Stories by: Crime_Chaser
52 stories
Azur Lane: The One-Ship Coast Guard

The CCGS General Corioli is an Antium-class patrol vessel that has been in service with the Corioli Federal Coast Guard. The ship has been in service for about 10 years, having seen action in almost every single seas. From combating piracy to stopping illegal arms exports.One day, while combating a small flotilla of pirate boats, a white light manifests around the ship, causing it to vanish in thin air. What nobody knows is that the ship has been teleported in an unknown alternate universe of WW2 where ships can take the form of young girls.Now stuck in this world, uncertain of whether he will be able to return, General Corioli decides to keep doing his job, trying to enforce the maritime laws of his old world while also trying to combat the unknown alien threat known as the Sirens.Unbeknownst to everyone in this new world though, the storm that brought General Corioli has somehow made him overpowered, granting him abilities that would be considered impossible for a ship of his size.

69 1 3
The Second Shield Hero

Lieutenant Adamescu is a police officer at the Republic of Vardarska who has been serving in the Special Mobile Police, the country's SWAT team. He is famous among his colleagues for using his infamous 'Shield Attack' method in anti-terrorist operations by charging at the threat with his ballistic shield, which has earned him the nickname 'Bumper'.One day, after an anti-terrorist drill, Adamescu is on his way back to the station when he comes across what appears to be a book originating from the late middle ages. After reading the first page, a white light manifests around him and he vanishes into thin air only to reappear in the middle of an old castle.He's not the only one though. Along with him, four other individuals, of Japanese descent, have also been transported with him in order to become what is known as the legendary Cardinal Heroes with his presence causing confusion as to who is the real Shield Hero.After Naofumi, the other Shield Hero, is accused of a crime he didn't commit, the Lieutenant decides to side with him and helps him escape from the castle.Now stuck in this world and with no way of returning, Naofumi and Adamescu embark on a journey to fight the unknown threat known as the Waves while also trying to prove the former's innocence, meeting Rapthalia, who joins them in their journey.This fanfic will not follow the anime's storyline. After the anime's downfall and decrease of popularity, I have decided to write my own storyline to give it some justice. I'm open to criticism.

49 1 2
The SWAT team of Azur Lane

The Special Rescue Battalion and the Special Boat Unit are two police tactical units at the Republic of Arabistan. A nation devasted by a three sided civil war between an authoritarian government, the rebel army, and islamic terrorist groups. The two SWAT teams are part of the Southern Defense Forces, a Christian militia at the south of the nation that seeks to protect the religious and expat minorities, combating terrorism at land and at sea.One day, during a battle against Daesh troops, the two squads are caught in some form of storm and end up in the coast of an unknown island in the middle of an alternat WW2 battle.Now stuck in this mysterious universe, the two SWAT teams decide to reside there, joining the faction known as Azur Lane, providing support against the Red Axis and the alien threat known as Sirens, fighting enemies they have never seen before, earning the name 'Azur Lane SWAT'.

62 1 4
Sofska: Modern City in Another World

The Republic of Sofska is an autonomous city in Bosnia-Herzegovina created out of the tension between the two entities of the country, the Republika Srpska and the Bosnian Federation. The city is governed by a community who are unwilling to be part of the new confilct between the two entities and seek to maintain a neutral position.All that changes when, all of a sudden, the city and its people find themselves teleported in the middle of a fantasy world where everything seems to originate from RPG games and medieval fantasy stories.Now stuck in this world and with no military, the Sofskan government will ahve to defend itself and its people, rellying on its police, gendarmerie, and civil defence forces, forming alliances in the process while also countering some of the biggest threats and demonstrating the firepower that nobody in this world has ever seen before.This novel will be told from the perspective of the police and civil defence commanders. I'm open to criticism.

232 5 7
In other seas, I will rule the waves

Asato Gabashvili is a police officer of half-Japanese and half-Lebanese descent who works at the Stoanian Maritime Police Force, a law enforcement agency in the Republic of Stoania which is underequipped, underfunded, and with poor morale due to its failure in combating piracy off the nation's coast.One day, while en route with patrol boat P22 to join the Seychelles Coast Guard in a joint anti-piracy operation, he falls asleep on the wheel due staying awake for 24 hours because of a false alarm situation that had occured a day earlier.After waking up, Asato discovers that he has been transported, along with his patrol boat, in an unfamilliar world where most of the terrain has been taken over by the seas and nations exist as small islands scattered around the globe. At the same time, Asato manages to acquire a new skill that allows him to purchase and summon warships from three different eras. From 19th century dreadnoughts and ironclads to modern 21st century firgates and corvettes.Unsure of what to think of his current situation, Lieutenant Asato decides to explore this new world of magic, knights, sea monsters, and pirates, while still trying to do his job in enforcing maritime law with the help of Lady Adeliz, a vigilante pirate who is fighting to free the seas from the sea monsters and the corrupt king that have been terrorizing her nation and her people.Using this new skill of his, Asato begins to explore the seas with his new ally, fighting off the various threats, sea bandits, and creatures, earning him the title of hero by the locals and governor, much to his dismay and annoyance....This is my first original Isekai novel, so I'm open to criticism. All anime images are made by me using AI.

103 2 7
Azur Lane: The Defenders Of The Skies And Space

The Strategic Aerospace Defense Force is a branch of the armed forces of the Republic of Bacopa, an island nation devastated by a three-sided civil war. The defense force is the only unit in the nation's military that has both air and space capabilities, being able to mostly intercept ballistic missiles and launch military satellites in space.Due to the war, the SADF has been split into two factions. One loyal to the government, and one loyal to the northern secessionist militias, crippling the brigade's abilities.One day, while attempting to intercept a Chinese frigate that has entered northern waters, the brigade's faction, led by troops loyal to the autonomists, disappears into thin air, only to reappear in the middle of some island in the alternate WW2 universe known as Azur Lane.With no way of returning to their own universe, the brigade's troops decide to reside in this world while trying to maintain some level of neutrality to avoid changing the course of history. This will prove much harder as it seems, when some of the troops are still faithful to their secessionist ideals and some others wish to modernize the navies of this mysterious universe by exporting their missiles and technologies to either side.

78 1 5
The Wrong Way to Train a Combat Medic

Lieutenant Bachir Antonescu and Captain Ibrahim Haddad are two combat medics who are serving at the Kataeb and Medical Brigades of the Joint Christian/Muslim Defense Forces, a Christian-led militia at the Republic of Arabistan tasked with protecting the Christian minorities at the northwest region of the country. While the militia has gained international recognition for its efforts, the Kataeb and Medical Brigades have gained the most respect by the UN for their humanitarian roles in saving hundreds of innocent lives, Christian and non-Christian.One day, while on patrol at the front lines, two platoons from each brigade are sent to rescue a Red Cross doctor from an Al-Shabab terrorist platoon when all of a sudden, a white light manifests around them and the platoons disappear into thin air, only to end up in a medieval like building.Realizing the have probably no way of returning to their own world and driven by their Christian faith, the commanders of the two platoons and their troops immediately agree to join the kingdom's army in their fight against the demon army.There, Captain Ibrahim and his fellow combat medics will meet Captain Rose who is supervising Usato in his training to become a healing magic user.Using their knowledge in modern medicine and medical equipment, Ibrahim and his combat medics will try to modernize the Rescue Team and train Usato to become not only a healing magic user, but also a capable combat medic.Will Usato survive the double training under Captains Rose and Ibrahim?This is a fanfic inspired by my first aid career at the fire service which I wanted to write for quite sometime, but was hesitant. I have decided to give it a try and see how it goes.Any criticism is accepted.

31 1 1
The Airline of Azur Lane

South Azur Airlines is an airline operating at the Republic of Saromo, an island nation at the Caribbean and former Dutch colony.The airline is popular for still flying the Antonov An-2, the first aircraft it acquired during the era of the nation's socialist regime, and now uses it for tourist flights around the island and surrounding Caribbean nations.One day, while taking part in an international airshow to celebrate the airline's 45th anniversary, the pilots, lead by Captain Dimitru, decide to perform a low level flyby with all the aircraft as part of the show's finale. As soon as they reach the coast and prepare to turn around for a second flyby, the fleet is caught in a geostorm that interferes with their electronic systems which shuts down the radars and navigation systems.When communication is finally restored between the aircraft, the pilots are shocked to witness a battle between two fleets of old warships and air forces. Soon, the pilots realize that they are no longer in their universe, and the storm has transported them to some sort of WW2 alternate universe.Now trapped in this world, Captain Dimitru and his pilots decide to land in the Azur Lane Base, arming their jets and flying for the Azur Lane warships, which to their surprise, can take the forms of young girls.How will the presence of the modern jets and their pilots affect the war effort of both sides?Note: South Azur Airlines is not related to the real-life Russian Azur Air company or the defunct German Azur Air.

94 1 3
The Air Ambulance of Azur Lane

Captain Andrei is a pilot at the Saromoan Air Force and is the commanding officer of the 52nd medical squadron.The squadron has been in operation for almost seven years, taking part in military operations and humanitarian missions, providing medical aid to the civilian population of war torn nations as well as nations struck by natural disasters.One day, while piloting his Airbus A321neo over an African nation as part of the International Humanitarian Air Service, he comes under attack by a Libyan Air Force Mig-23. As he tries to evade the fighter jet, his plane is caught in the middle of a storm which causes his flight systems to malfunction.As soon as he exits the storm, he is shocked to see two fleets of WW2 era ships firing at each other, forcing him to find a safe place to land.Now trapped and with no way of returning, Captain Andrei decides to reside in this alternate universe, providing medical aid to the young girls he encounters, who in are in fact the warships in human forms.Will Captain Andrei survive this world while also maintaining his neutrality?

67 1 6
The Spy Ship of Azur Lane

The CS General Askeran is a Stepanakert-class cable layer ship that has been in service with the Eurasian Telecommunications Service. But this isn't any cable ship. It's a specialized ship that is capable of intercepting radio transmissions and jam enemy radars, doubling its role as a spy ship and as an electronic warfare vessel. The ship is actually part of the Maritime Intelligence Task Force, a flotilla of intelligence ships whose mission is to monitor military and civilian communications at the war torn Republic of Azania, with the Eurasian Tlecommunications Service acting as a dummy corporation.One day, while monitoring radio transmissions between the Azanian Navy and a merchant vessel, the ship's crew triggers the on board electromagentic countermeasures, causing a geostorm which transports the ship to an alternate WW2 universe. But this isn't any sort of alternate universe. It's a universe where warships can take the form of young girls and fight against the alien threat known as the Sirens.Now trapped, and with no way of returning, General Askeran decides to reside in this world, joining the Universal faction, providing them necessary intel on the movements of the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis fleets as well as monitoring the Sirens. Soon though, General Alexander will find himself in the crossfire of the three sides, which will force him to eventually pick a side.How will General Askeran's presence affect the three factions? Will he pick the right side?

854 5 31
The Fire Tug of Azur Lane

The Fire Chief Proteus is a firefighting tugboat of the Freetown Civil Defence, the primary fire and rescue and civil defence service of a small island nation at the Mediterranean. The boat has been in service for about 25 years and is the last survivor of its class, with his brothers and sisters having either been scrapped or sunk, either in accidents or in conflict.One day, while responding to an oil tanker fire, the firefighting ship is caught in the middle of a storm and is transported in an alternate WW2 universe. But this isn't any type of alternate universe. It's a universe where warships can take the form of young girls and fight against the alien threat known as the Sirens.With no way of returning, Fire Chief Prometheus decides to reside in that world, still choosing to do his job as a fire tug as well as modernize the fire rescue services of the Azur Lane and Universal factions, which will prove difficult due to the continuous bombardments by the alien forces as well as the so called Red Axis.How will this new adventure affect his line of work?This is the second fanfic isnpired by my ongoing career at the fire service combined with my favorite naval anime and game.

58 1 5
Attack On Titan: Revolution of the SCP Foundation

Lieutenant Antonescu is an officer of the Special Intervention Unit of the Ministry of Internal Security, the intelligence service of the Republic of Agave. One day, while on his way back to HQ from a training exercise, he hears gunfire at the distance, causing him to drive to the area and investigate. As soon as he arrives though, he comes under fire from three different groups dressed in military gear and wearing gas masks, all of whom are firing at each other.Unable to handle the situation by himself, Antonescu calls for backup, causing the entire area to turn into a four sided battlefield between the MIS, the SCP Mobile Task Force unit, the Chaos Insurgency militia, and the Global Occult Coalition, of whom the three had been attempting to contain an anomaly.As the four factions battle each other, an electromagnetic geostorm occurs in the middle of the battlefield and transports all the troops with their weapons, equipment, and vehicles in the middle of an unknown area, the same world where humanity is threatened by titans.Unable to return to their world, the four factions will have to set their differences aside and work together in an attempt to survive from the mysterious titans while also assisting the Scout Regiment in fighting not only the titans, but the corruption within the kingdom.This is a fanfic I thought about writing for quite a while as a change. We will not be following the storyline of the manga or the anime.The SCP Foundation falls under Creative Commons License, while the MIS characters belong to me.

51 1 5
The Senshado Firefighters: A GuP Fanfic

The Senshado Fire Prevention Service is a private service under the command of Fire Marshal Constantin, and is responsible for fire protection and rescue operations within the schools and during matches. They are the ones responsible for putting out the fires within the school ships and towing tanks that are taken out during matches. One day, the firefighters decide to create their own private senshado team with Cold War era tanks and self-propelled artillery vehicles with the hopes of joining the senshado combat matches.Things soon take a very dark turn when after their second match, the Federation decides to introduce live rounds for the matches, thus turning the match into a death game.Left with no other choice but to fight, Fire Marshal Constantin will lead his firefighters to the fight while also attempt to form alliances with the other schools, hoping that he will be able to unite them against the federation. This will prove much harder however, when he and the other commanders will find out that the federation has hired some of the most elite private armies to stop the schools and other teams from making it out alive.This is a fanfic inspired by my career at the fire service, combined with one of my favorite anime and manga after my previous fanfic failed.PS. This is not related to the Yukiyukite Senshado story, it's an original fanfic.

154 3 12
The Oil Rig of Azur Lane

The MSCS Searcher is an old oil rig that has been in service for almost 20 years. The vessel has seen use in various branches and companies ever since it was launched. From an oil rig to an anti-ballistic missile platform to a spacecraft launch platform, launching rockets into space with satellites for the Mediterranean Satellite Communication Service, or MediSat for short.After two years of being abandoned in the middle of the sea, an ocean tug is heading to its location to tow it to a new location where it will be scuttled to become an artificial reef. When the tugboats arrive there though, their crews are shocked to discover that the platform has disappeared.What they don't know, is that the former oil rig has been transported in an alternate WW2 universe where ships can take the form of young girls. There, he will meet Enterprise and the Azur Lane faction who have been fighting against the Red Axis and the mysterious enemy known as the Sirens for the past two years.Now stuck in this universe, Searcher decides to join the faction, acting as their air defense platform and radar station, taking the age of warfare into another level.I own nothing except my OC, everything else belongs to its respective owners

1.6K 3 42
The Cruise Ship of Azur Lane

The MS Skydiver is a cruise ferry operated by the Southern European Cruises corporation and is taking part in the evacuation of refugees at the war stricken Malawi via Tanzania, acting as a temporary shelter for the various victims of the war.While sailing on its final journey after dropping off another group of refugees, an electromagnetic geostorm occurs and the ship disappears only to reappear in an alternate WW2 universe where ships can take human forms.Now stuck in this universe, Skydiver decides to become involved in this conflict, acting as the long range radar of the Azur Lane faction, providing them with information of the Red Axis fleet and against the mysterious enemy forces called the 'Sirens'.I own nothing except my OC. Everything else belongs to its respective owners

208 1 5
Girls und Panzer: Sōkōsha-do

With tankery and tankathlon becoming more popular than ever, a new sport rises in the sensha do community called Sokosha-do. In this sport, private teams are combating each other using old WW2 and Cold War era armored car and scout cars armed with only anti-tank rifles and light machine guns.The 3rd Spartan Armored Car regiment is a Greek private club based in Thessaloniki and consisting of men and women from 17 to 25 years old. The regiment is rather popular around northern Greece and Egypt for taking part in various reenactment battles in Cairo and Rimini to commemorate the fallen soldiers of the Greek army in exile during WW2.When the Sokosha do sport is announced, the club's members are quick to apply for the first ever tournament, which is sponsored by the same schools that run the sensha do sport and have formed their own armored ccar regiments.How will this new sport affect the sensha do community?This is a fanfic to commemorate the 1st and 3rd Greek brigades that fought in the Battle of El Alamein and the Battle of Rimini during WW2. I hope you enjoy.A/N: I own nothing except my OCs, everything else belongs to its respective owners.

58 1 1
The Lions of Babylon: A GuP fanfic (Slow Updates)

The Babylon Armored Division is a private Sensha do club, mostly known for its Iraqi Lion of Babylon tanks and the PT-76 light tanks. The club consists of men and women around their 20s and has taken part in mostly training matches between each other.After two years, the club finally receives permission by the international Sensha Do committee to take part in the 70th international sensha do championship, finally having the chance to test their combat skills on the field.As the matches progress though, the club, along with all the schools are shocked when dummy shells are replaced by live ammunition, thus turning the championship into a killing game of survival. As a result, the club and the schools are either forced to enter a free for all battle to the death or secretly make alliances with each other in an attempt to escape and uncover the truth as to why the rules have changed.This is not related to the Yukiyukite Senshado. It's a whole different story.I own nothing except my OCs. I hope you enjoy.A/N: Before you start reading, I'd recommend that you have tissues with you. This story is going to be really dark.

524 7 14
SCP Foundation: The Battle of Six Armies

MTF Omega 92, aka the 'Red Pawns', is the most elite Mobile Task Force in the SCP Foundation. Their role is to hunt down and contain SCP-91209, an anomaly believed to be responsible for the disappearance of many MTF personnel.When word comes out of SCP-91209's location, the entire MTF is mobilzed to contain it. Unfortunately for them, the Chaos Insurgency and the Global Occult Coalition have also found out about the anomaly's location and send their own troops to hunt it down.As soon as the MTF unit arrives at the location, a three way gunfight breaks out between the three groups which attracts the attention of lieutenant Constantin, a bicycle officer of the Bahian Community Police who gets caught in the crossfire and is forced to call for backup.While the four groups exchange fire, a mysterious light manifests in the middle of the battlefield and transports all the units in an alternate universe, the same universe where the Umbrella Corporation created the C-virus and are trying to take over the world.Now stuck in this parallel universe, the four groups will have to set their differences aside and work together in order to survive while also facing the Umbrella Corporation's army.This is an SCP/Resident Evil fanfic which I considered writing since my previous attempt wasn't very good.I own nothing except my OCs, everything else belongs to its respective owners

102 1 4
To Protect and Serve in Another World

The Special Armed Police, otherwise known as the S.A.P., is a private police force that has been tasked with various peacekeeping missions, acting as a replacement of the UN military and police peacekeeping forces, enforcing local laws and protecting the public from the corrupt systems.Lieutenant Narek, commanding officer of the S.A.P. is leading a convoy of 24 vehicles in a regular patrol at Dohrana city near the demilitarized zone between the government and the secessionist militias.As soon as the convoy appriaches the outskirts of the city, a sandstorm begins to manifest, haulting the vehicles and trapping their crews inside. Once the storm clears, the officers and operatives realize that they've been transported to an unknown location in a world far away where everything seems to be based on an RPG game.Now stuck in this world, Lieutenant Narek and the commanding officers decide to fight their way in this world, enforcing their own laws and protecting the civilians of local towns from the various creatures and bandit groups that are seeking to burn the towns to ashes. Things will get much more difficult when the royal family of the nation will seek to drive the S.A.P. personnel away in order to enforce their iron fist rule.This is a story I wanted to write because I got fed up with always seeing modern armies fighting against medival troops. For that reason, I decided to replace the modern military with the police.I hope you enjoy.

86 1 2
The Fireboat of Azur Lane

The 'Fire Chief Constantine' is a fireboat built by NAVINCO industries and serving at the Self-Defense Fire Brigade, a fire brigade tasked with guarding industrial areas near the coast. The ship has been in service for over twelve years and has become old. Finally, the commander of the brigade decides to retire the vessel and scuttle it.While en route to its resting place, an electromagnetic geostorm manifests at the harbor and the fireboat disappears only to reappear in an alternate WW2 universe wehre warships can take the form of young girls.Now stuck in this world, Fire Chief Constantine decides to reside there, acting as Azur Lane's only fireboat while also fighting against the alien forces known as 'The Sirens'. Will FC Constantine manage to survive the war and find a peaceful life on the oceans of this new world?This is a fanfic I'm writing to celebrate my success in joining the fire service in my country. I hope you enjoy.

340 2 5
The Rising of the PMR

Asato Gabasvilli is a Japanese-Greek soldier and a commanding officer at the International Protection and Relief Force, an international non-governmental peacekeeping militia which has been tasked with monitoring the peace between Moldova and the unrecognized Pridenstrovian Moldavian Replublic (PMR), otherwise known as Transnistria.One day, during a joint patrol with the Transnistrian police, a geostorm manifests, transposrting the entire nation to a medieval like world, the same world where Naofumi and his friends were summoned to become the Four Cardinal Heroes.Now stuck in this world and with possibly no way of returning, Asato and his squad will have to team up with the Transnistrian military forces to defend themselves from the mysterious creatures known as the Waves, as well as Melromarc's army who have declared this mysterious nation a threat to the kingdom.How will the nation's presence affect the war between the Waves and Melromarc? Will they join Naofumi and help him clear his name from the crimes he's been accused of?This is a different storyline and will not be following the original story from any of the books or the manga.I own nothing except my OC. Everything else belongs to its respective owners

182 2 7
Azur Lane: The Forsaken Fleet

The SV Aegean Explorer is an Electronic Warfare vessel in the EU navy. It is the only vessel that moves on solar power and the only ship that has the most advanced electronic systems that can detect enemy forces from a very long distance and can monitor their communications.One day, while escorting the SV Kuren, a prototype motor floating crane which is about to undergo testing, a rainstorm occurs, causing the two vessels to lose control and run aground to shallow waters and sink. 5 years later, the two ships are still standing at the same spot half-sunken, forgotten by both the navy and the public, left to be consumed by nature.One day, during a stormy weather at the coast, a geostorm manifests around the area, transporting both ships to an alternate WW2 universe called 'Azur Lane' where ships can take the form of young girls.They are not they only one transported to this universe though. Along with them are other forgotten ships from different timelines and universes that were either sunk or got lost at sea.Given a second chance, the warships and civilian vessels decide to form a joint task force, calling it 'The Forsaken Fleet' and forming an alliance with the Universal faction, transporting supplies to both the Azur Lane and the Red Axis factions which are at a three sided war with each other and the alien invaders known as the Sirens.How will the presence of this 'Forsaken Fleet' affect the war effort of the two sides? Will they manage to unite the two sides against a common enemy?I own nothing except my OCs, everything else belongs to its respective owners

294 2 6
Azur Lane: The Warship from a Doomed Earth

The MLNS Mediterranean Warrior is a Strymon-class Trimaran of the former Mediterranean Liberanion Navy which had been operating against the GNA in Libya, the FSA in Syria and the Turkish navy and coast guard as a response to the continued prejudice and racism against Christians and Jews from the military forces.It's been about 15 years since then. The Earth is now a complete wasteland with no governments left and the survivors living in small communities, islands and atolls. The ship is now wandering the oceans looking for a new home, safe from the continuous pirate attacks which have caused it suffer extensive damage.One day, while navigating near Aruba island, the ship is hit by a mysterious geostorm and disappears only to reappear in an ocean similar to the Pacific, except for one detail. This ocean is an alternate WW2 universe where Earth is under attack by alien forces and warships can turn into young girls.Now stranded in the middle of nowhere, Mediterranean Warrior is left with only one option, pick a side and fight against the alien forces known as the Sirens. Will he make the right choice and save this world from suffering the same fate that his universe suffered?A/N: I own nothing except my OC, everything else belongs to its respective owners

95 1 2
Strike Witches: The Ace from Katanga

Adamos Lomidze is a Katangese pilot of Greek origin who flies in combat missions against the Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria, operating from a secret airfield somewhere in the Togolese border. This pilot however, is a very unique one, as his plane is a Cold War era CM.170 Fouga Magister which has the markings of the Katangese air force, an air wing which was disbanded in 1963 after the failed secession of Katanga.One day, while on his way to bombard a Boko Haram camp the south of Nigeria, a rainstorm occurs, transporting him and his plane at an alternate WW2 universe where Earth is under attack by alien forces known as the Neuroi and the world's militaries have hired witches to combat them.Now trapped in this universe and with his aircraft being the only fighter jet in the entire Allied air forces, Adamos will find himself involved in this mysterious conflict between humans and aliens, becoming a valuable ally to both the Allied air forces and the witches. There, he will meet the members of the 501st and 502nd fighter wings, as well as other fighter wings, forming important alliances and assisting them in the war effort.Will he manage to help the Witches defeat the Neuroi and find a way back home?I own nothing except my OC, everything else belongs to its respective owners

90 1 1
The Supertanker of Azur Lane

The MV Dniester is a Dara-class supertanker which has been in service with the Southewest Eurotankers Corporation, the biggest oil company in southern Europe, transporting oil from Europe to Africa and taking medical supplies to war torn countries. It is the most advanced vessel of its class and the only oil tanker armed with laser weapons to defend itself from missiles and pirate attacks.One day, while en route to Liberia, a mysterious blue lightning strikes the ship which causes it to disappear, only to reappear in an alternate WW2 universe where warships can take the form of young girls and are fighting against a mysterious enemy known as the Sirens.Now trapped in this new universe and with only a few unarmed drones in his arsenal, Dniester must fight his way through the shells and bombs in order to keep himself alive, making deals with both sides for safe passage in exchange for the oil he's been transporting.Will he survive the war against the alien threat? Will he find a way back to his universe?A/N: I own nothing except my OC. Everything else belongs to its respective owners.

656 2 17
Azur Lane: The Last Gunfighter (rewritten)

It is 1999. Lieutenant Francois is on a regular air patrol mission over the Corsica islands. This will be his last flight before the F-8 Crusader will be withdrawn from service to be replaced by the Dassault Rafale and he will be reassigned to the aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle.While flying over the islands, a geostorm manifests, transporting him and his Crusader to an alternate WW2 universe.Now trapped, Francois decides to assist the allies in the war effort, performing combat air patrols and recon flights against the Red Axis and the unknown alien threat known as the Sirens.Will he find a way back, or will he be stuck in there forever?

61 1 2