Stories by: Rayify
8 stories
What Makes an Individual?

Part of that is a set of 'attributes'. Yet, every wild card perceives these attributes differently. By unravelling these perceptions, we uncover facts: Facts to be interpreted; Facts to be feared; Facts to be in awe of. This is a small investigation into the protagonists' social attributes and the ways by which they can and think to improve themselves.

126 4 3 Full
Colliding Seconds

Minato and Ryoji. Close. Together. Inseparable. That's all that matters, even as the coming seconds are smashed out of existence.

44 1 2 Full
Persona 3: Whispers

Minato Arisato: The Persona user with the ability to talk to Shadows. His mind teeters on insanity within the claws of Death's grip, and, with a trusted few, he stands on the precipice of a war whose blows are dealt only in the dark. His only hope? Cry for help; Whisper if he must.

10.6K 51 295 Full
The Personification of Night

Everything was perfect, except when they were not. This imperfection awakened the eldritch being known as Nyx - It was the beginning of her personification, and she had Minato Arisato to blame; Minato Arisato to thank.

325 2 3 Full
Persona 3: Never To Leave

This is a story that I'm keeping here out of shame because I know how horrible it is. I remind myself never to do something or at least, write something as bad as this again. So please, don't read it if you want to keep your sanity intact.

15K 42 158 Full
Snow Blues

Hamuko and Shinjiro have a friendly chat as the first snow of the year arrives.

18 1 0 Full
Winter Stars

Hamuko doesn't know what Christmas gift she should get for Akihiko.

24 1 0 Full
A Word of Comfort

"Don't do that again." The survivor guilt's mutual. (Minato X Fuuka angst and fluff.)

525 1 4 Full