Stories by: Blondieeee13
2 stories

There are millions of eye colors in the world of Pacata Societate, each special and different in the slightest of ways. Except each eye color, one set of eyes, has a twin, one other set of eyes, and that is the only other set of eyes with the same exact color as the first set of eyes in the entire world. These two sets of eyes belong to a person of each gender, the old saying in Pacata Societate goes, "Those without a match are those unworthy of love, and everyone is worthy of love." meaning that every one set of eyes has a match. The color of a person's eyes decides their fate, it decides their job, and it decides their spouse, the person with the matching set of eyes. The people of Pacata Societate believe that the male is the dominant human, so when he is born he is sorted into a Sector, the higher number the Sector the better the living arrangements and jobs, the lower the number the lesser the living arrangements and the lesser the working conditions, and the middle numbers are the Sectors containing the decent enough living arrangements and jobs. If you have a common eye color (blue and brown) you are sorted into the higher Sectors, if you have an eye color that is common, but not as common (hazel and green) you are sorted into the middle Sectors, and if you have uncommon eye colors (anything that isn't brown, blue, hazel, or green) you are sorted into the lower Sectors. Your Eye Match (the other person with the same eye colors) is put in the same house as you as babies, you are cared for until you are eight and then both you and your Eye Match are sent off to school and work, where you begin to fend for yourself, and when the male turns ten the caretakers leave and the male and female are left to work and take care of themselves. There is no set of eyes that does not have a match, at least, there wasn't, but then Kamaria was born.

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XO Cassandra

I know these letters are stupid, and I know that you won't write back... but I just wanted you to know that I miss you, and I love you, and I always will. XO Cassandra (This book may be triggering to some people; depression, disorders, etc.)

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