Stories by: DawnabcBatonbonker
17 stories
Fairy Dust and Jazz

❝ "I've never done anything like that with anyone before!""Maybe you've never been brave enough." His eyes made my heart stop, just as they pierced into mine, leaving a subtle subtext for me to hear. Maybe no one made you feel brave before.But I'm here now, he told me with silent whispers, his hands on mine, his eyes on the street ahead as we walked slowly, endlessly. I'm here, and we'll be brave together. ❞Something most people didn't know about Sama was the fact that she had absolutely nothing special about her. Sure, she enjoyed her time with her family and thought the world of Bollywood music from the 70's, but did that make her any different from the girls that passed her by on the street? Not really... at least, not until she fell for the rather charming Nathaniel.Falling for the boy with a voice that could make her burn and shiver all at once should've been a clichéd relationship from the start, but it wasn't. Every word he spoke felt real, and every promise he made was special. Whether or not he knew, he'd won her over no matter how she tried to resist, and resist she did. Maybe that was what made her stand out for the go-with-the-flow Nathaniel. In his eyes, she was more than the everyday fan-girl. Sure she made bubbly eyes at him and enjoyed his company just like all the others, but it was more than that. Sometimes, she was the most gullible person he knew. That sometimes, with all the chaos and pandemonium, she held the balance between his brutally imbalanced world and him. A difficult love with a story like no other will bring these two to believe that sometimes some things happened for a reason while other times, you have to fight for those details that matter.

918 35 46 Full

Put it in your mouth.Turn it upside down.Try all you want,it owns you now.-- a smoking journal. be warned, there will be smoking, and intimately so./this is now a work in progress of a larger project. To those still reading, I finally quit, but it wasn't easy, and it came at a price. my love to you all/

292 7 5
That Sexy Librarian and Me

It was possible that all things that looked untainted and innocent were possibly... not so innocent and very much tainted.It was that, and the way the librarian had handed him that books-due slip, her hair up in that silly bun, her eyes determinedly ignorant, that had him wonder what it'd be like to date that kind of woman."You have to date every single one of them, don't you?" his mother's voice rang in his ears. "That's disturbing, love, and it scares me to death when I think of how you've never even bothered making friends with any one of them."Going against all the signs was stupid, and since he knew she was a book worm, he also knew that she wasn't going to be easy. That was probably what made him do what he did next.

25.5K 53 769 Full
Heartfelt Bittersweet

For every story that works, every couple that lasts, every love that is eternal... there lies another tale to be told, a heartbreak to be felt, one life that splits into pieces that can never be pieced together again.

385 8 18
Leave the Page

Has it ever felt like they talk for you, tell your story? Like you're writing an exam, time's running out and you don't have time to ask for more paper. You write wherever you can, so they can read it. You write so they know what you know, however clumsy.I went back to teach where I studied. I am a product of the same school I belong to now. My Facebook holds the name of the school like it's mine, as I was once its. My friends aren't there, but the memories are. We are all there. 2004 - 2017. Written in present and past tense. Parallel universes, memories existing in the present, a child in a grown-up, an inner child safely hidden from view, reminiscing. Thinking. Being.Disclaimer: This is a piece of fiction, for all intents and purposes, and all the writing is mine.

6 1 1
Rise of the Jemdors

Fearing the prophecy told by the ancestral witch, King Rubeulus banishes the Jemdors from entering the city of Chiggortah, in turn starting a war he had no intention of kindling. While that may stop some, there are those who will find a way around it, to find love and hope for a brighter future, even if it is with the likes of a mortal.Between the mortals and the Jemdors, Romilly Dauna knows all too well which side she'd been born to pick. If only her destiny had been a little different."As if being mortal would stop me from loving you, you silly Jemdor. As if anything would."The story of an unexpected love that would change the face of life as everyone knew it.

1.1K 36 41 Full

"... you think there isn't anymore to're wrong, of course."/the random drabbles that don't deserve to be prose, and yet sound like poetry to some and dictate beyond the rules of grammar, punctuation and capitals/

383 6 19

❝ "I've lost everything to drugs, do you know that?" Meenakshi told him with tears in her eyes. "The funny thing is I've never even touched a drug in my life and yet it destroyed me. It took everything." She turned to face him then. "Please, don't let it take you away from me. I won't be able to handle it, not this time, not again." ❞ At first glance one would assume that the pale skinned, green eyed Meenakshi Rao came with all those typical traits one would expect an Indian to come with. Content with life, her job and her social life that involved but one best friend, she lives life predictably, exactly the way she wants it. Nothing unexpected happened to her, not when she walked with her guard up, not until the day she lays eyes on the boy sitting on the wet, rainy streets of Glasgow.From the second Zach Carter met her; the missing puzzle piece fell into place on its own. An occasional meth user, he doesn’t care for friends or a life outside the colours of his choice, settled in Glasgow for his art and nothing more. Or so he says. Nothing had ever mattered more than putting brush to canvas and his own selfish need for inspiration... nothing, other than the newly discovered cute foreigner who lived next door. Falling for Zach had been easy enough for Meenakshi as she accepts his demons, his addiction, all the while making silent promises to help the boy, to do things right this time around, even if it is the last thing she does.

15.9K 52 659 Full
Stag Tales Moon Talk

"Must there be a cliched dialogue a man says to the woman of his life as he proclaims his love for her?""There must," she answered. "It's the one thing that all girls dream about as they fall asleep, wishing for a man who'll understand all of her insanity.""Thank God you admit you're all crazy.""I must be if I love you, if a woman loves a man."

521 18 14 Full
I Am A Cliche

Nothing next to unoriginal, and certainly not common, is the person who writes word for word every encounter of every single day. Alone, and sometimes lonely, is the journey to the meaning of everything. Because everything is out there, so vast, so out of reach... and that won't stop me from doing what many have tried to do before. The list is short, but it's a list nonetheless. Here it goes:I will live a full life, and love with a heart and more. That's all, really. That's all I'm asking for and you're thinking "What's so different about that?" Well, this time, it's got a different face, and a different name. Meaning is different to everyone.Life is different for everyone.And this is my life. This is my story.

430 12 17
Anybody Can Write

A random bunch of us bonked up on a community discussion on Wattpad and this is what it led to.A story of stories, with winners and themes and all those in betweens./Winners stories are highlighted.//All the work in this book belong to the respective authors, as specified. No copyright infringement intended./

1K 9 12
Head Over Seductive Heels

❝ "Don't pretend to understand me, you with all your pretentious snooty sticks up your damned ass. I am me," he jabbed a finger into her chest. "And nothing changes this. I never pretended to be something I'm not. If you want blingy boys with bright futures ahead of them, save it for a future plan but for now, you are mine, and this is us. Nothing changes us."A second passed before she responded. "I didn't realize there was an us." "Like I said," he repeated again, just as he eyed her lips. "Don't pretend to be an idiot.""That's not what--"She never got to complete that sentence. ❞Ahalya liked to think she'd seen many bad boys in her day and age, and since her overprotective mother didn't know half of them, there'd never been the forbidden fruit scenario before. She could date whoever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Well, not whoever. Not until Deep Kankad.And Deep was so sweet and sinfully beautiful to look at, even if he walked in out of the police station like he owned it. Even if he turned up to class with a dozen stitches on his pale and perfect face.The rules were a bitch, and this thing about not talking to the outcasts was just... old school. Well, too bad the rest of school didn't think so. Or maybe that was a good thing. No one could be sure, not when there was a Jimmy Choo's loving rebel trying to find herself in the midst of a school feud she did not care for. Not when this badboy was going to win her heart, against all the odds.

3.9K 34 107
The Dream Catcher

❝ "You cannot.""You can't stop me.""It isn't that I can't, Siri. I could never stop you. But you cannot love me." His eyes were teary then, so unlike her own dry ones. "You mustn't.""And if I already have?""It's funny," he turned away, then. "My preaching you this way. I tell you everything must and mustn't do, and I'm a hypocrite for that. For I have, already, fallen for you, so far into your blessedness and peace that I don't think I can go back if I tried.""Then you cannot." She shrugged at him simply. "You can't fall out of love. That's just... impossible.""You're right." His smile was wistful, easy. "You can't simply fall out of love this deep." ❞Running away from home had been for more than one reason, but Siri kept her reasons to herself, as had her best friend. As a child she dared to dream, and every dream came with the catcher, whether or not she wished it. Sometimes, unlike the tales, the dreams weren't all too sweet. She dealt with it all, though. She handled it all. Tough and ready to fight the world, Siri Quincel was a one-of-a-kind witch, one that had given up her magic, but not her spirit.Falling in love with the boy had been foolish, and unethical. If anything, the Mortals would hunt her down for the rest of her life for this kind of blasphemy, not to mention what her own kind would do if they ever caught up to her. She didn't care, though, for she would do it again, and again, till the world ceased to exist, till the world stopped caring enough about whom she saved.A forbidden love during dark times, Siri knew she'd have to run forever. She would. She would run to the ends of the world and back, if only she could keep the one she loves safe./sequel to Rise of the Jemdors. Read first before reading this one./

80 4 4
The Stepsisters' Diary of Musical Tidbits

♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯Sakhi Thompson is far from perfect and ordinary. Her silly, mundane life is satisfying enough, until it takes a spiraling turn when her father remarries and brings back with him more than just a stepmother. Add to that a job that suddenly picks up, bringing with it the craziest, most condescending book writer she's ever met, and a random girl who hijacks her room and somehow, her life.Lily-Anne Campbell loves to rebel. She is an out of the world, extraordinary example of a musician, and while she's good, she knew she was missing what most musicians fought to find for a lifetime: passion. Of all the people, Lily never thought in her wildest dreams that her hell of a polite, stick-in-the-mud of a stepsister would show her the magical way of song, dance and music.As both of them fight their daily battles, and each other, they realize there's more than one thing they can learn from one another while relying on the one thing that brings them closer..."When words fail, music speaks."A book of love, life, laughter and music.♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯

1.9K 9 90
Rishi's Cat (NaNoWriMo13)

❝ "Perhaps a love story is too cliched to describe what exactly goes on in the minds of children," he told her as they sat watching the sunset."We were in love, Rish," she assured him. "I know I was in love.""I know I was, too,"A moment passed by as darkness descended completely. Then, she asked the dreaded question."Are we still in love, then?" ❞Rishi spent most of his teenage life miserable for being smarter than all, while Catherine spent them being that class reject. Failing every subject in class, and every manner of social performance, she looks to Rishi for help and finds that the new boy has got answers to more than one of her questions.A love that never took off, the two of them reunite at their alumni meet, nearly a decade later. Only now, things aren't as easy as calculus and quantum physics anymore.

348 15 11
Them Geek Crowns

❝ "Out of those caterpillars came those magnificent wings, the ones poets write about, the ones authors obsess about. You're right there," he pointed to the sky then. "Fluttering around, hoping to find home. You're a butterfly... just a human one.""I know I've told quite a few stories, Ted, but this one's downright outrageous.""And I successfully made you smile, didn't I?"The proof sat there on her face, brighter than the orange rays of sunshine that fluttered through her balcony. ❞Between those popular beauties sat one ugly duckling, and the tale has been told over and over. The others probably didn't have an imagination as wild, or a taste as eccentric, but she was a strange one, Yuli Armstrong was, and she didn't ever think she needed to change.But, of course, the evil teens had to play wicked games.And sometimes, even the most beautiful of princes broke hearts, a shatter inaudible as he stole breaths and made days.If only Theodore wasn't so much of nasty beauty and sweet and sour candy, maybe then she could feel alright about him trying to be friends with someone like her.

2.3K 38 193
Nebula's Cage

"There is a cage, a cage which belongs to you from this moment on. You will use the cage to take but seven lives, and you will be the one to decide who, when, how and why.""May I ask why I'm being asked to do this, my Lord?""Perhaps you must prove the purity of your affections before I deem you worthy. Perhaps I find the need to test you, child.""And if I refuse?""My sweet child, it is your destiny, your path, your calling. Will you refuse me, Nebula?""I could never, my Lord."

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