Stories by: TerezMasters
1 stories
Journey x To x Forever  (Killua x Gon)

"Do you want to get married?"Again, Gon needed to know."Hell no!" the answer came quick, defensively. "Women are an absolute nuisance! Alluka and Bisky are bad enough, I can't imagine being stuck with another one!"Definitely offended.Gon smiled and chuckled at Killua's offense. As the room went quiet, his body went soft and his lids lowered, daydreaming."I want to be married," it felt strong in Gon's chest but came out in a whisper. Almost like a prayer."What?"Looking up and into Killua's eyes, Gon repeated."I want to be married."Killua's face went through stages.Shock. Confusion. Frustration. Sadness."Oh."Killua clearly misunderstood.That's okay. Flustering Killua was Gon's favorite pass time. He'd feed into it, only a little."I guess that makes sense. You've never had a problem attracting women. Weird, insane, pretty fucking ugly women but women nonetheless" Killua continued in a huff, turning away from Gon on the bed with his feet on the floor. Fighting the urge to flee. Very Killua.aka Killua and Alluka are in town. While Killua and Gon are alone, the topic of marriage comes up and they take things to the next level.

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