to be for the summer. Though there were a few strange things that happened. The head counsellor manage to scare a bear while standing near it. If that wasn't scary enough. The counsellors show off animal like teeth, or they might make some wild animal sounds. If that wasn't crazy enough, the camp offers a hiking trip for the people at the camp. The people who return might become as eerie as the counsellors who are running the camp. What is going on at this camp? Could Tyson and Phoebe last the whole summer, or would the hiking trip turn them into monsters?

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The last masquerade

Cat Kinderly is what you would call a troublemaker. She along with her cousin Rene. Though Rene got herself expelled after vandalizing a sign and causing somebody to trip. Cat was lucky to get suspended. Though she had found something that might be interesting. It was an invitation to a masquerade ball. Though there were some strange things that were happening before the ball. A boy she bullied and her cousin disappeared. Masked people were watching her from the street. A boy with a crimson and navy blue mask is after her. Is there something waiting for her at the ball? What could the boy with a crimson and navy blue mask want with her? All of those answers might lie in the party itself.

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Cell Scare

Lily has been picked up by her sister, Felicia. Whom she hasn't seen ever since Felicia went to University. They are going to be spending the night at a friend's house until the parents get back home from a meeting. Things take a turn for the worst when Lily's sister and friend have been kidnapped by an unknown person. A person with glowing cyan eyes. The stranger wants to play a game with Lily. If she wins, she could get Felicia and her friend back. If she doesn't, then she might not see them again. Will Lily play the stranger's twisted game, or will she be kidnapped by him or her?

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Unnatural Multiverse Book 1

On an alternate earth where the world is divided between the poor and the rich. The middle class still exist but they are rare. Ezra Holecek is a boy living in a "Good School" community. A community that has a school where students that have good grades go to. Also on this earth, there is a event that happens every year: The Grand Races. Ezra's school gets to submit a racing vehicle and a racer. Who could this racer be? There are also spooks, and scares around every corner. Would Ezra also survive these perils? Or will he not live long enough to see this year's grand races?

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The evil games of an eerie house

Out of anybody in the Gregory Family, Chris is the worst. He got expelled from school and now his family is moving to the town of Resin Creek. His parents are going to fix up an old house and call it home. Though the property has a dark secret. A power calling himself Fritz, has taken the form of a ventriloquist dummy, and is out to cause trouble for Chris. From a falling ceiling to a not-so-funny joke with duct tape. Now Chris must stop Fritz, before the wooden dummy changes his life for the worst.

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The rise of Tyranicus

Terry is having a rough time. James and his friends are picking on him. Terry wants him to stop. He finds his chance with a suit of armor at the bottom of a lake. The suit is cursed with the anger of another boy who was bullied in the past. Terry now finds himself stuck with taking his anger out on his tormentors, and trying to stop an ancient evil that is granting his wish of revenge. Will he stop the evil suit of armor, or will he gladly embrace it's dark powers?

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