Stories by: India106
2 stories
Eleanora Mikaelson

Eleanora Mikaelson or Ella as she likes to be called is Klaus' twin sister. She went missing in 1864 after tracking down Kathrine. How did she end up in a cave system under La Push and what happens when a lovable member of one of the local pack's imprints on her 147 years after she first went missing.Seth/oc storybest ratings: no.2 in jacobblackno.1 in imprintno.4 in forks

89K 15 1.9K

Fressia always felt out of place. Disconnected from her crew. But this was all in her imagination. Will Freesia realise the truth or will something else happen entirely...Just a short piece of creative writing that I wrote in my English class that I wanted to share.

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