Stories by: Krakenator
6 stories
The Tragedy of Comedy (Arthur/Joker x Main Character)

Arthur has always seen the world through different eyes. From his hearty chuckle, to the very core of his optimistic personality, he was always one to just smile. Unfortunately, those that hide behind a happy act, fall the hardest when facing the treachery of the cold,sinister eyes of society.Suddenly when his life's about to turn for the worst, he meets a little young thing named Charlotte,who through her kind heart and selflessness wins his affections.I really hope you enjoy this story~Side Note- I do not own whoever made the cover's artwork, whoever did is a true mastermind in the making. All I did was turn it into a cover.~Thank You~

113.9K 36 4.1K Full
~ My Darling Girl~ (The Grand Guignol x OC/Reader)

"My little Morgan, how you've grown~"Morgan is a member of The Babysitters with the astonishing gift of dreams, though a trainee she is still a strong asset to the team. When her leader Liz brings a random girl back to the base to search for her stolen kid, she was more than ready for the mission, or so she thought. Unbeknownst to her, she was heading right into the claws of The Grand Guignol, a sinister creature who long ago tried to capture her when she was a little girl. But now she's strong, and ready to fight the beast head on.~Author's Note: I do not own any of the characters nor have any sort of credit in the production of the movie or book series, just my own inserted character, enjoy~"Morgan is 18, sorry I forgot to mention that in the story

44.4K 16 1.3K Full
Her Waiting Arms ~DISCONTINUED~(Stanley Uris x Reader/OC)

"She's gone Koda, and she's been gone, you need to move on""I have to find her Stan, and I will never stop looking for her, then I can go back home and be with her again""....what if I don't want you to leave?"Her big sister is missing, which forces her to be held in the care of the Uris family. Stanley is sweet and kind as always, making her as comfortable as possible. But she refuses to give up, no matter what will happen to her, even if it kills her, Koda will find her sister. The Loser's Club gear up to kick some clown ass for the summer~Author's Note: I do not own any of the plot and characters except the ones I made, all other things belong to Stephen King or whoever owns the IT series. It also took me HOURS to make the cover, I did not do the drawings, artwork goes to the rightful artists.

4.3K 15 97 Full
La Amante del Profeta ( Bruno Madrigal x Main Character)

~"She haunts mind, my body, my visions, everything"~Bruno Madrigal, after returning to his family after 10 years, struggles with his strange infatuation with his nieces and nephew's longtime friend Rieka who has lycanthropy and a gift of music."Long time no see fortune cookie""Dios Mio Rieka~"~Chapters written in Italics are flashbacks~~Disclaimer: All characters and themes belong to their rightful owners, Encanto is property of Disney and Disney+. I do not claim any of the characters and pictures used in this story, only my own self made character inserted.

17.1K 21 526
Am I Not Merciful? Commodus x Reader/ Main Character

Ever since Commodus became emperor, he was known as the cold-hearted Caesar in all of Rome. Through his dictatorship and malicious executions, many grew to fear him. That is until a young village girl catches his eye. He kidnaps her,and takes her to his palace,forcing her to be his soon-to-be-Queen. But she has the heart of a saint, and will do anything to set equality to the land.Will these two find balance in their different ways?~Note:I do not own any of the characters in Gladiator, I only own the main character

40.8K 15 1K Full
Forever Waiting (Sequel) Arthur x Main Character/Reader

~To My Dear Charlotte,aka Little Miss~Did you miss me? We have a lot of catching up to do,I'll see you soon my love~Three years ago, Arthur Fleck's brutal death left a then 18 year-old Charlotte completely heartbroken and alone. She was forced to live her life without her other half, but kept a smile through it all just like he once told her. Now 21, she still lives in Gotham City, and learns to cope with her loss and move on. However, shortly after her recovery, she suddenly receives an ominous letter.Arthur is alive~She immediately packs her stuff, and leaves Gotham city, more determined than ever to get back to him.Having been forced to leave Gotham after his 'death', Arthur now learns that his Joker days have now been swept under the rug, finally able to return to Charlotte and start a new life together

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