Search: new-trio
12,295 stories

What do you think will happen if our Hia got jealous??Let's find out.(complete) August 5, 20223rd Storyvotes and comments are highly appreciated..๐Ÿ˜˜Thank you very much !ZeeNuNew - Fangirl

75.5K 20 2.3K Full
Something new- (Jaden walton story)

Y/n just moved to a new city, no friends, new School, a whole new place? What is going to happen?This is gonna be a love story but nothing extreme since Jaden is a minor.Credit to my editor Fifi;3

22.3K 15 77 Full

NuNew 1st time being mad to his HIA Zee.Read to find out what will happen.(1st Story that I post so sorry if you found some wrong words)sorry in advance.. will try to be better to the next storyThank you.

20.7K 6 517 Full
TayNew-Our Path

Translate it into any language without asking me so we can spread TayNew's love to a bigger community of Polca, but promise that you do it seriously!I absolutely believe that they are lovers, at least in certain moment!Not for their pictures and stories, not for what they talk to the media, not for what I see on the Internet, but for what I knew them, what I can find in their act, what my heart feels and thousands of moments behind the camera that maybe I will never see!Yeah, I loved TayNew's love!At the end of this path if nothing is gonna happen, just accept that I fail in love.At the end of this path, they are really together, it will be one of the brightest day.Love is pain, happiness, hope, waiting, belief... whether success or fail, the final we can get are all of them, it's really worth for trying, isn't it?Life is short, our memories are so precious like that, why don't we hold them and write our own Path together?My story has 13 chapter. Just I want keep this special number including 91-93 that creates to fate meeting: The first is TayNew and the other is us! But TayNew Path is unlimited, I strongly believe in that.TayNew is writing their story, I believe it will be the greatest one that no fanfic can compete. I can't wait to read each chapter everyday!I love their love, but I love TayNew 1000 times more!I hope they will be together, like lovers. But if I cannot even force myself to stop hopping, why can I ask them to make my dream?But at least, what I should-can do is hope them to be happy! Cause Tay wants New to be happy and New wants Tay to be happy!No matter friendship, BF, BFF, Actually BoyFriend, FriendForLife, just choose the path that you want to go!Cause the secret is, when I love PeteKao, I ship TayNew, but when I love TayNew, I ship them-to-happiness! P/S: 8/5/2019

24.5K 13 814 Full
I didn't knew- Hinny

Muggle Hinny Au"Stop being grumpy on the first day of the Senior year""I was delighted until you showed up""C'mon, you couldn't possibly hate me that much, Potter" "Trust me, it's quite the opposite, Weasley"__"I like you, Harry. How does that sound?" Smiled hermione. " 'I like you too, mione'. That's what he'd say thinking as friends. You should more clear" Explained ginny. Hermione groaned. "I don't know what to do. What if he likes cho? Or romilda? They're popular and so is Harry. You're his best friend ginny, say something" "We'll find a way, mione. Believe me"___"Ginny, I love you""I know. Love ya too, Harry. We're best friends""Why don't you get it? I love you more than as a friend" His eyes filled with unshed tears, desperately seeking for her love, waiting for any word that comes out her mouth. But he didn't give that a chance as he leaned in to kiss her.A story where Harry and Ginny were best friends since they were kids. What will happen when one of them decide that they're more than that?

19K 23 618 Full
Someone New- Chris Evans

When Chris Evans loses his beloved dog Dodger, he feels like his life is now empty. One day Tonya finds a dog in her yard and tires to find the owner. Chris and Tonya meet and find out their lives aren't perfect and share a bond over Dodger.

57.4K 31 917 Full
You never even knew- Bede x Reader

You never knew what it was like to be loved.**Warning this is depressing.**

49.1K 14 845 Full

HIM AND IA story of a boy who falls in love with his brother's best friend. Find out where this story is going.Another fanfic story about Zee and NuNew. I'm trying to change their characters, so please bear with me.. any violent reactions are welcome ha.ha.. just comment anywhere here.This is my 4th story and I repeat.. I am not a good writer. he..he.. (complete) October 6, 20224th StoryThank you very much in advance. ZeeNuNew-Fangirl

25.1K 23 1.2K Full
Captain of the New-Gen XI

Two weeks after Blue Lock's triumph over the U-20, they returned to the facility, where both new and familiar people were there. The blue lockers, along with the old U-20 team, are now facing the world stage. With the formation of the Neo Egoist League, Ego offers them with new rules and twists that are sure to rock the field. One of such twists and fresh faces is the Russian captain of the New-Gen Eleven, Seth Sidorov.• • • It's obvious but I have no rights to Blue Lock, only my original chargers that are included in this story. No image shown in this fic belongs to me.

354 5 17

Zee is having a bad day to the point that he yelled at NuNew. Find out how NuNew can handle his Hia.(complete) July 23, 20222nd Story that I wrote.. I am not a writer so bear with me guys.. votes and comments are highly appreciated..๐Ÿ˜˜Thank you very much !ZeeNuNew - Fangirl

38K 8 859 Full
The Start Of Something New- Part II

Last time around they met, this time they discover.When he met her at the backstage of his concert he knew she was different.When he called her late the night of that incident to apologise she knew she'd judged him wrong all this while.Where do all these realisations take them? If the last one was a easy breezy ride,This one's gonna be a mini roller-coaster.P.S-: This is the second part of 'The Start Of Something New' as is evidently conveyed by the title.If you read it, it sort of can be read standalone but if you want to get the entire essense of their story I suggest you read from the start.

6.1K 9 439 Full
-NEW- Purple Paladin (Pidge x fem reader

the last one was shit so same backstory, same y/n, just modified to what I like now that I have to publish each and every chapter by itself. FUCK MY LIFE!!You are Shiro's little sister, Y/N Shirogane. You went to the Kerberose mission with Takashi Shirogane, Sammuel Holt, and Matt holt. The purple lion was your way to escape the galra ship and you crash landed on earth near Keith's hut/shack or whatever. The characteristics you needed for the purple lion is shy and kind but also brave and bold. The purple lion is the heart of voltron but when the bayard is used it becomes the wings. It is the smallest lion of voltron.I don't own any of this artwork nor do I own the show voltron, so credit goes to the artists and to dreamworks.

32.5K 16 742 Full
Entirely New- Mark x David (Craig of the Creek)

Mark is, well, a jerk to say the least. Though David has learned to put up with the attitude of his best friend. It didn't bother him anymore, until David started feeling strange. And now, all he wants to do is not look like a fool in front of Mark. (Cover by CheeseAndQuackers on Amino) (Characters are not mine and are property of Cartoon Network, this is merely a fan creation)

4.9K 6 179 Full
Adopted By Taylor Swift ~star light star bright~

~TRIGGER WARNING~this story does include self harm, so if you are sensitive, please do not read.A fifteen year old girl with a scratched up past somehow finds herself being adopted by none other than Taylor Swift, and her life changes forever.[COMPLETED]((This story is cringey and like the timeline and stuff is incredibly inaccurate, just a warning))(((it is now under editing in hopes to make it less cringey)))

35.6K 11 895 Full
๐™ฝ๐šŽ๐š -๐š‚๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š’๐šŽ๐šœ-๐™ฝ๐šŽ๐šก๐š-๐šˆ๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š›!

โ•ญโ”ˆโ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ—Œเณ„โ—Œเพ€ หŠหŽ๐ŸŽ‡๐— ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐˜‚๐˜๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ฟ, anncouuces new story's for next year! :D โ”Šอ™ โœง. ห–*° เฟ

3.1K 7 98 Full
[Trans][Con.] TayNew- Con ฤฦฐแปng Cแปงa Chรบng Ta

Tôi แปŸ ฤ‘ây ฤ‘แปƒ viแบฟt tiแบฟp mแป™t câu chuyแป‡n tình.Vì tôi ฤ‘ã sแป‘ng trแปn vแบนn nhแปฏng ngày tháng tuyแป‡t vแปi แบฅy, vì tôi ฤ‘ã là Polca tแปซ nhแปฏng ngày ฤ‘แบงu tiên và sแบฝ mãi cho ฤ‘แบฟn ngày sau cùng nhแบฅt.Vì sau này sแบฝ có nhแปฏng Polca mแป›i, sแบฝ có nhแปฏng câu giá nhฦฐ tôi biแบฟt và แปŸ bên các cแบญu vào nhแปฏng nฤƒm tháng แบฅy!Vì sau này, khi các cแบญu lแบกi mแป™t lแบงn nแปฏa ฤ‘แปฉng trên sân khแบฅu nhìn vào mแบฏt nhau và nói vแป chแบทng ฤ‘ฦฐแปng ฤ‘ã qua, tôi vแบซn muแป‘n nghe nhแปฏng tiแบฟng vแป— tay và bแบฃng ฤ‘èn TayNew sáng nhฦฐ ฤ‘êm YILOVEYOU 2019.Vì sau này, khi không còn ai nhแป› ฤ‘แบฟn ý nghฤฉa hai chแปฏ BF, khi niแปm tin dแบซu có lung lay,khi ฤ‘แป‹nh mแป‡nh rแบฝ muôn ngฦฐแปi ra muôn ngã, tôi vแบซn muแป‘n nhแบฏc mình rแบฑng ฤ‘ã có mแป™t chแบทng ฤ‘ฦฐแปng mình yêu TayNew nhiแปu nhฦฐ thแบฟ !----Bแบฃn dแป‹ch ฤ‘ã có sแปฑ ฤ‘แป“ng ý cแปงa tác giแบฃ.Dแปฑ ฤ‘แป‹nh dแป‹ch fic này tôi ฤ‘ã แบฅp แปง thแบญt lâu, sau ฤ‘ó author uni2606 ฤ‘ã trans lแบกi tแปซ bแบฃn gแป‘c, trong nhแปฏng ngày tháng có thแปƒ nói là khó khฤƒn nhแบฅt ฤ‘แป‘i vแป›i fandom tแปฅi mình, thแบญt cแบฃm ฦกn vì ฤ‘iแปu ฤ‘ó.Fic gแป‘c là 13 chฦฐฦกng kแปƒ khá bao quát vแป TayNew trong giai ฤ‘oแบกn tแปซ lúc mแป›i quen ฤ‘แบฟn sau này. Bแบกn uni2606 ฤ‘ã dแป‹ch ฤ‘แบฟn chฦฐฦกng 9, tôi chแป‰ muแป‘n trans fic nhฦฐ mแป™t cách làm nแป‘t nhแปฏng gì mình muแป‘n làm cho TayNew. Tôi cแปฑc thích và tuyแป‡t ฤ‘แป‘i tôn trแปng bแบฃn trans sau này cแปงa bแบกn แบฅy.

2.3K 15 132 Full
Someone You Knew-After Stellarlune

Sophie Foster has been betrayed by her friends. The same elves that helped her to go through the toughest time of her life. How could they just betray her like that? Was it her fault?This story takes place after Stellarlune, so expect spoilers if you haven't read it yet.This is a Keeper of the Lost Cities fanfiction, and most of the characters belong to the amazing Shannon Messenger. This is also my first fanfiction, so please don't expect anything amazing.Ranked #1 in keeperofthelostcities (February 14th, 2024)Ranked #1 in keefe (February 15th, 2024)Ranked #1 in keefesencen (February 15th, 2024)Ranked #2 in sophie (February 25th, 2024)Ranked #2 in sophiefoster (February 15th, 2024)Ranked #1 in kotlc (February 29th, 2024)Ranked #4 in depressing (February 29th, 2024)

17K 30 276
Remind, New-Mind : A Bfb Comic Book

๏ฝก:๏พŸ(;'ON HIATUS UNTIL () Nov or Dec, latest is March()๏พŸโ :โ ๏ฝก ๐•€ ๐•จ๐•š๐•๐• ๐•“๐•– ๐•’๐•”๐•ฅ๐•š๐•ง๐•– ๐• ๐•Ÿ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ฅ๐•ฅ๐•ก๐•’๐••. ๐•€๐•— ๐•ช๐• ๐•ฆ ๐•™๐•’๐•ง๐•– ๐•’๐•Ÿ๐•ช ๐•”๐• ๐•Ÿ๐•”๐•–๐•ฃ๐•Ÿ๐•ค, ๐•๐•–๐•’๐•ง๐•– ๐•’ ๐•”๐• ๐•ž๐•ž๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ ๐• ๐•ฃ ๐•ค๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•• ๐•’ ๐•ž๐•–๐•ค๐•ค๐•’๐•˜๐•–. ๐•‹๐•ช โ”('ใƒผ๏ฝ€)โ”Œ';)๏พŸ:๏ฝกHI HI EVERYONE! This Comic book is gonna be a Fanmade work with me and my fellow BFB fans who are supposed to talk about this in the comments of any book I own or in my messages on Wattpad , so if you're interested in helping please do.โš ๏ธ Please don't repost without permission. If you want to translate it ask me โš ๏ธโ“Wanna Dub this? Can't believe you do but make sure you credit me โ“This Was Made with Ibis paint ๐ŸŽจ โญ Please, Remember to Comment to Suggest things to put in this bookโญIf Im inactive you message or comment to make sure I am still here๐Ÿ˜ถ

24.9K 21 321
Happy New-Year Charlie Brown!

[DISCONTIUED!]The depressed Charlie Brown experiences the heights and drops of the new year up coming. New chapters not anymore!(Respect to Charles M. Schulz, and all his wonderful Characters.)

48 3 0 Full
If Only You Knew- Trans Peter Parker

'What if he doesn't love me?'Peter Parker has a huge secret, one that could end up in him being thrown out of his home. Peter was born Peggy. Will his worst nightmares come true or was it just his mind play on tricks on him? Follow Peters journey as he turns from Peggy to Peter.Started: 29th July 2018Finished: 20th November 2018๐Ÿ‘‘#1 in Stony

208.6K 22 7.6K Full
The Search for Old and New- A Star Wars Story[Rebels Sequel Story]

Taking place right after the epilogue of Star Wars Rebels, Sabine, Ahsoka, and Rex set off to bring back the lost Ezra Bridger. On their journey they encounter many perils, unlikely allies, new and old faces, and many mysteries involving the unknown regions. Will they be able to find Ezra and bring him home? Or is he even still alive? And what unknown dangers will they encounter?*Disclaimer* I don't own Star Wars Rebels obviously or most of the characters in this book, made up by Disney and Lucasfilm, but some of them I have made up.Cover art by MeltyArtz

26.8K 24 284 Full
Something New- Teen Wolf fanfiction

(1st and 2nd season) Beacon Hills is not normal city. This is something that group of best friends will soon find out. Maddison McCall, Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski are best friend since childhood. When they were drawn into the supernatural world, everything changed.How is it going to be? Will it change relationship between them?How will normal teenagers like them get used to it when they also have to work on their grades, love lifes and friendships?Read and you will find out. โ—I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. I DO NOT OWN THE STORY LINE. ONLY CHARACTER I OWN IS MADDISON. THIS BOOK WILL FOLOW STORY LINE OF FIRST SEASON.

113 6 21
My New-step brothers

Ava Louise Charlton has just found out about her dad getting engaged and that she will be moving to California but there is something that her dad hasn't told her yet about his new fiancés family Find out by reading..What will she do? Will she get along?

48.9K 7 677
the start of something new- jiley at internationals

• the start of something new - jiley at internationals •

6.9K 16 215 Full
The New-Kid Tag

Meet Nylah, she's not shy but mostly keeps to herself. Doesn't have many friends of her own so she hangs out with her childhood friend, Paris and her friends. Her excuse, once she's not the new kid in Woodside High then she'd be sociable. Only, she has been using that tag for over a year to avoid making another set of friends. When Griffin Erling transferred to Woodside High, the 'new-kid' tag transferred to him. She has now no other choice but to change the things that keep her to herself by the next summer.Things like: •trying not to stutter when she's nervous •trying not to think out loud •and trying to make friends starting with, the new kid.[Previously known as 'Blocked:adore or annoy']

1.2K 7 56
The Time Lady Who Waited

The Doctor, Rose and Mickey find themselves on a planet called La armeo de la Universo. They are met by a women who goes by the name of Violet. Little does the Doctor know she is someone extremely important to him and not only that, she also has a big role in the events that follow throughout not only Rose's time with the Doctor, but his future companions as well. (Not all episodes will be featured, but most will be as well as some non episode chapters. Starts with the tenth Doctor).

3.3K 12 72 Full