Stories by: LemonRoots
2 stories
Dream x HD

This is an AU where HD breaks Dream out of prison and admits his desire and feelings towards him after they are safe. (HD is a God version of George (AND.IS.NOT.GEORGE!) ) Also this is not a DNF story so incase that's what your here for, I'm sorry to disappoint :( anywasy hope you enjoy :) also I'm only writing this because I recently got into this ship only to discover that I can find like NOTHING on this ship .. and that makes me sad :(

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Just Another Date, Break, And Fake .

This is just some stupid fanfictions I'm writing about Michael and Jeremy, so if you don't ship it, that's OK you may leave :)Or you can stick around, because who knows you may end up liking them like I did :)This story contains violence, swears, slurs? , mention of death, and I'll add more when I can think of more :)Michael Afton and Jeremy Fitzgerald both attend Greenwood High ( the only fucking name I could come up with ) and at first they barely acknowledge one another's existence, until they meet and slowly begin to fall in love.Their time together is incredible, but like all friendships and relationships, they hit a hard turn and their feelings for one another ram into a wall as life falls apart for both of them.___________________________________________________OK, let me get this out there real quickly, I am horrendous at spelling, pronouncing things, and aswell as describing things. My wording can be a little wonky, but I'll try my best to make things make sense =)Please feel free to comment on any mistakes or advice you can give me in the comments, I am open to all, and if you wanna send hate that's also fine ¦/Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story, :)

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