Stories by: KateeSmurfette
12 stories

"They're here," Izzy announced.I walked over to the edge to see what he was talking about, and my eyes immediately found him. He was standing at the door, no doubt scanning the area for any threats. Thanks to my glasses, I could see the mark on his neck - and if he was going to make it, I would have to shoot the mark directly at the centre.Either that or I kill my husband.I watched my cousin approach him. She was still limping - no doubt furious about that bit - and I could only smile, knowing that my best friend did that to her; my civilian best friend who surprised the hell out of everyone."Are you guys sure about this?" Storm asked."There's no one I trust more than Elle to make the shot right now. We need to get my brother back," Rose confirmed."But this is extreme. If she misses the shot, he dies. There's no way we can save him or bring him back from a shot like that," Blayze argued."You forget that this is the only way. We tried to bring him in and he put three of us in comas. Ellie is the only one who can fight him, and we all know what happened the last time they fought," Grayson reminded.Rose looked amused. "Elle, I thought you said these two could handle this.""They can. Their concern is genuine though," I defended."Why? Are you having second thoughts?" Thales questioned."Never, but that doesn't mean Blayze is wrong. If I miss, Xander dies," I pointed out."You love him too much to let that happen, so don't miss," Oliver said, winking.I nodded, laughing a little. "Is the team in place?""Everyone's ready when you are," Mason confirmed.This was it. It was time to take back our lives - starting with my husband's.

24.4K 7 985
The Maestri Amour (Wattys 2015) - ON HIATUS

"Child, he doesn't know anything about his own life. You think he's a mystery to you and the world? Little do you know that he's a mystery to himself. He doesn't know of the lies that surround him. He has dark secrets Rita, dark secrets that practically swallow him whole. He's in a dark place right now, and I know that deep inside, you know it too. I've seen the way you look at him. You look at him like he's someone worth giving up the world for. Be his light child. God knows he needs you."!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*Aretha Washington was never ready for the day that her life would change for the better. It sounds strange putting it that way right? At age 23, her only aspiration was to become a manager at The Maestri Hotel so that she could use her pay check to pay for her grandmother's cancer treatments.She meets four adorable identical quadruplet girls and they steal her heart without her knowing it. When she finds out that they belong to the mysterious CEO of Maestri Empires, she's astonished, but it also sparks curiosity within her.When she's unjustly fired for something she didn't do, it opens possibilities for her that she never would've seen coming.At age 29, Raphael Maestri is the CEO everyone's talking about, but that no-one knows anything about. He's at the top of his game, but things have to turn around for him to acquire an important deal. He thinks it's impossible for him to get what he wants, until he meets the woman who his little girls seem to have latched themselves onto.It would seem she holds the key to everything.Dark secrets are revealed. Carnal desires spark. Love grows.It's The Maestri Amour, a family love affair.!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*#4 General Fiction - 27 July 2015#5 General Fiction - 15 July 2015#7 General Fiction - 5 July 2015

990.4K 42 32.5K

It is said that there will be a time when a great and powerful Alpha shall grace the Werewolf World. Not many will know the Alpha's true identity, and no-one knows whether the Alpha will be male or female. The Alpha will be very influential and they will be respected by all, royals and councils included. They will also be granted a soul mate that will love them until the end of time and share in their power. They will first go through trials and tribulations to test them, but should they succeed, they will stand tall as the rightful Alpha they are meant to be.

383.4K 1 738
Black Rose

Rose Kidman is what people refer to as nice, naive, too kind, too trusting and basically a doormat, but she finds nothing wrong with that. Of course it doesn't help to have people constantly telling her that she's going to end up in trouble because of these traits, but she still chooses to be who she is.After doing something even she knows was a colossal mistake, she decides that perhaps it's time to leave behind her life in Denver. An opportunity meets her on a flight and before she knows it, she's established a life in San Francisco.She loves teaching children, but she never saw home school teaching as an option, until she meets Grace Black. The little girl is shunned from society because of the supposed sins of her father, something that strikes a chord with Rose.It doesn't take her long to form a connection with the little girl, and she makes a promise that she won't do any research on her father, Olivier Black. Despite the warnings against associating with Grace, Rose gets even closer to the girl.Until she meets Olivier.The man is obsessed with giving her black roses, and as much as she tries to deny it, there's something about him that rattles her very existence. She chooses to trust what she is told only by him and follows her heart. Soon she finds herself in a whirlwind of a life she never dreamed to live. But, has her trust gone too far this time? Can she live with everything she ends up finding out?

104.5K 23 5K
Introducing Evie Woods - NaNoWriMo 2016 Novel

Evie Melanie Blandel has always been a big, shy girl. As the only daughter of billionaire Gordon Payton, she has never been in the spotlight, simply because she didn't 'look the part'. Shunned by her mother and ignored by her sister, she still tries to make everyone in her life happy.The last thing she expected when she came home early to surprise her husband of two months for his birthday, was to hear exactly what he thought of her- as a waste of space. She also finds out exactly what he plans to do when her sick father finally dies.And she will have none of it.Before he died, Gordon called upon someone he once trusted, but who lost his trust when he betrayed him. Aramis Van de Woodsen regrets the day he betrayed the old man, so when he's given an opportunity at redemption, he takes it.Protect Evie at all costs.The request sounds simple, but as soon as Gordon dies, Aramis and Melanie soon learn that there was definitely a whole lot more to Gordon than anyone realized.In the midst of family feuds, money wars and industry deals, Melanie decides that enough is enough, and that she wants full control of her own life. Aramis discovers something that leads to a crazy idea that only works in her favour. She knows what she wants, including the brute that has shaken up her life, and she will make damn sure she gets everything she deserves.Ladies and gentlemen, Introducing Evie Woods.

25.3K 21 1.4K

Paris - The distance between Cuba and London.London has always been the odd one out of the family. Granted she has her parent's smarts, she's just always chosen to do things differently to her family, but they love her all the more for standing up for what she believes in.A trip to Europe for one sends her on an adventure she didn't expect, but one she wouldn't trade for anything. In Paris, she meets a dying old man who she agrees to take care of for his last days as he is a dear friend of her fathers. She comes to care greatly for him, and is saddened when he dies.She had no idea that that is when she would truly begin to live.Cuba is a wreck of a man whose irresponsible ways threaten the legacy of the Diaz name. His grandfather has tried to speak to him, but he just won't listen, so when he gets taken care of a kind and spirited young woman, he knows what he must do. He calls upon Cuba to immediately come and see him in Paris.On her last night out in Paris, her last destination before heading back home, London does what the old man told her to do and lives it up to the fullest, including a one night stand. Having missed his grandfather's funeral, Cuba heads out into the Paris streets to drown the sorrows of losing his grandfather and ends up having a one night stand with a beautiful woman.The last thing she expected was to see him at her doorstep three months later.The last thing he expected was to find out that he has to marry his pregnant one night stand to gain his inheritance.***This is an interracial love story largely based in Johannesburg, South Africa.

75K 22 3.7K
King of Diamond

Preparing to face losing her one bedroom apartment and beat up Chevy, she decides to drown her sorrows away at a bar where her closest friend Kenny works. Having had enough, she leaves the bar to head to the place she'd come to call home for two years, until something catches her eye. Just a few feet from her, she spots a handsome man leaving his expensive car, but that's not what catches her attention. Instead, her eyes are trained on the car across the road with the man aiming a gun at the handsome man.While the shooter angles his shot, adrenaline courses through her veins, and before she knows it, she's running towards the handsome man. Tackling him to the ground, she barely registers the pain that engulfs her in a matter of seconds as the black spots dance about her vision. She barely hears the man whose life she just saved curse to himself before she is rolled over. Her sharp intake of breath is mistaken for pain by him, but instead she couldn't believe that someone's eyes could look so captivating, even with the lack of light."Stay with me Diamond," he whispered. The last thing she thought was how he knew her name before succumbing to the darkness.

129.6K 18 5.6K
Work in Progress

"It's positive," she whispered in disbelief.The friends sat in silence, looking at the pregnancy stick in her hand. They were all thinking the same thing without having to discuss it, but they knew that one of them had to be brave enough to broach the lingering subject."Miss Thang, didn't you tell us that you couldn't have kids?" Joe bravely pierced the silence."He said I couldn't have kids," Astrid said lowly, still shocked."Did you actually see the results? Did you speak to the doctor?" Cree asked. She shook her head and Cree shared a knowing look with CJ."He lied to you, and given the fact that he still doesn't have kids from all his affairs, I'm guessing the problem is with him," CJ said knowingly."Well at least he's broken the spell," Joe commented, and that's when it settled on Astrid."What am I going to do?" Astrid panicked."You're going to tell him?" they said unsurely."You don't understand. I'm pregnant," she said breathlessly."We know," CJ said, confused."No, you don't. I'm pregnant, but it's not my husband's baby," Astrid informed.They were equally mystified. "What? Didn't you say he spent the night with you when he came back from the Bahamas?"Astrid violently shook her head. "We slept in the same bed, but I wouldn't let him touch me; not when he'd just been with Vienna.""So whose baby are you carrying?" they asked.And that's when the world tilted for Astrid. "I don't know his name."

23.4K 12 1.3K

I turned around the corner of the building, testing to see if they would follow me, and they did. I headed all the way up to my room. The twins had just walked in, leaving the door open behind them. I walked in, and as I predicted, the two people following me entered after me. Mordecai closed the door before they could even blink.They didn't look the least bit fazed though. The girl is model worthy in all her fitness glory. Her long, black hair was in a single braid down her back, while she wore skinny jeans, a tank top and sneakers. Her eyes were mysterious and I couldn't get a read on her.The guy didn't look all that intimidating, but then again, I could say the same about Nick and I found out that he's Zero, as much as I am yet to believe it. The guy has blonde hair with dark and almost calculating eyes. It was difficult to pinpoint him too."Who the hell are you and who sent you?" I asked them. "None of your questions are relevant right now. We need your help," the guy said. I was automatically irked by his dismissive manner.I crossed my arms. "And why would I help you?""Because both you and Elle's lives are in danger if you don't," the girl replied.Elle? As in my fiancée?"Elliephant is alive?" Malachi asked, but there was something to his tone.The guy nodded. "She is, but she needs your help.""When Bridge said she saw her yesterday, I thought she was being delusional," Malachi commented.And he failed to tell me this."Where is she?" I questioned our 'guests'."Here on campus," they replied."So she hasn't even bothered coming to find us?" Mordecai asked."It's complicated," the girl replied.I reserved my comment and instead asked. "And what exactly is it that you need me to do?" "We need you to make her fall in love with you again."

313.6K 33 12.9K Full
Z.E.R.O (Wattys 2016)

"Xander, you can't sit here and tell us that this doesn't look the least bit suspicious to you," Mordecai told me."I'm pretty sure I know my own girlfriend, and I highly doubt she would shoot herself just to prove a point, or whatever the fuck you think she did it for," I replied."This memory thing she has going on doesn't sit well with me. It's shady if we're being honest," Nadia commented."You're just mad that Xander isn't interested in you anymore," Aziel told her. I inwardly laughed at the look on her face."Ok, so maybe we need to look at this from a non biased view. She showed up shot, she can't remember anything, and her recent activities are questionable. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's guilty of all these crimes," Nigel pointed out."Are we all forgetting the glorified fact that Xander taught her how to fight, and it only took her a day to learn everything? The girl is dangerous and you're all being blind!" Nadia said in frustration.I shrugged. "She's a fast learner. I don't get what you're so worked up about.""What is it about this girl that makes everyone doubt that she could possibly be a murderer?" she asked."Have you even met her? Because you seriously sound bitter more than anything," Malachi told her."I don't need to meet her. I know enough," she snapped.I got off of the table I was leaning on. "Look Nadia, you're honestly picking at straws, and it's clear that you don't like Noelle much, but I would highly suggest you stop accusing her of all this shit because she's innocent and you're starting to piss me off.""She's guilty and I'll prove it!" she said determinedly.I was about to say something when the door to the operations room flung open, revealing Margaux. "Alright, listen up! You have a new mission.""Finally! What is it?" Aziel asked.She smirked slowly. "It's simple really. Forget everything you thought you knew about Noelle Solano."Fuck my life!

1.1M 35 39.5K Full

Lunch went by pretty quickly, and we were back to classes soon enough. I'd forgotten to get a book from my locker, so I quickly went to get it. I was leaning on the locker next to mine as I quickly scanned my schedule on my locker door, when warm air fanned the side of my face."Move."Being the excellent human being I am, I jumped out of fright, flinging the heavy calculus textbook in my hand backwards. I heard a grunt and turned to find the person behind me now hunched over as they held onto a part of their face."Oh God! I'm so sorry!" I panicked.And then he looked up.The first thing I noticed was his short, dark hair. It looked so smooth, and I almost reached out to play with it. My eyes trailed down to his strong jaw line, down to his broad shoulders. I didn't even realize that I was biting my lip as I further inspected the Adonis before me. His arm flexed, bringing my attention to the amber eye he was now covering.It was him.Six.The most popular and dangerous guy in school.And I'd managed to injure him with my calculus textbook.I'm dead.***********#11 Teen Fiction - 31 December 2015#15 Teen Fiction - 16 December 2015#16 Teen Fiction - 16 December 2015

3.7M 31 112.6K Full
Mateo Santiago (Published) - SAMPLE

Could Juniper be the key to unlocking not only Mateo's family's deepest and darkest secret, but also his stone cold heart? Fans of Twilight and The Mortal Instruments are howling for Mateo Santiago.He rules the most powerful pack in the world. She has been outcast by her family and forced to go rogue. When their paths cross, it could be the beginning of something wonderful - or the end of them both. Juniper Evigan is the daughter of one of the strongest Alphas alive, and that comes with a lot of pressure. When she brought shame to her family 5 years ago she was shunned. Now, at eighteen, she must decide to stay with her pack and live as an outcast, or be run off the land and never return. Mateo Santiago hates life and everything in it. Living with a curse bestowed upon his ancestors has hardened him, and at the age of 23 he is the most feared Alpha in the world. When a rogue is brave enough to cross his lands, he plans to confront her - but is surprised by their intense connection. A connection he never believed possible and was told he could never have.*****Hey guys!With the release of Juniper Santiago on both Inkitt and Wattpad, I'm releasing the full published version of Mateo Santiago, the first book in the Santiago Series. It will only be up for TWO WEEKS.You can then buy the book on Amazon: you for all your support.

27.8K 5 353 Full