Stories by: MiphaGrace
4 stories
I see you, Draco - Drarry

Harry has always been fascinated by Draco Malfoy. Or should he say, Draco and Malfoy. Something is going on there. It's like there are two different people inhabiting the mind and body of this boy. Normal, smart, surprisingly sweet and animal loving Draco, and the cold blood-purist, just-like-his-father Malfoy. He sees them separately, but no one else seems to. Everyone just calls him crazy when he presents the theory. But he knows he isn't. Something is up. He wonders just how far would Lucius go to have the perfect pureblood heir? He is determined to find out.-----------------"What are you on about now Potter?""I see you, Draco. I will help you."-----------------This story is set in 6th year, and Voldemort was defeated in the graveyard. No horcruxes, Lucius got out of punishment using money and power as he usually does.

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Rant Time

This is not really a story, but just something for me to vent on. I do plan on writing stories, but for now, writing is a good way for me to express myself so, that's what this book is. If you don't want to read it, don't. If you do, enjoy my whining lol.

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Is It Really Ok?

Virgil Dunwood had been discriminated against his whole life. His parents are devoutly religious, and he happens to be trans. And gay. Basically, his parent's worst nightmare. His mom couldn't take the shame of him anymore, and leaves when he is just 14. His dad then got into excessive drinking, and smoking, and just become an overall deadbeat. He abuses Virgil, deadnames him, calls him a girl, forces him to do housework. he is constantly afraid.But, Virgil is 19 now. A college freshman, living states away from his father. Happy to start a new life, but afraid to be himself. What if they are just like his dad? His PTSD makes him wary of men older or bigger than him, and it's hard to make friends when you don't talk to anybody. So, he doesn't. At least no one will find out who he really is that way. He can't let anyone find out. He won't tell anyone, and he swears he won't try to date anyone, it could only end in disaster. But, when Virgil meets his roommate's hot friend, oh boy, is he in trouble now.Logan Strella is your average college sophomore. Not incredibly interesting, but he's good company once you get to know him. An absolute astrophile, he loves learning about anything and everything he can, and subsequently ranting about it to anyone who will listen. Especially space. And psychology.He has never been interested in dating anyone before, and, based on his knowledge of the LGBTQIA+ community, assumes he is aromantic. It makes perfect logical sense right? Well, that is until a certain shy and adorably freckled emo makes him question what he thought he knew about himself.

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Sanders Sides Oneshots!

Exactly what the title says

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