Stories by: AmyAmesburg
22 stories
The Boy Who Started To Live

Book Three

41.3K 100 1.3K
Harry Potter and the Forest

After his court hearing, Harry Potter is presented with an opportunity to clear himself of all charges if he takes place in a social experiment held by the minister of magic. Harry and six other students will be placed on a secret island and monitored for a year to see how they survive with solely their current knowledge and no magic. Fudge claims this is to discover knew muggle ways to fight the dark side in case magic fails, but it is a lie. Fudge has an ulterior motive and after getting seven of his enemies on a secluded island he decides to abandon them there, telling the world that a wild-fire broke out and unfortunately killed the children. Set in Fifth Year, Up For Adoption- takes place in The Forest (video game) universe

1.5K 11 49
Tower of Hindsight

In a bout of sudden overwhelming depression Harry flees to the Astronomy Tower where things proceed to go downhill. Aided by Hagrid and Cedric Diggory Harry is returned to the safety of Gryffindor tower. His feelings of hopelessness left in the tower of Hindsight

145 1 19

17 1 1
I am not the same girl


24 1 3

It comes in the dark, in the cold. It screams at me in whispers that caress my skin leaving behind shivers of disgust and fear. It won't leave me. It won't let me go. It scares me. It hates me. It loves me. It confuses me. It knows my every thought. It tries to help me. I think it helps me... It's cruel. It taunts me. It shows me what I am. It teaches me. It entraps me. But most of all... It lies. Come with me on this series of oneshots that represents actual Conversations Ive had with the Master Liar in my head. We welcome you to our dark little world and I hope you survive this episode of: Liar.

65 7 7
Do you know?

20 1 5
With the Silence

Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy finds himself on the stage of his second trial preparing himself to be sentenced to death. Suddenly, Draco's old nemesis Harry Potter arrives on scene to prevent Draco's gruesome demise and uses his own political power to change Draco's sentence. Unfortunately the ruling puts Draco in the center of the Pheonix Headquarters where while trying to raise his young son Scorpius, Draco will be forced to live with the last remnants of the DA.

390 3 12

Requested Story Drarry Bitcch

32 1 2
Abrupt Insanity

"Im lord Voldemort and I love muggles!" Harry sang throwing a handful of Voldemort into the air. "Its so fucked up" Ron said "Lupins dead, Mad eye is dead, Fred is dead and now Harry is insane."

1.2K 1 76
The Boy Who Never Lived

Proffesor Snape turned and stared at Harry, one eyebrow raised. "Mr. Potter! Are you paying attention?" "Y-Yes, Proffesor." "Tell me what would you get if I asked you to add powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?" Snape asked, knowing that the first year wouldn't know the answer. "I-I don't kn-know Sir." Harry said, his throat tightening severely. "Very well, Mr. Potter, where would you go if I asked you to get a Bezoar?" "I-I s-suppose t-the supply c-closet, P-Proffessor" Harry said, his heart racing and his breathing becoming shallow. "I-what?" Snape asked, not expecting this answer from a Gryffindor. "Th-the s-supply c-closet, Sir?" Harry repeated. "Well... umm yes, technically, but if I didn't have one then where would you go to get one?" "Th-the s-store s-sir?" Harry asked trying to think of a suitable answer. "Think Potter. Where does a bezoar come from?" "I d-don't know sir!" Harry cried, tears prickling his eyes. "And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" Snape asked. "I-I don't know, Sir" Snape stepped closer to Harry, who in return flinched away. "For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so power-" Snape stopped talking as Harry quickly wrote down every word the man was saying. "What are you doing?" "Ta-Taking N-Notes Proffesor." Harry said, quietly. "Is that what you were doing before?" Snape asked, surprised. "Y-Yes, Sir." "Hmm..." Snape hummed "Five points to Gryffindor." the class gasped and stared at the Proffesor "And see me after class, P-Harry." "Y-Yes, sir."

641.6K 43 21.7K Full
Insane Notions *TRIGGER WARNING*

Jesse looked into the mirror, his eyes full of tears as he stared into his own eyes. Everything about him reeked of dissapointment from his shallow, bruised skin to his messy brown hair that always fell into his eyes. He watched as the cloudy figure moved and stared hard to make sure he wasnt seeing things. His reflections grim expression stretched into an unnatural grin. His heart beat faster as he watched an exact replica of himself tilt it's head curiously but also in a creepy way that seems to be impossible to describe to someone who wasn't there to see the action. His throat closed up in horror and he rubbed at his eyes violently but the figure never faded from Jesse's sight. From behind him he heard a little giggle and he spun around to stare into grey eyes that were cold and lifeless. "Miss me Jesse?" The voice sent shivers down the teenager's spine. It was a voice that plagued his memories. On that screamed in his head at night. One that used to bring comfort but now only brought fear. It was the voice of a traitor.

163 13 3
Sander Sides: Sander's sides

Thomas always had issues with his depression but he had his own ways of coping with them. He would confide in his imaginary friends who represented his personality. But what happens when talking about his problems isn't enough anymore? What happens when Thomas decides that the only real solution is to get rid of the problem? But how will he do that when the only real problem... is himself?

244 4 13
Teaching a Malfoy

One-Shot. End of story. No more to this. Idea. Scribble. Remus teaches a class. Violent. Blood TW

43 1 1
Tik Tok Recipes

Recipes made by you, for you. A collections of recipes by the world. Collected by A.A Amesburg via the app Tik Tok. You can submit your own recipes or viral creations you want added to this book by direct message.

28 6 2
Fix this you bastard

Harry Potter, Boy-Who-Lived was now the master of death. As he stared out at the smoking mountain tops and heard the sobbing of students from the ruined castle behind him he looked at the river below him. "What now?" Ron asked. "I mean thats the most powerful wand there is. So what are we going to do with it?" "WE?" Hermione asked, appalled.She gave Ron a dirty look and Harry slowly pulled the stone out of his pocket and held it up to the light. He looked at the elder wand and sighed."Harry?" Hermione asked softly. "It's not right." Harry muttered. Hermione took a step forward, aware of the deathly drop in front of her friend that he could easily fall over. He pulled out his wand and mumbled something that she didnt quite hear. She cautiously held out her hand. "Harry please come away from the edge." She said lowly. "Its not right." He said again, pacing on the railing of the bridge. "Harry, mate, come down" Ron said, paling as he saw Harry's foot slip over the edge. Hermione jumped back in fright as something flew past her head and into Harry's hand. Harry let out a sob and tied the cloak around his neck, almost slipping in the process. "Harry please" Hermione whispered. "Where are you, you bastard?" Harry yelled out to the mountains. "Where the fuck are you?!" "Harry" Hermione choked out. "COME HERE YOU BASTARD! COME TO YOUR MASTER!" Harry screamed holding up the stone and the elder wand "UNDO IT! YOU COME HERE AND YOU FIX THIS!" "Harry," Ron said, tears falling from his eyes "Its just a story..." "NO!" Harry's voice broke with his screams "He has to come! I DEMAND YOU COME AND FACE WHAT YOU DID!" "Harry... Death isn't coming" Ron said softly. "You cant fix this one mate" "No he- he has to come! I have to fix it!" Harry said weakly, falling to his knees on the railing "It's my fault... I have to fix this..."

7.1K 9 441
Just Under the Surface (Sneakpeak)

All I wanted to do was spend a weekend away from the stress of life, the anarchy of family, and the egregious mistake of college. All I wanted to do was go away with my two best friends in the entire world. Away from the mundane life I lived and the very not mundane gift I have, but no. No, they HAD to bring me on another "grand adventure" to another weird hotel in the middle of nowhere. All I wanted was a few days to relax, have some drinks, see a movie. Now here I am, staring at a body and wondering how the hell my friends thought this trip was a good idea.

21 1 0
one of six

i was one of six boys in that basement. They called us the lost boys on television. The old man thought that was funny. He called me Peter. My name is Kevin. I was one of six boys in the basement. The old Man comes to bring us food once a day. If he insists on calling me Peter then I will call him Hook. Hook brought one of the boys out of the basement. I was one of five boys in the basement. The screaming above us hadn't stopped and Hook hadn't come to bring us food in three days. It was probably the stench that kept him away. I was one in five boys in the smelly basement. The screaming finally stopped. When Hook came back he only carried a sleeping boy who he tossed aside carlessly. The boy didnt move. Hook left. I was one in five boys. The sixth lays dead nearby. His corpse is starting to rot and we fear that if Hook doesn't come back that we will have to resort to eating our lost boy. I was one in six boys. But the numbers are dwindling and I fear that us lost boys will diminish one by one and I am terrified of the day that I am the last lost boy. I know Hook will save me for last. Afterall I am the only one he gave a name. I am his Peter. I am going to die.

1.4K 11 60
Death of Hogwarts

In a world long after the battle of Hogwarts; In a time where the theory of light and dark magic's had long since become extinct; in a life where the only law one followed was the law of survival; Our story begins. The magic of the people had long since gone, and with it their existence. However, one night, a strange event would change everything this post apocalyptic world had thought it knew. For the first time, in over five hundred years, a human had returned to Hogwarts. To Earth.

107 3 2
A fate worse than death

One night Lord Voldemort has a sudden vision. A horribly wonderful idea to destroy his biggest threat; Harry Potter. After a decade of failing to kill the boy, Lord Voldemort deduces a way to punish the teenager. Yes, Harry Potter shall be destroyed but not killed. No the-boy-who-wont-die deserves a fate worse than death. (May continue as a story but for now it is a oneshot)

1.9K 3 42
The Boy Who Wanted to Live

BOOK TWO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Proffesor Snape turned and stared at Harry, one eyebrow raised. "Mr. Potter! Are you paying attention?" "Y-Yes, Proffesor." "Tell me what would you get if I asked you to add powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood?" Snape asked, knowing that the first year wouldn't know the answer. "I-I don't kn-know Sir." Harry said, his throat tightening severely. "Very well, Mr. Potter, where would you go if I asked you to get a Bezoar?" "I-I s-suppose t-the supply c-closet, P-Proffessor" Harry said, his heart racing and his breathing becoming shallow. "I-what?" Snape asked, not expecting this answer from a Gryffindor. "Th-the s-supply c-closet, Sir?" Harry repeated. "Well... umm yes, technically, but if I didn't have one then where would you go to get one?" "Th-the s-store s-sir?" Harry asked trying to think of a suitable answer. "Think Potter. Where does a bezoar come from?" "I d-don't know sir!" Harry cried, tears prickling his eyes. "And what is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" Snape asked. "I-I don't know, Sir" Snape stepped closer to Harry, who in return flinched away. "For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so power-" Snape stopped talking as Harry quickly wrote down every word the man was saying. "What are you doing?" "Ta-Taking N-Notes Proffesor." Harry said, quietly. "Is that what you were doing before?" Snape asked, surprised. "Y-Yes, Sir." "Hmm..." Snape hummed "Five points to Gryffindor." the class gasped and stared at the Proffesor "And see me after class, P-Harry." "Y-Yes, sir."

146.6K 76 5.9K

Just a rap song/poem I wrote

18 1 2