Stories by: Kalin_0611
28 stories
The Bond [REMAKE]

[WARNINGS INSIDE]It was just him and that annoying ass of wires who changed his life forever, and how could he get rid of him when the things that happened changes his views of his own murderer?Maybe he's just sick in mind, mentally fucked up.He's still annoying though, daily altercations that always managed to send him on edge to not jumping off the cliff or pushing the animatronic off the cliff (he couldn't choose).Disclaimer: Scott Cawthon, I don't take any profit other than for fun***Sekarang hanya ada dia dan si brengsek itu yang mengubah hidupnya selamanya, dan bagaimana bisa dia menyingkirkannya ketika hal-hal yang terjadi malah mengganti pandangannya terhadap pembunuhnya sendiri?Mungkin dia hanya sakit di pikiran.Tapi dia masih mengesalkan, sih, pertengkaran tiap hari yang berhasil membuatnya berada di ujung tanduk untuk tidak melempar diri ke jurang atau mendorong animatronik itu ke dalam jurang (dia tidak bisa memutuskan).Disclaimer: FNaF milik Scott Cawthon, saya tidak mengambil keuntungan apa-apa selain untuk bersenang-senang.

15.4K 9 458
The next door neighbor

[RANDOM AU/NOT CANON]Romantic relationship?Hah! He failed it like he failed his marriage in past, so say no more!That's when until he met a random man in a bar who thought he was wasted (insolent! He has high tolerance to alcohol!) and turned out this hotti-ahem, tall polite British-German man is his new neighbor.Is he actually single or taken? Well if he caught a feelings then he should take a responsible of it, even though that man accidentally impregnate a woman? (Forgive him for thinking he did.)Warnings: ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, AU, AR, NOT CANON, VINCENT X WILLIAM, VINLIAM, RUSHED, GRAMMARS, DLDR!Genre: Romance, family, drama, comedy (a bit)Word count: 10.5k words [ENG], 8.9k words [IND]DEDICATED FOR VINLIAM ANNIVERSARY!

4.8K 2 133 Full
A fool. [ONESHOOT]


5.5K 1 214 Full
It Won't Be That Bad

[MAIN AU] New college life! Despite his bad memories in past, Noah was finally determined to start another study again! There are so many things that will happen, can he keep his true identity as secret? No one could know about 'Ennard' or 'The Aftons'. It would be a difficult time to adjust himself, the trauma was still there for him as well. At least he have an annoying company with him, Mark is going to the same college! Warnings: AU, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, NOT CANON, BOYS LOVE, grammar mistakes, mistypes, ships, perhaps slow update DON'T LIKE DON'T READ.

100.2K 21 2.7K
Anniversary [VinLiam]

William forgot tomorrow is his anniversary with his husband! Panic wouldn't solve it, so he intended to buy a small gift for Vincent.The problem is, what gift?Disclaimer: Scott Cawthon, I don't take any profit other than for fun.

15.8K 4 303
30 Years and Counting

Even 30 years or so, he wouldn't leave him alone.Disclaimer: Scott Cawthon, I don't take any profit other than for funWarning: AU, NOT SIBLINGS/SAME PERSON, fast storyline, each chapter will be short asf, miss typos, cursingUPDATE ON FRIDAY

32.9K 28 1.5K
3 PM

[ONESHOT]3 PM is Vincent's favourite time, his regular customer always come at that hours. The blue-eyed man with brown hair and coffee addiction. [Cafe!AU Vincent x William A.]

2.3K 1 128 Full
Afton Random Books

Only random moments with Aftons and their AUs POSSIBLY SLOW UPDATE WARNINGS INSIDE

277K 71 6.5K
I Like You, Let's Get Married!

[COLLEGE AU]His college life has been fine, or maybe boring.He has a stable GPA, diligently does assignments from his lecturers, and makes friends with a lot of people (no, no, that's a lie he sucks at socializing).Then things happened.From a man who suddenly proposes to him, some bitches tries to disturb his life, to his father's regrets.Michael is confused whether his life can still be said to be normal or not anymore.Warnings: AU, ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, NOT CANON, BOYS LOVE, grammar mistakes, mistypes, ships, perhaps slow updateDON'T LIKE DON'T READ.

55.4K 21 2K
Anniversary [EnnChael]

Today is an important day, and Michael wanted to spend it with Ennard. However, there was a small obstacle that prevented Ennard from being with him today.But of course Michael can overcome this.Disclaimer: Scott Cawthon, I don't take any profit other than for fun

26.4K 6 533 Full
The Bond

Warning: MY AU, slow build romance, miss typos, cursing word, slow updateContains only a small daily life between Michael Afton and the animatronic that killed him; Ennard. Of course, small commotions occur, small fights accompanied by swearing and sometimes ended in pain. Not hating each other, just not getting along.It seems like.But believe me, deep inside them there is something that always sticks against each other.Disclaimer: Scott Cawthon, I don't take any profit other than for fun[IND]Hanya berisi keseharian kecil antara Michael Afton dengan animatronik yang membunuhnya; Ennard. Keributan kecil tentu saja terjadi, pertengkaran-pertengkaran kecil disertai umpatan dan terkadang berakhir menyedihkan. Bukannya membenci satu sama lain, cuma tidak rukun. Sepertinya.Tapi percayalah, jauh di dalam diri mereka ada sesuatu yang selalu mengganjal terhadap satu sama lain.Disclaimer: FNaF milik Scott Cawthon, saya tidak mengambil keuntungan apa-apa selain untuk bersenang-senang

722.3K 200 25.1K Full
Sweet || EnnChael (late) valentine special!

[English version is on the second chapter]Elizabeth mengajak kakaknya menuju toko cokelat hari ini, katanya sih ingin membeli cokelat untuk dirinya sendiri bukan untuk si gebetan, tapi Michael tak percaya. Meski begitu, (mau tak mau) Michael menemani Elizabeth berbelanja cokelat.Sampai Michael teringat sesuatu. Dan dia mengingatkan diri untuk berterima kasih pada Elizabeth nantinya.=o^o="Mantanku juga memberikanku ini."Michael tersinggung, "Maaf?" dan Ennard mendengus.Disclaimer: tokoh milih Scott Cawthon!Warning: my [AU]! Ennard x Michael, slight humor (gagal), misstypos-English version-Elizabeth took her older brother to a chocolate shop today, she said she wanted to buy chocolate for herself not for her crush, but Michael didn't believe it. Even so, (like it or not) Michael accompanied Elizabeth shopping for chocolate.Until Michael remembered something. And he reminded himself to thank Elizabeth later.=o^o="My ex also gave me chocolate.""Pardon me?" Michael replied quickly, offended. Ennard snorted.Disclaimer: Scott Cawthon owns the characterWarning: my [AU]! Ennard x Michael, bad english perhaps

8.8K 2 327 Full
Day By Day

Hari-hari telah berlalu sejak pertempuran Hogwarts tapi menjalani kebiasaan tanpa kehadiran sosok kembarannya tetap membuat George merasa ganjil. Tetapi hari ini berbeda..Dibuat untuk meriahkan event dari FanFiction Indonesia dengan genre utama Hurt/Comfort! Sekaligus untuk mengobati rasa rindu saya pada sang kembar Weasley.Cr cover: @kprk_pkrs

433 1 63 Full
Manis dalam Pahit

[SS/GG] Godric memberikan Salazar cokelat, tapi Salazar ragu untuk memakannya. "Apa ini?" Salazar bertanya dengan heran. "Racun-"/Salazar mematahkan bagian cokelat di sisi lain, "Sini, biar aku yang menyuapimu." "E-e-eh?!" slash! more warning inside, vomen pls!

337 1 40 Full
Random Story

Cuma kumpulan cerita-cerita random dari OC-OC saya.Minat? Ayo baca!!! XD

322 4 11

Pagi itu Minato mengantuk untuk melakukan aktivitas rutinnya di pagi hari. Tapi, terima kasih pada Fugaku yang telah menghilangkan kantuknya, dan berhasil membuatnya sangat malu di satu waktu secara bersamaan. Lagipula, kenapa Fugaku tidak bisa menahan diri sih?

786 1 42 Full
It All Starts From Here

Bagaimana awal Hogwarts terbentuk? Inilah kisah keempat Pendiri, dari pertemuan pertama sampai dirancangnya Hogwarts."Kalau begitu," Godric melebarkan cengirannya, "jadi teman yang baik?""Akrab!" Lanjut Helga bersemangat."Dekat," Rowena melanjutkan dengan kalem, tersenyum tipis."Lihat saja nanti." Salazar sepertinya tak bosan memutar matanya.Tak mengetahui bahwa ucapan-ucapan mereka akan menjadi kenyataan di waktu esok. vomen! more warn inside! slash alert

2.8K 10 366
Pasar Malam

Hermione mengajak Ron dan Harry yang bosan ke pasar malam! Bagaimana keseruan mereka nanti? Silahkan baca! ff dibuat untuk meriahkan #FriendshipFI2019! vote and comment please~ Cover credit to Nipye

141 1 17 Full
Kopi dan Susu

[SS/GG] Salazar menyukai kopi, Godric menyukai susu. Mereka sering bertengkar hanya karena masalah ini, lebih enak kopi atau susu? Siapa yang akan menang dalam tantangannya? "Ini cara tercepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah kopi dan susu." Salazar keburu membungkam Godric.Harry Potter © J.K RowlingKopi dan Susu © Hansel Aaron

597 1 61 Full
Falling in Love! || AtsuMirza

Karena kau adalah kau, dan aku adalah pilihanmu.#FallingInLove - 30 Days!Collaboration with Arisacrlight! <3Kuroko no Basket © Fujimaki TadatoshiFalling in Love! (AtsuMirza Ver) © Hansel Aaron

206 31 31

Chara x OC/PersonaMurasakibara Atsushi x Mirza Fictoire.Dua tahun yang menyenangkan, tapi juga menyakitkan bagi seorang Mirza Fictoire. Perasaan yang tak menentu membuat bimbang seorang Murasakibara Atsushi.Memikirkan bahwa ini sia-sia, antara pergi atau tinggal untuk menghadapi masalah, menyelesaikan atau terbengkalai.Semua tergantung di tangan Atsushi dan Mirza.Menyampaikan atau menyembunyikan?Mereka harus memilih salah satu..Kuroko no Basket © Fujimaki TadatoshiStory © Hansel AaronOC © Hansel AaronCredit to cover ownerVote and comment, please!

43 5 5

Ada satu kamar di rumah mereka yang tak pernah dibuka sama sekali, Fred ingin tahu apa isi kamar itu, jawaban keluarganya selalu menggantung jika Fred bertanya. Menyuruh Fred bertanya sendiri ke sang ayah, George Weasley./Fred menaikkan alisnya menantang, "Tak perlu mengusir, Dad. Kau menyimpannya sendirian, kau egois." vote and comment please!

217 1 26 Full
Lips Meet Lips and Say, I Love You!

[SS/GG] Sore hari milik Salazar untuk duduk tenang dekat Danau Hitam tak berjalan lancar karena kedatangan Godric, yang selalu membuat dirinya kesal setiap saat. Kecuali kalau Salazar memiliki ide licik untuk membalas sang Singa. Jemari bergerak menyusuri wajahnya, dan berhenti pada bibir yang terbuka. ."KAU YANG TERBURUK!" "You're welcome." .vote and comment please!

695 1 60 Full

Fred mulai muak dengan nama pemberian sang Ayah padanya./"Persetan dengan penghormatan!" "Fred dengarkan Dad-" "Seharusnya Dad yang MENDENGARKANKU!"

208 1 28 Full

Sekumpulan Drabbles, Ficlets, dan mungkin One-shot tentang karakter Harry Potter! Vote and Comment please!

14.9K 20 1.1K
A Kiss and Bit Jealous

Fred hanya menginginkan satu ciuman saja dari George, tapi entah mengapa George selalu menolak! Tetapi, akhirnya Fred mengerti alasannya dan menyeret George ke kamar mandi./"Hanya satu saja!" "Lepaskan aku, Fred!/"Jangan menguntitku, 'Mione."

1.1K 1 93 Full