Stories by: EdenViridianVexer
3 stories
Love is Restless

This story starts two weeks after the adoption of Callie into the Adams-Foster family, Jesus does not die in the car accident{Not cannon, but highly assumed from the preview} and is visiting to celebrate Callie’s adoption as he was accepted to the boarding school.{Not cannon again}. The first three chapters are young 13 year old Jude and Connor, after the boys recovery from being shot. They have been dating strong and proud not bothering to hide their feelings from anyone, even Adam.I do not own any characters within these chapters, those belong to ABC and "The Fosters" please don't sue me.Starting somewhat into the relationship that Adam still doesn't agree with is when the story kicks off. Err, I suck at descriptions but I plan on this being kind of long sorry?I post on Tumblr first so if you want to find me there instead my name is Eden-Viridian-Fiction, I should immediately post my chapters onto here after Tumblr but if I don't feel free to check there in case I just forgot or you feel like freaking out about it.

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Flannel Stripes and Swollen Eyes

Just another one shot about two boys who should be happy but I manage to NOT let that happen right away again.Jonnor story. Contains slight sexual themes, characters have been aged up to fifteen. Nothing about dong-a-longs so don't worry.

265 1 8
One Year and Six Strings

This is just a one shot little thing, ya' know getting all my Jonnor emotions out so I don't overload.It's not very good and that I'm kind of sorry for so don't hate me.Jude Adams-Foster and Connor Stevens.

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