Stories by: JamesBaruch
38 stories
Mai Pen Rai

It's a known fact that mai pen rai is one of the most-used responses in the Thai language. The three syllables roughly translate to "it's okay" or "don't worry" - but what does this simple phrase actually mean and why am I still thinking about it months after my visit there? This short piece is about dealing with difficult people, and imagining having to live with them.

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Spreading like wildfire: And baby let it burn.

Increasingly, with a 24 hours news cycle, and citizen cell phone newscasters, our society is quick to make a judgement about the most serious of situations without any facts. Time is a great equalizer, but often the damage and pain created by rushing to judgement creates a wildfire that destroys anything in its path. Join me in this retelling of a story about a few heroic firefighters that were called to the carpet by the same community they risked their lives protecting. Not being able to defend against a media organization that buys their ink by the barrel, the fire department had to accept their licks despite doing everything right.

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Table for one: A solo trip to Thailand.

Travel to Bangkok alone was a peaceful experience. Why you should live your life and not depend on others when deciding to take adventures small and large.

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T.M.I. The cumulative effect.

When too much information cumulates, the sum trauma it creates is greater than its parts. Why you should not only be conscience of how much information you share with others, but how much you allow into your brain. Being desensitized could be the cause of the moral decay of society. Certainly our political system has see so many "lows" that each time we are less and less shocked. Same goes for each new mass shooting.

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It really is a small world

What were the chances of randomly running into a distant relative when I traveled 4,000 miles away from home? For me... 100% This is a quick story about how small the world really is.

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Pharmacy 101: Insider tips for a better experience.

A behind the scenes look at your local pharmacy. Are you frustrated trying to get your prescription's filled? Are you over paying? What the hell is GoodRx? And why does my Pharmacy have to get prior authorization for the Rx my Doctor just handed me at my last visit? What's the difference between a manufactures coupon and insurance. And how the Opioid Epidemic is changing the way Physicians, Pharmacy's and Insurers are suppling narcotics to their patients. All this and a few anecdotes explained.

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Everyone's an expert; yet critical thinking people tend to disagree.

They speak, we listen. Join me in exploring why so many people accept what others say as fact without asking critical questions.

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Gift Cards; Could there be a worse gift?

My whimsical take on gift cards, and why I think they are the worst gift to give.

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Letting go to gain control: Finding peace during the holidays.

Sometimes you have to let go to get a better grip on life. My thoughts on why this year is more peaceful for me and maybe could be for you too.

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On Giving: Thinking about Generosity is enough for some.

Giving is such a personal decision, and it's further complicated by impulses of greed, fear, and self preservation. This short essay discusses why it is so difficult for us to give unconditionally in contemporary times.

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Problem Solving:  Resisting the  natural urge to complete someone else's puzzl..

There are many problems in the world, but do they all need solving? And if so, are you responsible? This is a short essay on taking a different approach of trying to solving every problem you encounter.

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Perspective: A True Understanding of The Relative Unimportance of Life.

How negative thoughts influence your health, relationships, and happiness. A short essay about the power of positive thinking, purposeful doing, and how you can feel better by helping others.

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A short essay on the phenomena of Momentum for those who struggle with Anxiety and Depression.

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True Friends

How many friends do you really have? Here is an essay on my take of what constitutes a true friend.

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Do you want to check his feet?

An exciting paramedic's tale of injury through new innovation with a funny twist ending.

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Listen carefully.

"Did you know it cost $50 for four people to bowl one game?" This is a true short story about meeting a convicted violent felon just days after serving 27 months in jail who is now facing another ten years for felon in possession of a hang gun. I met and interviewed this woman, one evening after a 13U baseball tournament. By the end of the conversation I only had one regret.

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A young Brittany Kane and her boyfriend Tony Bacca have a deadly secret. Enjoy this mystery novella about a young couple's struggle to find their own sexuality before graduating high school.

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A short story about one special Christmas away from home.

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Barber Shop

Have you ever been to the barber? What about an ethnic barber? No? Your missing out!

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Golden Arm

Tyler Baruch could be the next Bryce Harper. Follow the exciting journey of this American Youth Hall of Fame athlete as he competes in Cooperstown, NY. This an exciting and true short-story about a young boy finding his niche in sports.

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Bobbing for Anthrax

The amazing but true adventorous story about a local volunteer dive teams involvement in one of the FBI's most notorious unsolved terrorist incident, named Operation Amerithrax.

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A raw story dealing with depression, repressed memories, and mid life crisis.

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Twenty-five years of Marriage has taught me a few things

A list of 25 observations for my wife on our 25th Anniversary.

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AGENT ORANGE - The Fraud of Fifth Avenue

Poem about the problems of a two party system.

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