Stories by: Shinydino2
7 stories
It was two months ago when it all started

Addilyn and her little brother Jayne get stuck in a zombie apocalypse. They head to Addy's best friend Jemma's house. As far as they know she alive. On the way they run into Becky (the queen bitch of the school) and Mason (the hottest hottie ever). They all stick together and head to Jemma's house. Once they save Jemma they head to find Addy's big brother and his boyfriend in Auckland.

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The car that fixed my life (destiel one shot)

Castiel got a job offer and he bought a house, in a different state. He packs for a road trip, he is only in the car for an hour, when his car breaks down.

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Fanfiction's I want to happen

A few fan fiction's I think should exist.

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The rest of my poems

The other poems I had to write for school.

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Goth poem

We had to write poems for school, this was my favourite one.

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Sherlock, Supernatural crossover

Mary got pushed back in time and was wandering round the streets when she ran into a man. His name was John Watson and there was something familiar about him...

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The ghost girl

A girl was taken to an asylum, by her brother and mother. Years later the asylum is abandoned and a boy is pushed inside one night...

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