Stories by: JamesWunderlich
4 stories

In the twilight of the twenty-first century, the Earth has a population exceeding one billion. For many, the technological dreams of the past have become a reality that has emulsified industries, cultures, and spiritual systems, into a complex network of world order. It is an emergent period of peace, prosperity, and safety, that is maintained by the Guardians and their nano-robiotic body and mind enhanced Shadow Dancers. For Djawu Qaletaqu, a twenty-one-year-old steampunk musician in the recently formed global capital city of Nu Jeru, this new order means compulsive world service duty for indies like himself. Compelled to avoid conscription in the upcoming lotteries, he must find a way to break into the corporate music scene. The accidental discovery of a secret terroristic data threat hidden within the hottest nightspot on the planet catipults the brash, impetuous, sitarian slinger into a series of adventures and political intrigues. Accompanied by a child-sized human assister robot and a beautiful and powerful Shadow Dancer, Djawu challenges the plans of a mysterious and sinister figure.

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Broken Blossom

A frail Shadow Dancer, abused by her brutal Guardian is befriended by a self-aware maintenance Dr01d with tragic consequences.

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Broken Blossom Script Book

A frail Shadow Dancer abused by her brutal Guardian is befriended by a self-aware maintenance Dr01d with tragic consequences.

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Aisha & the Water Dragon Script Book

Coming Soon!Aisha & the Water DragonTo get ahead in the world you have to make a lot of noise; for twelve year old Aisha, who is introverted and soft-spoken that can be a problem. She is being bullied in school for her slightly pointed ears and infrequent seizures; and it doesn't help either that her middle name is Moon. When she receives a text message invitation and a print-out bus ticket to Frederick, Maryland sent by a Professor Atanasoff claiming to be an inventor and also her Grandfather who wants her to spend the summer with him away from the bullies of River Front, Long Island, Aisha jumps at the chance to run away from her problems and meet the curious relative her parents have never mentioned. As the bus drops her off along the side of the highway, next to a sign commemorating the intersection of an important north-south Indian trail, she is met by the ninety-one year old professor, descending in a lighter-than-airship, that he calls a vertical zeppelin and the two sail away to his home in Rock Island. To Aisha's surprise, the charming fishing village of Rock Island is not only completely surrounded by water - it's actually in the water. A rather curious place altogether. Its inhabitants are rarely seen out and about, and the two principal means of transportation appear to be solely by boat, balloon - or a combination of the two. Aisha is enthralled with her new surroundings, and her explorer's curiosity leads her on a summer's adventure of a lifetime in which she must find the courage from within to stand up for a new found friend and for herself in a world where bullying can happen anywhere and to anyone.

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