Stories by: ShezAnime
4 stories
Twisted little girl..

My mother always told me pain builds character, she was my role model and I loved her so much, only she hated me.'Wretched little girl!' My mother had scolded, hanging me near the fireplace. 'How dare you wet the bed! You deserve more punishment!' Every Time she punished me it got worse and worse, it could even go as far as a Chinese punishment named 'slow slicing', where she would cut the skin on my arms and legs.But at least I don't have to suffer like that anymore, she taught me so well, I taught her right back! I even took some of her old tools, In case anyone needs punishment. I gave up all my good grades, my dearest friends and future for revenge. It is very sweet indeed!I don't care if no one wants to play with me anymore, because inside I know I have good manners and I'm a kind hearted person, people would see that if they could understand my past.. In the end that's all that matters.

116 3 2
The cold, The posh, and The Wicked

7 1 1
Sachiko Shinozaki : Killing

77 1 4
The Vampire Twins Comen

Hänsel and Gretel are two Romanian twins who were forced to kill children or be beaten. They finally excepted death and killing and entered the world of darkness. The twins became serial killers but will they ever see the light or day?

8 1 0