Stories by: PninaStar
9 stories
My Aspie World

This is your brain on Aspergers.

4.9K 32 493
No Such Thing As Perfect

Seventeen-year-old Matthias has been deaf for his entire life. He's used to living in a hearing world. He's used to overwhelming pity, well-meaning but naive waitresses with Braille menus, and "deaf kids hearing for the first time" montage videos. But being used to something and liking it are two different things. And contrary to popular belief, he likes being deaf. Just not when his parents consider wrapping him in bubble wrap and putting bars on the windows whenever he mentions wanting to see the world on his own. Not really...but really.Kale suffers from crippling anxiety. That's not a good thing. Not when you live two thousand years in the future where that kind of stuff is supposed to be preemptively snuffed out with a single procedure at birth. Not when you have powers that can destroy an entire ecosystem if you lose control. And especially not when you're trapped in the past with an overzealous deaf boy as your only ally. While being pursued by a bloodthirsty organization looking for a key to the future. Yeah, definitely not a good thing.Jade made a mistake. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person. The wrong person just so happened to be from the future, he just so happened to fall in love, and then everything went suddenly, horribly wrong. Now, locked away with a ragtag group of people who possess freakish abilities, his only chance at going home is to prove what everyone thinks he isn't: normal. And with a library of secrets inside his head and a heart twisted by bitterness and regret, he can't afford to make any more mistakes.Can three outcasts overcome their struggles and fight for who they are? Or will their differences be their downfall? In a world where everyone wants to be perfect, sometimes acceptance matters more.(TW for darker themes)

355 8 51

A book for things which are not novels...short story ideas, little poems, tags from friends, writing challenges, random thoughts, et cetera.

365 24 33
Just Stories In The End

"We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Cause it was, you know, it was the best." - The Eleventh DoctorA collection of the short stories I'm writing, mainly for writing prompts from contests.

352 9 19
Places We'll Never See

Elle wants a place to call home. Her dad's military career has taken her family across the world and back again, often uprooting before she can get comfortable in a new city. She's used to saying goodbye-to friends, to houses, to dreams of settling down and living in one place long enough to call it home. So when her family moves to a small city in Colorado for the summer, she doesn't expect this time to be any different.Judah has his eyes set on seeing the world. One month shy of his eighteenth birthday, he's ready to be free of the responsibilities that come with being the man of the house while his airline pilot father is away and his older brother is at college. Once upon a time, he was all too happy to care for his large family. But lately he's grown resentful and restless, and now he's ready to make his exit. He has no intention of giving up his plan.Until a girl moves into his town looking for someone to be her friend for a single summer.A story about quiet hopes, new love, and two teens searching for where they belong in the world.

12 2 5
I, Immortal

What if living forever is more of a curse than a gift?√ Completed 6/14/18 Excerpt: There was a time when I thought immortality was a cool deal. I mean, you get to live through centuries, see how technology and culture change, experience everything that ever is and ever will be! Why not be immortal?And so I chose to become immortal. I wonder if I chose wrong.

34.8K 38 1.7K Full
All In Your Mind

Sometimes it's obvious, but sometimes it's so hidden, people say it's all in your mind. But sometimes, maybe once in a great while, someone understands.For @hannahsue-- writing contest*exactly 1000 words.*this is a work of fiction, loosely based on my own experiences as a person living with autism.

137 1 12 Full
Paradise Ridge (#WonderTheMovie)

A disheveled young man walking through Paradise Ridge, and the reason he walks there every day.*For the #WonderTheMovie writing contest.

28 1 3 Full
Into That Silent Night

A poem in which two lovers venture into a snowstorm.

71 1 17 Full