Stories by: PrinceOfAllMfSaiyans
3 stories
Just One-Shots?

KakaVege one-shots, or others... Depends. There will be angst, smut?, and something as sweet as candy.

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⋰⋰The Unexpected⋱⋱

This is a "Vent" and/or for fun story.I write for the fun of it, i like making Dragon Ball Z related things. I do know that most of the things mentioned here are not true due to the fact that they ARE Saiyan's.__________________________________________________________________________________Vegeta has been struggling from the abuse Bulma has given him. He is fully aware that he shouldn't be hurt from this, but so many things changed over the years. Goku has some troubles with Chi-Chi as well.Vegeta has never told the lower class Saiyan how he feels. He is afraid it would hurt his Saiyan pride. He was afraid it would make him look weak.Vegeta later learns that letting his feelings out can help him, but he is strongly against this thing that humans do. He is aware he killed millions of people on this planet, but this "Therapy" humans do seems very strange to the Saiyan Prince.// I am not sure if this will be short stores or a full story with a short story at the end. //

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.-._.-I don't understand-._.-.

This person just has no clue what to do anymore. It hurts them to ignore people they love, but also care so much about the people they hate. The person they still love, hurt them. The people that person fears to love, is because they are afraid to loose them.Afraid that they are the reason people leave left and right. That person loves two people...But, they don't know who they want. They both show love, one leaves then comes back. They still love the shit out of him.One stays, but feels like they aren't good enough for that person. Feeling as though that person is out of their league.This High School thing is stressing them out with Family, Friends, and Lovers."I Don't Understand" she says as she looks down at her blank paper.

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