Stories by: Elirehemalyimo2001
2 stories

This is my second books After my first book of Love some one. Under this I was prepared this book which will go deal with many tip which will going to change your mind about think , creativity and made evolution in your life welcome from chapter one which will explain the powerful of mind, chapter two will go to explain thought and how thinking affect our life chapter three will go to explain how to control and handle mind and other chapters will go to explain whole life and principal of handle challenge which we face every day...Inshort this book may go to change your life welcome to chapter one up to the end chapter.

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love some one

This book may go to express the love story which may go to be interest for those who want to engage in relationship and may provide education , relax for those who like to be entertainment for love story this may be as the one of story which you may be interested on it.

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