Stories by: Blue_Cookies11
2 stories
FAITH || Percy Jackson

After receiving a certain proclamation issued by the Gods to memory wipe him for accused treason, Percy Jackson had no choice but to run away from Camp Half-Blood. ⫣⋉◈⋊⫦After an unprecedented monster attack on Camp, the Gods summoned Percy to Olympus, accusing him of treason for launching a full-scale attack on his kin. Trying in vain to convince the Gods that he shouldn't be held accountable, Percy finds no way to escape his dooming fate. Having said that, him being captured by a super evil deity and disappearing from the Gods' radar was technically a method to escape.However, being held in captivity by an arch-nemesis didn't really solve the problem. After about a year and a half, he saw no possibility to find a way out again, unless some supreme deity broke him out.Coincidentally, that was exactly what happened. The ruler of the Universe made a dramatic appearance into his life, dragging him into another world he wasn't even aware existed. Now, part of a team of familiar warriors, Chaos ensured him a life free from Gods- a life different from his past. A life of peace, solitude and freedom.For a while he enjoys it- until without his consent, he is sent back again to the world he came from. Distrust is abundant from both sides,But will distrust lead them to the path of victory?

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Demigods And Wizards: When Worlds Collide

AIYLA WANTED REVENGE. Revenge on Harry Potter- the boy to took the life of the last person she had to family. Blinded by Rage, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Hecate and Voldemort acquainted herself with sneaky and nefarious Nyx- Primordial of Darkness, and time travelled to 1998 to seek revenge on the Boy Who Lived.PERCY JACKSON WANTED A BREAK. A break from all the constant quests and wars that continue to pile up in front of him. But with the future and the very existence of life at stake, he was forced to travel back in time into a world of regret and mayhem while, thankfully, obtaining serenity from the wrath of examinations.HARRY POTTER WANTED A RESTART. A restart where his life was perfect, devoid of all the perils that he suffered. Now set out for a redemption year to cover up the missed education, he is, along with Ron and Hermione, again dragged back into another year of turmoil and mischief once their curiosity takes a toll on their actions, trying to uncover secrets about the new transfer student, who seems to be hiding more than what they anticipated.This tale of Unexpected Alliances, Friendship, Traitors and Temptations will keep you engrossed throughout. Loyalties will be tested, Rivalries will be made and friendships will be avenged. ⫹↢◈↣⫺Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. Credit goes to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling respectively. Only the plot and some characters belong to me.

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