Search: nandaparbat
55 stories

Reader is the second oldest Queen. After the death of her father and brother she makes the decision to leave Starling City. She travels around for some time before going to the Tibet to climb some mountains. Unknown to her she climbs us to Nanda Parbat, he's taken to see the Head of the Demon. He takes a certain interest in her and decided to train her as an assassin. What becomes of her after training? Will she return home? Will she stay with the League of Assassins? *I do not own any of these characters or you the reader.*

5.5K 7 84 Full
Soulmates (Damian x Reader)

Damian and Y/N were best friends from first sight and now they stay best friends but what they both don't know is that they both like each other but they don't want to tell each other so they keep it a secret, but Ra's and Talia both knew that they were meant for each other. When Y/N went to train with Damian and came back, her two friends Ashley and Brittney would always tease her about liking him but Y/N still denied it. Damian and Y/N go through twists and turns and ups and downs but they went through it together but what will happen when things change.

11K 19 196
Spirit of the Ashes: A Nyssara story

Sara gently grabs my arm, "Not yet." I comply and sit back down. She sits up, "Look at me." I do. Her eyes sparkle with something new. Hope? Confusion? Desire? Before I can make any sense of it, she leans forward and kisses me. It is light and gentle. I lean into her and return it. She breaks away from me for a second before coming back. This time it is harder and full of emotion. Longing, desire, hope. I return the feelings, her lips taste like strawberries. I want more, so much more... Sara lays on the shores of Lian Yu, just waiting to die. But a strange woman comes and rescues her. She slowly starts to fall in love with Nyssa; the woman the rescued her. To stay in Nyssa's life, she must endure thing she never thought she would face. Will love triumph or will Sara slip away forever...

22.5K 24 423

A nyssara one-shot and non-said canon moment, I think their first time was similar... at least I hope so.

114 1 2 Full

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Made In The USA

54 2 3
Catatan Anak Kelas 8E

Deskripsi Kelas 8E MTsN 1 Bandar LampungKelas 8E di MTsN 1 Bandar Lampung adalah ruang belajar yang penuh dengan semangat dan keragaman. Dengan kehadiran anggotanya yang terdiri dari siswa-siswi yang berbakat dan berprestasi, kelas ini menjadi tempat di mana ide-ide kreatif dan potensi masing-masing siswa dapat berkembang.

180 21 0
Melt Down ( A Harry Styles Fanfiction)

His green eyes. His perfectly curly brown hair. His lips. His voice. All these things about him could make you just melt. I felt like I could never take my eyes off of him..but that was okay, because I didnt want to.

80 7 1
Wolf's ... Mate??

Neveah,such a small word.With a big meaning in this world.Neveah is heaven,or at least a soldier of it. Angel of The Lord ,mate of a werewolf.Neveah is sent down to Earth by her father (God) and she has no idea why.What will happen when Angel of The Lord ,Neveah Marie meets Werewolf Alpha ,Mason Henry Battle? Will she feel the mate bond? Will she recognize anything in this human world called Earth?Warning;Neveah is very akwardAlso they're in their early twenties so if you want them to be 18- don't read!

50 1 0
Catering jogja nasi box jogja

Untuk yang paling dalam catering jogja resepsi pernikahan santai tapi lezat, pengantin mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan katering pernikahan barbekyu. Tidak nasi box jogja peduli seberapa besar atau kecil anggaran untuk resepsi pernikahan, layanan katering pernikahan barbekyu dapat membuat makanan yang istimewa dan lezat. Kebanyakan catering jogja akan menawarkan paket-paket tetap yang mencakup satu set menu dan semua layanan yang diperlukan untuk harga yang ditetapkan. Banyak juga yang akan menawarkan nasi box jogja untuk melakukan menu pernikahan khusus. Layanan katering pernikahan barbekyu juga bersedia catering jogja untuk mengakomodasi segala macam pembatasan diet dan bahkan dapat menawarkan alternatif vegetarian sehingga semua tamu pernikahan senang, kenyang, dan siap untuk merayakan. Kebanyakan katering bersedia untuk mengatur di tempat apa saja sesuai gaya Anda dari rumah pertanian ke pantai ke halaman belakang Anda sendiri.Untuk merencanakan resepsi pernikahan menggunakan layanan katering pernikahan barbekyu, seseorang harus memutuskan pilihan menu terlebih dahulu. Apakah akan ada barbekyu langsung dengan sosis, ayam dan iga? Rasa atau saus catering jogja apa yang akan dipilih? Akankah pengantin ingin menambahkan fitur tambahan seperti stasiun krep, buah tart atau mungkin bahkan lada bakar nasi box jogja bersama dengan menu barbekyu? Pilihannya tidak terbatas dan orang selalu dapat memilih menu yang tepat daripada memilih salah satu paket yang telah ditetapkan.The pernikahan barbekyu kateringlayanan kemudian akan ingin mengetahui perkiraan jumlah tamu yang akan hadir. Seiring bertambahnya tanggal, jumlah ini bisa lebih kuat. Diperlukan jumlah orang dewasa dan anak-anak yang terpisah. Juga, ini akan menjadi saat yang tepat untuk menyebutkan alergi makanan nasi box jogja yang parah dan bertanya tentang mengakomodasi semua kebutuhan diet khusus. Tentu saja tanggal dan waktu acara harus diatur untuk memesan layanan katering pernikahan barbekyu.

9 1 0 Full
The Black Queen

Nanda Parbat. Home of the League Of Assassins. led by Ra's al Ghul, This place is one, if not the most, of the dangerous places in the world. but did you know that the Lazarus Pit was there long before The League even existed? What would happen if they discovered an ancient power that rivaled Ra's? This is the story of how Nanda Parbat came to be, and the Goddess who lived there.

327 3 4

252 1 6
Pemborong Pintu Minimalis Motif Marble Untuk Sekolah Di Lampung

Pemborong Pintu Minimalis Motif Marble Untuk Sekolah Di Lampung

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