Stories by: MauraWerre
33 stories
The Silent Siren

We all know Natemare and Phantom, we know Dagore, and we know minor ones such at Caleb hell, Cgerror, and Dreary to name a few. However, a mysterious attack gets the attention of the entire YouTube platform, except no sign of who did it. Dallin, better known as DHeusta, discusses it with Charlie to figure out who could be behind it and recruited the experts Matpat, 8-bit Ryan, Baz and Lewis to bring theories to the situation. Now the foursome face figuring out... who is the mysterious dark siren that isn't Natemare.

92 11 1
Rival of Darkness

During the reign of Lucifer the demon Lilith brought trouble to the realms in a cold jealousy and she ran to the border town between Limbo and hell. Spread thin due to the princes and guards focused on Mephisto and Blackheart Lucifer left his brother Diablo in charge of the throne to take on the hunt for Lilith himself. He discovers evidence that she committed a mass murder and found a sole survivor named Zolzar who lost his family to the demoness. Feeling bad for the kid Lucifer asked what happened before learning the kid wanted to be a necromancer like his father. He kindly led him to a school that would help him not realizing that everything wasn't what it seems. Years later a few months before the war with the angels Lucifer meets a black reaper who revealed to be a corrupted Zolzar now bent for vengeance. Escaping to Limbo for help Lucifer is stunned to find out the realm's ruler was Gadreel the missing sentry that fell in love with his brother only for Metatron to throw him out of heaven. Now called Raef he asks Lucifer why he ran from hell to here only for Lucifer to explain. Raef agrees to help him with convincing from Talia but it's up to Lucifer to wake up the angel sentry again in stopping the renegade reaper

18 24 0 Full
Danganronpa: Rise of the Monokubtronics-Complete

One last fight to win it all. One last game to end the killing games forever. Sae's only agent who's remained immune this entire time must now participate in the killing game himself against his will. But if Monokuma is gone who's doing this final game? Enter the return of the Monokubs, and now they lead the fight together to conduct this game. But is it one mastermind still? or multiple? THAT'S the question for Dagore and his team to find out. The decision is for this to be the last game in existence. But in truth will it? That's left to be seen.

371 48 0 Full
Power Rangers Spirit Force

After moving to the town of Phantasmal Gulf, Australian dirt bike racer Druanne Strider meets Rachel Stanz and a mysterious boy named Sam and ends up staying with them. However in the darkness the keymaster has reawoken and unleashes hordes of ghosts that invade the town in his quest to get the key master back and revive master Gozer. Druanne and Rachel see this happening and Rachel confesses that she's a descendent of Ray Stanz, one of the ghostbusters. Hunting to recruit the other descendants a new team awakens to combat this enemy, the spirit force rangers.

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Vengeance of Insanity-Complete

In a flashback Matpat is seen trapped in the clutches of Natemare. He scares him to death horribly and traumatized him mentally despite it being for a song. Well, some song that was when your life is on the line. Some time later in another flashback Will Ryan of Dagames is an escaped hostage of Darko's but ends up bearing witness to Bazz's body with Ryan and Razz. The result from both incidents, have awoken darkness within both of their hearts. In the present day after Madpat takes control and scares one of Mat's costars during a random encounters video he finds himself face to face with Dagore soon after. The British dark tuber offers a deal where they can get vengeance on Mat and Will's best friends for lying to them and traumatizing them. Madpat grins taking the deal. Meanwhile Natemare and Darko lie in wait not gonna take any chances. But can the best friends fix up their relationships, or will the dark sides tear them apart more?

1.6K 25 29 Full
Corrupted Night, Evil versus evil

The Collector's Museum....A supposed rescue mission turned into a fight for a second chance. Two got out, seven died, and one captured in result. In the depths of hell Alex notices that Joey was pulled into the realm which shocked him and he helps him up. However they notice something was affecting the other dead and Joey caught a glowing light coming from Alex's chest. They find out that the gatekeeper of the dark dimension had marked Alex as part of it after first death which shielded him from the effects of hell. Both notice the rest of the cast find them except they were corrupted into these evil forms of themselves. Unfortunately Joey started falling to the effects too but Alex discovered to have gained the powers of the dark dimension and escaped with Joey. Alex finds himself back in the Victorian era and comes face to face with a white cladded Joey named Raef who seemed very unfriendly. The duo notice Allison show up with Riley who tells them that if they want to save their friends, they must become the enemy for every monster they faced. In a new survival where the enemies are now the pawns, everyone may run, but which of them will show they can escape the night? As Spectra Wassabi and Raef deliver the overdue torture.

1 1 0
Friendship of hellfire

Joey felt regret for everyone who ended up killed when escape the night occurred. However one of the victims who took a nasty death was Roi through double snake venom. Wanting to help Alex have one of his best friends back Joey transformed to Raef who entered the time period of Everlock and went to where Roi was killed. Raef exhaled and used the artifact that was purified by Roi's death reviving the daredevil and returning him to present day so he could be with Alex. However the reunion goes weird when Roi starts exhibiting snake like abilities and he runs off while Alex fearfully calls Joey for help. Having to become Spectra he joins with Raef to track down Roi. But can he still have his friend?

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Facing the Wolf

Entoan and Dlive are surviving being stuck in their home due to not being allowed to leave. One day while bored out of his mind Entoan decided to do some YouTube watching and finds all the videos dedicated to dark egos which sparked his curiosity. Unfortunately he unexpectedly meets Antisepticeye who suddenly infects him causing the awakening of Fenrir. After a night of chaos Entoan wakes up with no memory of what happened. Meanwhile Dlive is noticing his best friend and roommate acting more strange then normal lately and decides to question him. Neither of them seemed to be hitting answers until during a video recording Fenrir wakes up and attacks Dlive before he ran off. Confused over what happened to Entoan, Dlive decides to try and track Fenrir down to face the dark ego again while also investigating into what happened to his best friend.

1 1 0
Digimax: Across the Dimensions

After the graduation team Digimax had gone to the advance classes. However Preston gets a surprise visit from his twin sister Peri who explains that there seems to be a giant under a spell causing destruction in a neighboring town from their home. The group questions her about it shocking Nathan to learn it's Paultin's former ally Harshnag the front giant. He shares the information with the others and everyone agrees to travel once more to the other world. Unfortunately they were lacking Nikita because she had a previous engagement so all eyes were on Anika as the unofficial temporary leader for the moment. Peri begs Preston to teach her the skills of summoning but Preston said she'd need someone willing to partner with her. In result Joey brings in Monique who agrees to have Lain partner with Peri. Now it's up to the team to solve the mystery behind what's going on with Paultin's old friend.

4 1 1 Full
Digimax Code-V-complete

In an effort to help the academy back on it's feet after the spy infiltration by Shadowsteel, former victim and best friend of Alexia from Digimax Aleanna joins a volunteer team that aides in getting things running smoothly. However, when she witnesses Digimax leader Nikita disappear into the computer along with the other head teachers she calls Alexia for help. Unfortunately, team Digimax is revealed to be away in Preston's home dimension on business. Desperate to get them out she seeks help in Liza Koshy, who happily agreed to assist. The duo are met by a team of student rookies that were part of the new coding club led by Cry and their YouTuber partners. Dubbed Code-V by Cry can this ragtag team of rookies conquer the digital world and rescue the head teachers from whatever evils await them?

21 32 1 Full
Danganronpa, Despair invasion-COMPLETE

The first sixteen suffered enough. For the sake of the Society Against Evil Raef, Madpat, Natemare, Darko, Diablo, and Dagore have vowed to not let this happen again. However the peace doesn't last long when rookie dark tuber Adrigal wakes up with a new band of dark sides in the middle of a medieval city and like last time with amnesia of everything except names and talents. Monokuma returns exacting vengeance but thanks to Darko the group has a pair of new allies, Monomi the rabbit and Natemare's fellow ego Paultin. Unsure what to do or how to approach this, Adrigal is desperate to prove himself by learning how to solve this case. He finds an ally in the earth demon dark side Silvera who said she'll be his guide in trying to solve this mess. Let the next killing game commence!

4.5K 50 79 Full
To Soften a Psycho-Complete

"Where's Joey?" Better question... Where's Rosanna? An angry Mat the moment he saw Colleen and Bretman but no one else revealed Joey broke his promise to save them all. Heartbroken from losing his YouTube sister Mat takes matters into his own hands to find the others. However, things don't go as planned after saving one of them. Now with the return of Madpat thanks to an old familiar face, how can Mat be helped?

1.2K 22 8 Full
Danganronpa Death and Deceit-Complete

In a trial of evil sixteen of some of the most famous dark tubers are kidnapped and split by force from their good halves. only they all wake up in a very boarded up building with no memory except their names and skills. Returning from the downfall of Hope's Peak Monokuma ends up forcing them into a killing game, no surprise there. secrets at every turn, odd turn outs, and Madpat is caught in the middle of everything. But how is a mad scientist the key to everyone's escape? He's on the case to find out and an odd antituber known as Raef as his main sidekick. What secrets could this place be hiding and why are they stuck here?

3.9K 42 53 Full
Power Rangers Cyber Defense Force-Complete

(This is an alternate universe fanfic that I did write a few installations to so that's why you will see mention of Anika my main oc and two other Digimax ocs that will be different here).A few years after the alliance between N.E.S.T and the Autobots was formed a sneaky predicon named Steeljaw revives the fallen ancestor of Megatron known as Megatronous to unleash a new threat in taking over Earth. Together they not only reformed a Decepticon/Predicon alliance, but a virus was released that brainwashed numerous Autobots and rebel Decepticons to joining the side of evil including Optimus Prime. In the HQ of N.E.S.T former power ranger Anika and Autobot member Strongarm knew this called for the activation of the ranger protocol. Three cadets, Nicholas Quail a tech expert, Sophia Blaze a hotheaded fighter, and fish out of water Tyler "Serge" Lake, were picked to fight and free their allies as the Cyber Defense Force Rangers.

288 25 2 Full
Danganronpa: Revenge of Remnant-Completed

2020 has been the year everything stopped. No place to go, no fun to have, no way to hang out with people. In the shadows of the despair reawakes a newly redesigned Monokuma who gathers a fresh batch of dark tubers against their will to survive the powers of the killing game in a whole new way. Among the ashes a reaper named Chimera wakes up with no memory of anything but his name and a talent. He finds himself gathering with others and all in the same condition. However, Lectra approaches him offering to help as a side kick as does a demon known as Blackheart. The trio are in a fight against Monokuma to end him forever. However a few trapped people are former Remnants of despair from the world take over. So who knows who can be trusted?

414 52 15 Full
Danganronpa: Girl Meets Despair-Complete

In a plot of revenge someone kidnapped Darko and has malfunctioned him to be on a path of destroying the world and covering it with despair. Jojo wakes up to find herself a hostage to a monobot and about to be killed only for her life to be rescued by SAE agent Dagore who takes her to safety. Unfortunately she's stunned to find out one of her friends, Joey, carries a dark side and is running with the SAE. Dagore begs for help in snapping Darko out of his state of mind. A confused Jojo overhears everyone and outbursts to let her do it because she's unknown and not one of them. Raef and the others talk it over before reluctantly deciding to let her in but she needed to wake up her dark side. Now as Jyns, she heads out into the fray and finds an unexpected ally in the form of killing game survivor Rosy. The duo are in a troubled case having to gather allies in a renegade group of dark tubers including former victim Janus "Deceit" Sanders who has gotten his emotions in check. But can they stop Darko's renegade and determine the real cause?

672 41 35 Full
Danganronpa, Torture's End-Complete

Two groups suffered the game. All were suffering deaths, executions, and betrayals. Everyone just wanted it to be over. However a phantom dark side known only under the codename Baron Obsidian finds himself pulled into a mess with fifteen new players who find themselves in a spooky abandoned museum after waking up in this tent alone and not having a memory of anything other then his name. He meets with the others and they soon face not monokuma but one of his monokubs, Monotaro, who declares that while monokuma may have failed he's been rebuilt and is now in charge. With a new improved purgatory killing game Baron Obsidian is left having to find his place as a leader like his friends Dragoness and Adrigal. Teaming with a spooky dark tuber named Vizad the duo are going to make sure this killing game is finally destroyed.

1.7K 48 39 Full
Digimax Defenders: Decending Dreams Complete

Starting their next year at the academy Anika, Aaron, Ilene, Alexia and now transfer student Preston are ready for the new lessons along with their partners. However, after the first day of classes Mat asked Anika and Manny to come with him and see Ronnie. The duo agreed but once all three headed to the classroom they were met by Stephanie by herself and no sign of Ronnie. She then tells the trio that Ronnie's spirit was the one here in the academy but now he is missing so they take her to Nikita and the others. Joey uses his abilities to find out Ronnie is trapped in the dream realm which is now under the control of a corrupted Lucifer, brother of Raef's boyfriend diablo. Manny is angry to hear this as he's possessed by the dream demon so he wanted to go in there and take his realm back. Also to the group's surprise the mysterious masked member of shadowsteel, shadowwraith, turns out to be alive and she was in the realm too. Anika needed to fight back. In result a new journey lies ahead for the team as they work to reclaim the realm for Adrigal and bringing Ronnie back.

772 46 48 Full
Digimax Defenders: Return of Shadowsteel-Complete

The fourth and final year is soon about to start for the team. However in the ruins of the fallen Shadowsteel headquarters two dark tubers by the names of Deceit and Remus Sanders had excavated a lot of technology and materials that they rebuilt it and started forming the team again. Old foes are brought back and new foes are gained but they infiltrate the academy placing agents in areas of it to blend in. Unknown to them, new transfer teacher Will Ryan of Dagames had witnessed it happening. On the first day after the school day ends he follows Nikita, Anika, Aaron, Talon, Darcy, Alexia and Ilene into the headquarters where he's mistaken for an intruder until he quickly explains the situation. To everyone's surprise they couldn't believe someone reformed the team so they had to expose the moles and find who's in charge. Since Will was the only witness they had to keep him protected and he is told to partner up with Darcy and Diablo as Darcy's second partner even though he's one of the academy teachers. This final year will be a hard one when you don't know who to trust

483 50 32 Full
All about Characters

This isn't any stories. I would've put this in the planner and random stuff but decided not to. This is all dedicated to characters. learning my OCS etc.

52 5 3
Digimax Defenders-Complete

(AU universe). there's an academy that exists where students are trained in the different genres of YouTube. be a gamer, a beauty guru, a diyer, any available! However there are those who become part of a secret society of protectors that can summon allies into battle. The allies? Personas of famous youtubers with special abilities. The summoner and the YouTuber form a special bond that makes them stronger in battle. Anika is a fifteen year old student starting at the academy to follow in the footsteps of her older sister. She and gamer/theorist Matpat have a close friendship but Anika carries a rare power known as Digibond where she and her partner can be a single fighting force. She starts her journey with some friends, makes enemies but in the wake of an evil force that people called Shadowsteel she and Mat become part of a team of defenders who fight to keep the academy and the world safe. But how will it lead the journey ahead?

1K 41 8 Full
Dark tuber cosplay interpretations

SPOILER ALERT: Face reveal will be included!This is nothing too crazy just a scrapbook wattpad picture collection of me as I make up all these outfits for cosplays to bring the Dark tubers and other egos to life both ones already cannon and ones I made either on my own or with assistance from others.

26 1 1 Full
Marvel Dice Blast: Battle Of The Multiverse

What can happen, when you have to battle with dice to save a whole universe? Reni, Wes and Lucinda find themselves in a new world where Marvel exists. However, the scheming Collector has taken many villains and heroes to fight against each other. When the trio are rescued by Scarlet Witch she explains that this was a safe place she had created originally but then The Collector took it over. Only way out was for the trio to battle with dice to summon heroes and villains to their aide. An enemy group is fighting as well, but for the universe to never restore. Only one can win it all, but how will 3 complete strangers who know nothing about each other and one powerful mutant work together to seek victory?

3 1 1 Full
Escape the Night illusion masters the next show

Joey learns from the SAE about nine more magicians now trapped in this museum of magic and realized one more was needed. He had no choice but located Ben to tell what's going on. Despite trauma from last time a reluctant Ben takes up his crossbow and agrees to step in. He rescues the nine trapped magicians discovering his friend Oz Pearlman among the group and pulls him to be sidekick on the second round. Catching everyone up to speed Ben's left having to lead them in a new fight of survival. Can he get any of the magicians out alive?

7 1 1 Full
War of the Black Rose

Rookie reporter Mack Slyvain, nicknamed Mack Omega, is given a huge story when he is told to investigate into serial killer Black Rose Jack. However, reports are revealed to be nothing but scraps with hardly any information meaning no one knows the truth to anything about the killer. Suddenly sparked with curiosity Mack dedicates himself to finding out everything, including Black Rose Jack's true identity. The deeper he gets though, the more he puts himself in danger to be caught, and everyone tries to stop him. Declining the warnings Mack soon lands himself in a secluded cell when he becomes Black Rose Jack's hostage. Ready to step into the deadly game Mack doesn't realize things are closer related to his own life then he thinks.

11 1 2 Full
Story planner and just random stuff.

This is nothing too crazy. But this is pretty much a planner. For what I've done, what I'm in the midst of, what's to come, and well just notes and stuff. If any questions are asked hit me up. I can do it to answer things as well. This can be the perfect set up.

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