Stories by: Rocklee_Toshiro1993
276 stories
Sweet Brother of Mine ||BL - Stepbrothers||

They first meeting wasn't the greatest one. Sora Matsumoto and Ichika Kusaka have been stepbrothers for about 6 years - and they hated each other. Hoping that maybe a family vacation would help the boys become closer, their parents arranged a trip to the Caribbean. So how does a family vacation turn into a what can only be described as a forbidden love story?With a new school year approaching Sora is going into his final year of high school while Ichika is freshly entering. Making a newly developed secret relationship have it's fare share of complications. Making new friends, dealing with school bullies, final exams, school events, and getting ready for university- who has time for love?Previously titled: Can We Make this Work

54.5K 3 194
An Omega Leading the Pack ||Yaoi - Werefox||

A meeting has been called for the six races to gather at the Vatican. Kiyoko Nakatomi, leading Alpha of the Nakatomi family and members of her "family" are heading to meet with the other families to discuss the dangerous that were going on. She was accompanied by her long time friend and fellow Alpha, Iori Watanabe, as well as her younger brother, Tomoe Nakatomi, but before the trip to Italy the Nakatomi family suffers its own lost.Kiyoko is killed in a assassination attack against the Nakatomi family. Tomoe is left to lead his family, but there's just one issue, Tomoe is an Omega. An Omega has never led one of the well known families. Many believe Tomoe can't handle the responsibilities that an Alpha has when it comes to leading the family, but Iori is staying by Tomoe's side to help him in his duties, by the request of Kiyoko.As Iori guides young master Tomoe in his duties, an uncontrollable force are pulling the two together. With hundreds of years apart from each other, Iori tries to control himself around the new head of the Nakatomi and the young brother of a dear friend, while Tomoe has to deal with the suffocating responsibilities that have landed on his shoulders, but maybe in the dark times that are ahead of them, they are what the other needs.

203 2 5
Growing Up too Fast ||Hetalia||

Children shouldn't have to pay for the mistakes of adults. The battles of war is no place for a child nor should the thought of handing a child a gun and saying "when you're out there, on the battle field, it's kill or be killed. Don't hesitate when facing the enemy or it might be the last thing you'll ever do on this earth".When a war between England (Arthur Kirkland) and France (Francis Bonnefoy), two young boys America (Alfred F. Jones) and Canada (Matthew Williams), who are brothers, are forced to grew up before their time. Put on the battle field, the Seven Years' War is at its peak, Alfred and Matthew meet face to face after sometime of not seeing each other. The two remember the words that their guardians told them."You may face someone you know out there, but remember, this is war and there are times when a friend will become a foe."Can Alfred and Matthew find a way to keep their title as brothers or will the war force them to put the fact that their brothers aside to fulfill the wishes of the guardian?DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN HETALIA

83 1 0
You Teach Me and I'll Teach You ||Naruto - Iruka Umino||

Kagome Hyuga is a member of the Branch House of the Hyuga Clan. She followed the rules of her clan and was considered a prodigy of her family. But she wanted more then the life she was expect to live. After graduating from the academy and being put into a three-man squad with Iruka Umino and another classmate. They go on missions together, participated in the chūnin exam together and grew up into adulthood, together. And because of all this time they spent together, their relationship goes beyond that of squad mates.Throughout the years of knowing each other, Kagome and Iruka start up a relationship. It had it's ups and it's downs through different opinions and outlooks, but when it came down to it they were there for each other. This boned will come into play when the Fourth Great Ninja War threatens everything they hold dear. Can they hold on to their bond and stay together?Iruka Umino x OCDisclaimer: I do not own Naruto

51 1 6
They Live in Me ||My Hero Academia||

His name is Yoshinori Keiichiro. He's the son of two Pro Heroes, All Might (Toshinori Yagi) and Domina (Mina Keiichiro). Mina kept the fact that Toshinori had a child, wanting the Symbol of Peace to focus on protecting innocent people. The child was born in secret, while Toshinori was away in America, but Mina would often tell her son stories of his father. How brave he was and if he could, he would come and see him. Yoshinori loved hearing stories of his father, but at the young age of twelve, he looses his mother and the stories of his father.Yoshinori goes five years without hearing the tales of his father through his mother. Sure, he would see the Symbol of Peace of the news after he's rescued citizens or after taking down a villain, but he wants more. He wants to actually meet his father. To get to know him and and to let him know that his mother cared for him dearly.Yoshinori get his chance when he see his father fighting the leader of the League of Villains, All For One, on the news. Fearing that this might be the end of the Symbol of Peace, he rushed to his father's side. Revealing to the to the public who he was, and that he's of All Might, The Symbol of Peace.Season 3 - ??DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OW MY HERO ACADEMIA

54 1 2
Poster Child ||My Hero Academia - Eijiro Kirishima||

After the battle with All for One and the abduction of Katsuki Bakugo, U.A. decided it was time to strengthen their relationship with foreign schools. Right away Principal Nezu sends word out to different Hero Schools around the world with letters of recommendation for certain student to come and study at U.A.Myung Hei-Ran is a young hero in training from Seungliui Gil Academy in South Korea. Coming from a family of highly respected Quirk users there's a lot of pressure on Hei-Ran to keep up the image her family has. But that's hard when your different then the rest of you family. While her family members quirks were more physical, her's was more psychological. Being able to enter the mind of others to gather information made Hei-Ran's Quirk quite unique and wanted by her families political enemies. It's because of her Quirk that caught the eyes of Shota Aizawa, also known as Eraser Head, suggesting that she should be one of the recommended foreign exchange students to come and study at U.A.Upon her arrival, she and the other foreign exchange students, are introduced to the entire school. Hei-Ran is assigned to class 1-A student, Eijiro Kirishima. A young man who (besides becoming a Pro Hero), wants to be a true man, and a young women who wants her family to accept her even though her quirk is different from theirs. Two very different people, cut from the same cloth.Season 3 - ??Eijiro Kirishima x OCDISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY HERO ACADEMIA

184 4 9
Run Boy Run ||My Hero Academia - Tenya Iida||

After the battle with All for One and the abduction of Katsuki Bakugo, U.A. decided it was time to strengthen their relationship with foreign schools. Right away Principal Nezu sends word out to different Hero Schools around the world with letters of recommendation for certain student to come and study at U.A.Mariliza Othonos grew up on the island of Cyprus. She lived a simple life with her family and would often spend her time outside star gazing and playing with her quirk Aqua Mirrors, a special quirk that was only hers. Because the quirk was so unique Principal Nezu chose her as one of the young foreign upcoming heroes to come and study at U.A.Upon her arrival, she and the other foreign exchange students, are introduced to the entire school. After the introductions Mariliza is assigned to class 1-A student, Tenya Iida. At first, Mariliza didn't know how to handle Iida's overbearing personality, casing her to be extremely awkward around him, but once the two get to know one other a little better, seeing Iida is very humble and apologizes for his mistakes, Mariliza's true true self, a very shy girl who just wants to be the best hero she can be.Season 3 - ??Tenya Iida x OCDISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY HERO ACADEMIA

175 4 13
Wolf at the Door ||My Hero Academia - Ochaco Uraraka||

After the battle with All for One and the abduction of Katsuki Bakugo, U.A. decided it was time to strengthen their relationship with foreign schools. Right away Principal Nezu sends word out to different Hero Schools around the world with letters of recommendation for certain student to come and study at U.A.Kazimir Barkov grew up in an orphanage in Moscow Russia. His past is a mystery making him one as well. Seeming to be lacking emotion, it was quickly discovered that Kazimir suffers from Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis or more commonly known as CIPA, making him an outcast among the other children. Because the other children never got close Kazimir had no interest for those around him and saw the world as boring, even after his Quirk manifested. A mysterious Quirk that has no name. Even though Kazimir and his Quirk is a mystery, Principal Nezu chose her as one of the young foreign upcoming heroes to come and study at U.A.Upon her arrival, he and the other foreign exchange students, are introduced to the entire school. After the introductions Kazimir is assigned to class 1-A student, Ochaco Uraraka. This is a total opposite of personalities, which is the reason why the two were paired together. With Uraraka's bubbly personality maybe she can help Kaimir see that life isn't that boring.Season 3 - ??Ochaco Uraraka x OCDISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY HERO ACADEMIA

393 5 10
Worth Fighting For ||My Hero Academia - Mezo Shoji||

After the battle with All for One and the abduction of Katsuki Bakugo, U.A. decided it was time to strengthen their relationship with foreign schools. Right away Principal Nezu sends word out to different Hero Schools around the world with letters of recommendation for certain student to come and study at U.A.Jade Esparon for the longest time went through her younger years without there being any sign that she had a Quirk. She didn't mind it. She didn't care if she had a Quirk or not, but when her Quirk, Slime, she starts to wish she never had it. Because of the suddenly change in her appearance, Jade becomes the target of bullies. Believing the her Quirk was nothing more then a curse rather than a gift, Jade starts to devalue herself. It wasn't until she suddenly gets a letter from Principal Nezu and that he chose her as one of the young foreign upcoming heroes to come and study at U.A.Upon her arrival, she and the other foreign exchange students, are introduced to the entire school. After the introductions Jade is assigned to class 1-A student, Mezo Shoji. Shoji's strange appearance catches Jade's interest and she noticed that those around him don't seem to be afraid or judgmental towards him. Giving her the view that just because you look a little different, doesn't mean your useless.Season 3 - ??Mezo Shoji x OCDISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY HERO ACADEMIA

609 5 17
Writen in a Notebook ||OHSHC - Kyoya Ootori||

Mei Nobutada grew up in the typical rich family home. She has a mother and father who love her dearly, but, there never home due to work. She has two older brothers, in university, who work hard to one day work by their father's side when the time came. It's because of this that Mei feels lonely and out of place from her family. "Miss Mei, why don't you start a blog to write out for feelings and thoughts. My niece says it's a refreshing way to release stress. Getting advice from strangers can be a bigger help then trying to get it from those we know."One of the Nobutada Family servants suggested one day when Mei was feeling lonely. Mei took the advice and started a blog to write of her thoughts and feelings, thinking that no one was really go to read or pay her thoughts any attention. But little did she know that there was someone who took an interest in her blog, because he too knows what it's like to be overshadowed by his older siblings and in a way, feels lonely within his own family.Kyoya Ootori x OCDISCLAIMER: I do not own OHSHC

127 1 5
Cats of Shadow ||Yaoi - Werecats||

Ash Ferrari is a young Alpha Italian who loves to be in the spotlight. To the public, he's known as ASH, the pop star, but there's a side to him that the world doesn't know about. He's a Werecat, one of the four supernatural races and is leading a pack at the young age of 118 years old (18 in human years). Nothing seemed to be going wrong for the Ferrari group, that is, until Mary de Luca, an Omega, one of his own and someone he loved, is suddenly killed. With her loss the Ferrari clan is in mourning, and Ash blames himself for her death, but his friend Leo an Omega, and Mary's brother, stayed closed to his side to keep him from going off the deep end.After Mary's death, strange incidences started to follow the young group. Everywhere the Ferrari clan went, someone dies or some sort of attack would happen. On the run to keep the public safe, they travel from place to play throughout Italy, but stay hidden as they go. While hiding at a secondary home that belonged to the Ferrari family, a member of Donini Vampire Coven who resides in Italy tracks the group down and tells them about the upcoming meeting of the Vatican about the upcoming threat that was coming for them all. No one's safe, so Ash has to make to choice to either sit back and do nothing, or fight, and protect the remaining members of his family and his new partner.||Part 3 of 4 in the Blood Moon Series. Look for "Blood Lust", "Mark of the Wolf" and "An Omega Leading the Pack"||

87 2 1
You Too Can Be a Hero ||My Hero Academia - Izuku Midoriya||

After the battle with All for One and the abduction of Katsuki Bakugo, U.A. decided it was time to strengthen their relationship with foreign schools. Right away Principal Nezu sends word out to different Hero Schools around the world with letters of recommendation for certain student to come and study at U.A.Avryll Durand is from Paris, France and attends Chanson de Victoire Performing Arts Academy for Young Heroes. A Hero school for those with Quirks that are art based. Avryll uses a special violin to manipulate sound waves around her to use for attacks and defense. While returning to the dorms of her school she is called to the Headmaster's office where she is given a letter of recommendation to study at U.A High in Japan. Avryll becomes uncertain to accept the letter to go to U.A., but with encouragement from friend and fellow student Giselle Zay, Avryll decides to go.Upon her arrival, she and the other foreign exchange students, are introduced to the entire school. Avryll is assigned to class 1-A student, Izuku Midoriya (to many of his fellow male classmates frustration). Avryll finds Izuku's overabundance of knowledge about heroes really fascinating and his determination to be inspiring. It's because of this that Avryll is inspired that she too, can be a true hero.Season 3 - ??Izuku Midoriya x OCDISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN MY HERO ACADEMIA

1K 7 4
~Alone~ ||Yu-Gi-Oh! - Tendershipping|| *Book 1* [COMPLETED]

Ryo Bakura has been thinking about the relationship he has with his other self known just as Yami Bakura, a spirit who is trapped within the Millennium Item known has the Millennium Ring. Even though Ryo has Bakura he sometimes feels so alone with him around. Read a see the true reasoning for Bakura's cruel actions towards his Yadonushi and his true feelings. Tendershipping Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the title of Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of the characters.*COMPLETED*

5.9K 5 209 Full
~Senpai~ ||Boy x Boy||

Kyo Kouga is just a simple teenager with simple teenage problems, that is until he meets Ryouma Sakurakouji, a Senpai of his at Tokishigo Academy. When you first see Kyo you think that he was pretty geeky looking and you wouldn't expect that he would be a member of the MMA Club. Well, he is, and it's all so he can be near Ryouma Sakurakouji, captain of the MMA Club, and to Kyo the one person he admires the most. Ryouma Sakurakouji is your typical high school student. He gets good grades, he's excellent at sports (being the captain of the MMA Club) and he seems to be popular with both the girls and the guys of his school. But that doesn't mean he's happy. There's something missing in his life. Something he feels could truly make him fully happy. So when meets a new member of the MMA Club that he suddenly recognized as the younger brother to one of his friends, Kyo Kouga, he can't help but suddenly be drawn to him. Maybe he's the one Ryouma has been looking for. Follow Kyo and Ryouma as they experience young teen love as well as a few side stories of other students at Tokishigo Academy.

519 4 35
~Together~ ||Yu-Gi-Oh! Tendershipping|| *Book 2*

The day's they've spent together have gotten better. Bakura is less brutal to Ryo, and Ryo is starting to think that something special could be happening with their relationship. But something is also wrong. Bakura is starting to appear less and less. Ryo is worried that something is taking Bakura away from him, the one who said they would be together, forever. Is this the end of them being together? Could Bakura be being pulled back to the spirit world now that the Pharaoh has also returned? What will Ryo do without Bakura by his side? *Sequel to ~Alone~* Tendershipping Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or it's characters.

531 3 24
3 and 6: Neliel and Grimmjow ||Bleach - GrimmNel|| [COMPLETED]

Aizen is gone and the remaining Espada are returning to their lives in Hueco Mundo. Tai Hallibel is the new leader of Las Noches and things seem to be doing fine but of course Grimmjow is causing trouble as always. Can Neliel change this angry panther and can Grimmjow open up to someone he never talked to before? Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or the characters. *COMPLETED*

16.6K 7 312 Full
24 Hours ||Pokémon Fanfic|| [COMPLETED]

Rouge is a young Trainer from the Hoenn Region who's been traveling through the Kalos Region with his team of Pokémon: Flygon, Delphox, Lucario, Blaziken and Eevee. But the young trainer has come a stand still in his journey. He's made it to Anistar City to face against the Psychic Pokémon Gym Leader Olympia. After his lose to the Gym Leader Rouge runs into his older brother Rodney, a much stronger Trainer then he is. Facing his brother in a practice battle and losing in a great defeat Rouge see just how weak and naïve he's been the whole time. Now Rouge is going for his second time at the Anistar City Gym, there's just one problem, Eevee is missing. After running off the night before when Rouge told him that he wont be using him in the upcoming battle. Eevee went off to do some late night training with a wild Absol. Worried about his old friend Rouge knows he still has to go ahead with his Gym Battle. About to star his battle, Eevee suddenly shows up ready for battle. Now Eevee has a choice to make, for the sake of his trainer, who will he evolve into after 24 hours since his last battle? The Sun Pokémon Espeon or Moonlight Pokémon Umbreon? Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. I only own this short story. *Completed*

2.9K 7 92 Full
A Black Cat isn't always Bad Luck ||OHSHC - Umehito Nekozawa||

Erika Yamizuka is a girl with a terrible curse. After finding out the truth about what happened to her birth mother Erika is determined to find her, there's just a few problems, her stepmother is doing all she can to keep that from happening. Going as far as having her eldest son torment the young girl. Fearing that if Erika finds her birth mother the family and the lies she worked so hard to maintain would disappear. Erika on the other hand is more then determined to find her birth mother, in fact, it's all she's thinking about. She's pulling every ounce of research she can get her hands on to help find her mother, but more, to find a way to break the curse that not just her birth mother has but she does as well. Erika hopes that the president of the Black Magic Club at her new school Ouran Academy, Umehito Nekozawa can help her. Umehito Nekozawa X OC Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHC

5.1K 5 257
A Brother's Battle ||Kuroko no Basket - Riko Aida||

Seventeen year old Kozue Keitaro has a lot more to deal with then an average teenager. His younger sister Hana Keitaro is in the hospital with an illness that so far has no cure. With his parents absent all the time Kozue takes on the responsibility of brother, mother and father. When an innocent visit to the park turns into a fight to save is sister's life Kozue puts his trust in a group of kids, one which seems to have touched his sister in a way he's never seen before. Follow Kozue in his story as he watches his sister, possibly fall in love and fight to stay alive in the side story to L is for Love and Lost. Riko Aida x OCDisclaimer: I DO NOT OWN Kuroko no Basket OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS. I ONLY OWN MY OCS AND THE CHANGES IN THE STORY LINE. Side story to L is for Love & Lost

331 3 6
A Devil's Kiss ||Togainu No Chi - Shiki x Akira||

Shiki is the four oldest son of the Devil, out of seven. He's rebellious and doesn't like to listen to his father or the rules of Hell. But his older brothers: Nano, Kiriwar, Gunji, and his younger brothers: Tomoyuki, Takeru and an unknown seventh son, are the total opposite and they have a bright future of becoming the newest rulers of Hell.After having a fight with his father, Shiki goes up to the human world. While there, he meets a young man with gray hair and likes to get into trouble named Akira at a Casino in Las Vegas. Shiki can't help but have a connection with Akira and when Shiki's father send his brothers up to the human world to get rid of the troublesome human, Shiki must stand up to his entier family to keep Akira safe and will he be able to face an old face from his past?Shiki x AkiraDISCLAIMER: I do not own Togainu No Chi

14.6K 1 13
A Dog among Cats ||Haikyu!! - Sō Inuoka||

Toko Ishinoya is new to the world of volleyball. She's never went to a game, never held a ball in her hand, never even thought about Sō Inuoka x OCDisclaimer: I do not own Haikyu or any of its characters.

73 1 2
A Fallen Shadow ||Kuroko no Basket - Tetsuya Kuroko||

In the time when the world was still pretty young and land that is known today as Japan was ruled by Kings and War Lords, there was a great warrior. He was know as the "Shadow" because of his tendencies to appear and disappear just like a shadow. He protects the daughter, the princess, of his King, keeping to that no harm comes to her. He was part of a group of six warriors who were chosen by the Emperor himself to protect their homeland. Princess Ume Kohaku has a strong will to do what's right even when others say it's a lost cause. Disobeying the orders of her father, Ume and the Shadow Warrior Tetsuya Kuroko leave the safety of the palace to protect a village that was one the outskirts of their kingdom.It is there that the Shadow would lose his light. The one he was suppose to protect with his life. It wouldn't be till much later until the Shadow gets his second chance. Can modern day Tetsuya Kuroko protect the modern day Ume Kohaku, or will he once again become a fallen Shadow? Tetsuya Kuroko x OC Disclaimer: I do no own KnB

1K 5 48
A Healer's Touch ||Young Justice||

Nicolas 'Nicky' Shtiya Littlefield was born to the Inuit Mother Goddess, also known as Mother Nature and to the mortal man Yiska Littlefield. Their meeting wasn't by accident. Mother Goddess had her eyes on Yiska for a long time, seeing his kind heart and loving nature. This angers one God who has always loved Mother Goddess, the God of the Sky, Father Sky, and he would do anything to have Mother Earth for himself.Yiska and Mother Earth grew close and Mother Earth eventually was with child. This angered Father Sky even more and he left the spirit world to talk to Mother Earth about returning, that she would be forgiven for falling for a mortal, but Mother Earth didn't ask for Father Sky to forgive her, for she didn't think she did anything that needed forgiving. In his final attempt to take Mother Earth for himself he threatens Yiska's life and the life of her unborn child. The great Mother Goddess then agreed to go back to the spirit world but wanted one last night with Yiska.Yiska was saddened that his love had to live, but in a way he understood why. They spent their last night together and that's when Mother Earth told Yiska her true name, Akna, in hopes that Yiska would never forget it, and he never did after that night. It wouldn't be until some months later that Yiska would get a little piece of Akna back. Akna has her child but fears greatly for him when she overhears Father Sky's plan to kill her child. Hidden away in a basket and pulled on a sled by a team of wolf spirits, Akna sends her child to his mortal father hoping that he would be safe with Yiska, and he was.As Nicolas grew he began to noticed he wasn't like everyone else in their small Alaskan town. He could do things no one else could and he started to feel like an outcast. All Nicolas wants is to fit in with everyone else, and it will be through his time with the Team that Nick will understand that being a little different, isn't all bad.OC x OCDisclaimer: I do not own DC Comics

100 1 2
A Pirate's Life for Me ||One Piece - Roronoa Zoro||

There once was a man named Gold Roger who was King of the Pirates. He had fame, power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Before they hung him from the gallows these are the final words he said. "My fortune is yours for the taking...but you'll have to find it first. I left anything I own in One Piece." Ever since... pirates from all over the world set sail for the Grand Line... searching for "One Piece"-- the treasure that would make their dreams come true. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gol D. Erika is the daughter to Gol D. William and "Red Haired" Rosalie. Her uncles are "Red Haired" Shanks and the Pirate King himself Gol D Roger (Gold Roger). With her family line filled with such famous Pirates that are wanted by the World Government, both her parents not only fear for her safety, but the safety for their other two children, Gol D Ambrose and Gol D Harper. For the safety of their daughter, William and Rosalie decided to retire as Pirates to spend more time with their daughter and their sons. But that time didn't have it's chance to really come. Ax - Hand Morgan takes control of Shell Town, Erika's home town, he drags William and Rosalie out of their home and to the middle of town to executed them in front of the whole town, including Erika. With her parents gone and her brothers still out at sea, Erika is alone for the next seven years. The girl that once lived in Shell Town is long gone. That is, until she meets a very interesting moss green haired swordsman that collapsed at her door, and then a strange boy with a straw hat. It's then that Erika makes the decision to go out to sea like her uncles and her parents before her, and it's because of this decision that Erika gets to know who she really is. Roronoa Zoro x OC Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece

15.7K 5 236
A Quincy's Heart ||Bleach - Uryu Ishida||

A county wide Student Council meeting is being held at Karakura High School, and being the 25th Student Council President, Uryū Ishida is determined for everything to be perfect. But what he didn't expect was to meet a girl that could challenge him. Charlotte Ishikawa is part French part Japanese whom so happens to be the 25th Student Council President of her school. She seems to catch the eye of every guy she passes but she has her eyes locked on Uryū and he's about to find out why. Charlotte has a secret that could help in the future battle against Yhwach. For the school that she goes to, isn't what it seems. Yes it has the look and the classes of an ordinary school, but secretly there's a second purpose to the school. To train young Quincy's and ready them for the fight for their future. Leading the group of young elite Quinces Charlotte has to make the decision of staying loyal to the mission or loyal to her friend. Uryu Ishida x OC Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or the characters. ~✦ 3RD PLACE ✦ 2014BleachWattyAwards_ Love Story Category~

2.8K 3 41
A Rare Breed ||Neko - Yaoi||

There was said to be a rare breed of people. A breed that was kept from the knowledge of the public. The government doesn't want the public to know of the discovery that they made. A bloodline thought to be long lost, Ribika (those who look like humans but have cat ears and tails). One night a Ribika who went by the Code Name: 696 escaped from one of the faculties that held those like him. Not wanting to deal with all that his people had gone through since their discovery. Breaking into a house and hiding out until he was found by sixteen year old TK Yoshino who lived in the house. Begging not to be turned into the authorities, 696, who said his name was Hinabi, made a deal with TK. House him and keep his whereabouts a secret and he'll do anything TK wanted, and he means anything.

2.3K 1 71