Stories by: Anxiety_on_broadway
7 stories
Worth a try

Takes place after episode 109Vincent and Felix are still working on their relationship, and things are going really well.Except Vincent knows that Felix's mental and physical health isn't improving at all-If only there was a way to go back into the past and fix what was broken.So like any rational minded person, he goes on the web and finds out there may not be such thing as time traveling- but there is a way to take care of Felix's inner child.-πŸ§ΈπŸ–€This is a sfw age regression fanfic- don't like? Don't readπŸ–€πŸΌ-TW: Gender dysphoria, Trauma, implied emotional abuse, maybe implied eating disorder, depression, anxiety

964 3 25
2: In which Remy can't keep a promise because that's not who they are

Remy has a favorite caregiver, but unfortunately Elliott has the same one,Virgil and Patton learn that caregiving in person is a lot harder than online,And Roman goes to a wedding that Remus is not-not invited to.

366 7 13
Just a baby πŸ’•

Vincent doesn't like keeping secrets from his boyfriends...He'd done everything he could and only barley hid it from Felix with a few close calls, what made him think he could hide such a secret forever?

11K 8 205
TS  πŸ’•Age regression prompts One-shots

πŸ’•πŸ’œRequests are openπŸ’œπŸ’•-Choose one or two prompts from my list, choose what characters you want, and I'll write them.-This is non-sexual Regression-All Ships are welcome except Rom/Rem (Brotherly love is mah jam!)

1.8K 18 84
Out of style-mates

"I can live with random messages on my arm-"Virgil started to say something but Logan continued before he could:"And I can kind of tolerate wearing eyeliner at 13 through 16, even if that caused me a lot of distress, embarrassment, and anxiety."Wasn't it like that for everyone at 13 through 16 though?"Remus asked."I can even tolerate the unexplainable black lipstick on my cheek-""I-"Logan held up a finger, "but purple hair?! You've crossed a line""Seriously?"Virgil scoffed, "that's where you draw the line? Are you crazy or something?""Black lipstick?"Roman asked realizing, "Remus what did you do?"---Soulmate AU:When you draw on yourself, dye your hair or wear makeup, It will be copied onto your soulmate.

68 4 9
In which Elliott learns to trust someone and becomes part of a family

Elliott doesn't have many reliable friends. Their parents don't provide any support, and their boyfriend isn't really the supportive type either.Emile thinks He can help Elliott, and plans on doing so no matter what the cost.--Virgil knows he should tell his boyfriend Logan about his age regression, but he'd hate to ruin something good.-They just need someone to rely on when things become too hard to handle. But how do you trust someone enough to get there?-Part 1 of "A little family" series.~There is mentions of violence but nothingsevere.~ Non sexual. This is an Age regression story, if that ain't your jam, don't bother reading this.Series

394 10 34
Brothers against the kingdoms of light and darkness {AU}

In a world where magic and sorcery is punishable by death, A kingdom is divided by light and darkness. In the light kingdom lived Roman and Remus, once best friends and brothers but now they're on opposite sides of a war. After Remus lost his true love at the hands of his own father, he leaves to find the only people who can help him get revenge.One year later Janus and Remus hire Thomas, Virgil, Joan, and Talyn to destroy the light kingdom by spreading a dangerous disease. Will Roman, Valerie, Logan, Niko, and Patton be able to find the dangerous sorcerers and stop them before it's too late?-Relationships: we focus mainly on brotherly love but we also have hints of: Anxceit, Logince, ThomasXNiko, TalynXJoan, and my fav Prinxiety(This was loosely inspired by BBCs Merlin and Disney's descendents.) I don't know how to explain this simply!

24 3 0