Stories by: Rosi_Sweets
10 stories
Poems of the Past

Everyone has their thoughts and ideas. I just decided to write mine down on digital paper for others to take a glimpse. There is no specific order in these poems. ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Some poems could cause mental/traumatic triggers. Stories/chapters with a blue heart (πŸ’™) next to them are trigger warning FREE.

99 22 24
Endless: Forbidden Love || K.TH Γ— Dbh FF

Name: Y/N Age: 22Height: 169 cmPosition: FBI special agentCrime: Breaking rule 38B"Why do things like you exist?""It's NOT just a piece of plastic!""He's more than that"||A love story gone wrong||×WARNING×Peggie 16

139 7 13
Your Story My Book || Choose Your Story [Experiment]

Which of these seven men will be yours..? Find it out in this short novel!||Introduction||College is boring as always. But this time there was a new student in our class. Should I go to him? Or not... Find out what happens when you make actions that can't be returned. Make your own story.This is an experiment to see if it works. Want to join? Then lets just jUMp RIghT inTo iT¿!||WARNING|| > 4th wall breaking included.> Some storylines have sexual harassment and other 18+ context in them. Please be aware.>Perspective change included.>Some chapters are short others way to long. Be aware.>This is still an experiment!! Even though I put my hard work in this book, it doesn't mean it will be 'great'.

9 2 0
The Hunter and the Seven Spirits || K.TH Thriller FF

My hands reach out to the old book from underneath the shelves. The leather made a screeching like sound as it moved over the wooden floor. It was heavy. As I blew most of the dust away a smile grew onto my face. Finally I would get what I lost. What he took from me. The only thing that I needed now were some candles, some matches, and a knife. A sacrifice has to be made..."DON'T DO THIS TAETAE!""I am not your Taetae anymore... I am Kim Taehyung...""P-please...""I love the way you beg..."Sometimes it's better not to know everything. To have everything. Soon enough you will meet yourself with nothing left. Curiosity kills.

34 3 1
One Shots || Horror Edition

Enjoy my twisted mind written on digital paper works. Some of these are from stories I heard. While others are 100% mine. Some are also true stories... And that ain't a lie.I will only write in this book if I don't have much inspiration nor time for myself. Or if I do have some weird thoughts or dreams. Or nightmares...||Sad, twisted, scary, weird and short horror stories||Highest rank [1# craziness]

575 16 7
JoyJoy's Bizarre Avonturen

Lees hoe een gezellig vrienden feestje uitloopt tot een passievolle nacht tussen twee mensen die elkaar al een tijdje leuk vinden. Mijn verhaal is beter dan die van Ren UwU.Oh, en voor als je het nog niet opviel. Dit hele verhaal is en blijft fanfiction en is dus nooit gebeurt. Plus, het is geschreven om je te laten lachen. Want dit hele boek is een joke. Inclusief mijn leven :')Veel lees plezier! Groetjes,rOwOsi(Oh, en ik zelf zit ook in het verhaal XD)

89 3 4
The Soul Gambler

One mansion. One reason. And a bunch of masterminds. As multiple universes collided into the meaning of the devil's dorm. Find out how the crazy and the smart bond with each other. Or drift apart...The world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment...

43 2 2
Imagines || The Eye Of The Dreamer

This book was actually used for notes. Here I wrote all my dreamy imaginations based on my creativity, belongings, and real life experiences. This book gets an update from time to time as well. Depends on how I feel with my imagination :)I hope you like these. I also post them on my Instagram account:unknownhoney.exeTake a look to see the whole experience with pictures and such. (Not much of a deal lmao)

7 7 0

You know Hobi since high school. Because of college you haven't seen each other that often. But all of that changed after you recived a letter from him."Heyy, Y/N! Long time no see, huh?"And there the fun begins..||A story based on my dreams||

95 4 7
Crystal Glow || BTS Christmas Special

It's finally December! The Month of Magic! You were excited for Christmas, until your boyfriend needed to go to Australia for his work. "Alone on Christmas?!.." With tears in your eyes and pieces missing in your heart, you walked down through the city streets. But then you met them... A BTS Christmas special made by Dutch_ARMY.[To be Continued]

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