Stories by: LittleMissRaven13
15 stories
It Is You I Have Loved (Cancelled For Rewrite)

What if Freddy Krueger had another daughter, and what would happen if she had a bad break-up, and her childhood friend/Freddy's worst enemy fell in love with her? Kirenia Krueger's life gets a little bit more exciting, once competition for her love flares, and her Ex tries to get her back.Rated M for cursing, violence, possible sexual themes, and more.

515 16 4 Full
A Vampire's Heart (Cancelled For Rewrite)

Prequel to Chip A Fang Get A BabyOne day Raven and her best friend Voxen are walking home from their final day of college, when a strange black portal looking thing appears. Then it sucks them in. They're then transported to the Digital world where they get into a heap of trouble. Raven ends up catching the heart of someone who's suppose to be protecting her, and discovers that she along with her best friend have powers. Will Raven and Voxen be able to get out of this mess alive, or will the torment of their past finally get to them?

976 8 18
The Heart Of A King (Custom Modern AU)

Raven is sister to Ghirahim, and unfortunately on the run with her brother. Tired of being used, Ghirahim decides that he's had enough of it, and refuses, causing Demise to become rageful. He is now after them, and has promised to kill them is he manages to catch them. Fearing for his sister's life, Ghirahim takes them to the only person he knows that might be able to help. But Demise is hot on their trail, and soon Raven decides that she needs to do something, against her brother's wishes. She leaves to go and discover the key to stop Demise, only causing more that just her brother's heart, to realize just how much they care for her.(I know the summary sucks. Also I have never in my life played a LOZ game, so don't get on to me. This is my AU, which means people are going to be OOC, so get over it.)

67 2 0
Loving A Snake

Raven is contacted by her brother to help him find the serpentine. Raven has always been interested in that kind of stuff. But in one particular Serpentine she finds something she's been looking for herself: Love. But she has to betray her brother to earn and keep this love. Will she follow her heart or her family?

4.2K 9 82
The Perfect Heart

Raven was perfectly happy, living what she considered a great life. She had her father, friends, and a wonderful home in the forest. To her, life was perfectly normal, and nothing could ruin it. But all that changes when she meets Cell, and he kidnaps her, turning her life upside down! Will she be absorbed, or will something else lead her on a different path? (I know cruddy summary. And this is my DBZ AU. All I got to say)

62 2 1
Bride Of The Koopa Prince

Raven's brothers are kidnapped and her only clue as to who did it is a blue Bowser pendant. She sends out a distress call to her cousins. They are then captured themselves, and the only way to free her family is to become bride to Ludwig Von Koopa. But soon his feeling turn from desire to true feelings. A dark force desires her, and will do anything to get her. Bit of Bride of Discord with some musical numbers.

3.3K 7 45
Truth Or Dare

Sequel to Getten' My Fox (THE REWRITE)It's the Marionette's initiation and things are going great. That is until it's time for truth or dare. When the Shadows dare Raven to do the unthinkable. Use her age spell.List of nicknamesTeddy=Toy FreddyChi=Toy ChicaBlue=Toy BonnieMari=The Marionette/PuppetShaffy=Shadow FreddyShabby=Shadow Bonnie

866 3 2
I Think I'm In Love With The Joker

Raven is forced to leave Gotham, in order to protect herself and her father. But years later she returns, and discovers things about herself she never knew, leading up to an ultimate choice.Bad description is bad i know.

39 2 4
Gettin My Fox (THE REWRITE)

Raven loves to play FNAF, she's played all the games, and she's not afraid. What she doesn't know is that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is a real place. When she sees an ad in the paper to work there she jumps at the chance. What she also doesn't know is that a certain fox has fallen for her. What's going to happen to poor, sweet Raven? And what will her boyfriend think of the Fox's crush? (Bad description is bad. Will change it when I get a better idea)

6 1 0

Raven is the last of the hunters. Or so she thinks. When she goes to try and find the source of some strange white stuff that has ruined her home, she ends up getting captured. Little does she now that she know that she has captured someone's heart. She begins to develop feelings for her captor. But soon her gift begins to cause problems. It has become a thing of desire. Will her love be able to protect her, or will she become a thing of war?

1.1K 7 9 Full

Raven loves to play FNAF, she's played all the games, and she's not afraid. What she doesn't know is that Freddy Fazbear's Pizza is a real place. When she sees an ad in the paper to work there she jumps at the chance. What she also doesn't know is that a certain fox has fallen for her. What's going to happen to poor, sweet Raven?

178 7 6 Full
Chip A Fang Get A Baby

Sequel to A Vampire's Heart and Prequel to CaspianMyotismon decides to show off for his girlfriend Raven. He ends up crashing into a tree and manages to chip one of his fangs. He asks Raven to fix it using an age spell. Raven misses her mark. And let's just say things get very cute. (Warning pet names are used alot.) Don't like, don't read.

2.1K 21 30 Full
Slither Pit

Raven and Pythor get into a fight. Pythor manages to upset Raven to the point that she uses an age spell. She hits some of the other generals, and now she's faced with the task of caring for three hatchlings. Will Raven be up to the task, or will she snap under the pressure?

1.1K 9 17 Full
Prank War

Tell me to prank someone, have them prank me, or make someone prank someone else. The list of "victims" will be posted for the second chapter. Let the war begin.

9 1 0
How about a challenge ?

Are you ready to face my challenge ?

564 6 2