Stories by: OliviaWilcox6
5 stories
All About Cholecystectomy (Gallbladder Removal)

This paper was intended for The University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College-clinical experience surgical paper assignment for Prof. Brown. In this paper, you will learn about the procedure related to removal of the gallbladder.

14 1 1 Full
Speech Outline-Benefits Of Being Vegan

This speech outline is intended for Kay-Ann Darlington's Speech class at The University Of Rio Grande, however I am sharing with the Watt-pad community and my Vegan Lifestyle friends on Facebook. This outline briefly informs and explains a couple of the benefits of being vegan and living this lifestyle.

653 1 1 Full
Movie Review on Les Miserables (from a history perspective)

This is a movie review intended for Sam Wilson's World Civilization class. I am sharing this with wattpad so others may have an idea of what to write for a paper like this/for a class like this.

8 1 0
The Truth About Regulated Diets in The U.S.

In recent years, many new diets have been developed but some of the most important are swept under the rug or are misled by many organizations. This paper explains the benefits, side effects, and downfalls of two different diets in the U.S. while also explaining why it is important to understand all of it in order to maintain good health.

23 1 1 Full
How To Commit Murder and Get Away With It

This is the process of how to commit murder and get away with it in an interesting perspective. It tells a story as well as explaining how to commit the crime. Enjoy the intriguing read!

62 1 3 Full