Stories by: TejashwiniR
2 stories
Mine Forever

Anjali anand a 21 years medical student ,her beauty is out of the world and she is too innocent for this cruel world.One day she founds a man in death bed And then she becomes his angel , she saves him not knowing that she is saving the devil himself ... Arjun Oberoi 27 years old ruthless mafia leader. He is know to be cold hearted, his name is enough for a men to tremble in and caring these feelings are foreign to him. But He never knew that his cold heart will warm up for that one girl..he never knew that he will fell madly in love with this girl day when he was in death bed, he was saves by a girl.. His angel he thought.. Since then that angel has been in his head. He couldn't forget her, even though he tried to avoid whatever the feelings he has for her. But destiny has its own plan, has he faced her again in a complete different situation .he then decided that he could never let Her go.. He thought her as "mine forever"-----------------------------------------------------------------Hi guys, this is my first book .it may contain mild sexual contain.. Plzz ignore my grammar mistakes.. Do read the book.. It's really worth reading.Note:- cover page is not mine, it's from the net

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Claiming her Back

I'm excited to tell him that I'm pregnant, I'm waiting for him since three hours ,soon I herd his car sound. He came into the bedroom. When I looked at him my breath hitched, He was looking like a mess, his tie was loosen, his knuckles were bleeding. "O my god Xavier what happened, god your knuckles are bleeding " I hurried near him and holded his hand to examine, only to jerk my hand away ."Cut this carp, you slut "I looked at him in horror and in utter shock. I could smell alcohol in his breath. I composed my self ."Xavier hon-"he cut me off "Don't call me like you bitch, He roughly cought my forearm. I gave you everything, money, sex everything ,but you weren't satisfied were you? You wanted more and more ,you cheated on my with my opponent "he shouted at my face ,his digging into my arm."xavier ,I didn't cheat on you, I can't even imagine that, we will talk about this in the morning, you are not in your senses now "I said crying and trying to free my self ."No, I can't stand under same roof with you",he took out some papers, slammed them on the bed. "Sign them and get the hell out of my house "I took the paper in hand. They were divorce papers. "Xavier you didn't mean anything you said, you are not in your senses now. "I said. "I meant everything thing I said now, just sign the papers and get out "he yelled "Xavier listen to me, I'm p-"I couldn't complete my sentence as his palm collided with my cheek, He slapped me with so much of force the I fell on the floor. I said sign the papers. I was sacred that he will hurt my baby I signed them sobbing . "Now get out ""Xavier - "he cut me of"you won't listen to me, do you "?With that he grabed my hairs, I yelp in pain. He dragged my down the stairs by my hairs and pushed me out the house slamming the door shut on my face. I sat cried looking at the door, my husband, my love of my life acused me on something and kicked me out of the house in mid night ....

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