Stories by: Emma-Bean
2 stories

All Nico Song wants to do after waking up from a mysterious coma is get back to a normal life. But the strange visions he keeps having and the arrival of a suspiscious stranger at his high school seem determined to make that impossible. Soon Nico, his best friend Spencer, and her little sister are thrown into a world full of monsters and magic, setting out on a dangerous quest to find an ancient artifact intended to save Nico's life before he is taken over by a dark king.But there's nowhere to run when the monsters are real.

195 32 5 Full
The Scarlet Fox (Project Firefly, Book 1)

In a not-so-distant future, the government uses genetically modified humans to spy, fight, and anything else they need. Fox Taylor is one of these. Special Cases, or Specials, they're called. Fox works for the S.F.S, a hidden agency whose purpose is not fully known. After a mission gone wrong, Fox is thrown deep into the agency's secrets, and begins to realize that everything is not as it seems. With the help of a rogue Special, a mutant spy, and a talented but reckless inventor, Fox sets out on a quest that that will entirely change the world as she knows it.

120 23 6 Full