Stories by: CrashingYourParty
3 stories
Purposeful Poetry Without the Purpose

When reading my poems, one might think, 'this guy is insane...' Well, worry not, because I'm NOT crazy, I'm just a poet! ....which pretty much means being a bit kooky is in the job description. Where was I going with this again? Ah, forget it, just read my poems

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OC File: Zarami

Bc my dumb ass forgot to give a description earlier

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The Dragon Slayer Of Chaos

Chaos. That's what Zarami sees as he gazes out across the barren wasteland that he had called home. He heard a roar, and looking up, saw the beast that had caused this destruction come flying out of nowhere and landed with a terrific crash, sending up plumes of smoke. Blue and black, with impenetrable scales and horrifying teeth and claws that could rip him to shreds in a heartbeat. A dragon. A mythical beast had appeared out of a hole in the sky and murdered every living thing. Zarami could feel it in his bones; he was the only one left. Then he would be devoured and all humans that once resided on the planet called Earth would be gone. But when the dragon spoke, he wasn't talking to Zarami. "So this is the one that has been chosen to wield my power. Pitiful. I can't believe that you would be so foolish as to think that a mere ningen could control the great dragon king's, Acnologia's power, Zeref."

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