Stories by: Read4LifeJK
5 stories
My schedule hehe

I'm schedule

42 6 0
Your Tube

Flashback to 1'st grade It was that question "What do you want to be when you grow up" the words echo through my thick skull I heard a lot of "Police, Doctor, FBI, CSI, firefighter, a Mom, scientist, A TEACHER LIKE YOU" that's What they and I was the only one to say "A YouTuber" the called me out and said Pink something please Sweetheart and that's when it was finally in my head " A animated youtuber"The odd1'sout and Jadienanimations where inspirations for this story 😁😃

41 4 3
Planet High

You know Zodiac high but meet a whole new group of PLANETS

159 4 9

12 or 24 zodiacs will enter this is school and come out as a Hero or a Villian JK12 students from around the world yes the world will come to America and help defat Umm that's a topic

116 5 6
Zodiac High

1.2K 6 21