Search: asiannovel
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200 Days Of Love [Series 1: Teen Lovers] Completed

200 days of love [Series 1: Teen lovers]

887 33 49 Full
💫 ជំពប់ស្នេហ៍ភរិយាស្របច្បាប់ 💫

តើអ្នកធ្លាប់លួចស្រលាញ់នរណាម្នាក់ដែរឬទេ? ក្តីស្រលាញ់មួយដែលខ្ញុំបានផ្តល់អោយមនុស្សម្នាក់អស់រយៈពេលជាច្រើនឆ្នាំ ហើយក៏រំពឹងថាគាត់នឹងមានក្តីស្រលាញ់បន្តិចបន្តួចអោយខ្ញុំវិញ ជំនួសចិត្តស្អប់ដែលគាត់មានចំពោះខ្ញុំរាល់ថ្ងៃ អារម្មណ៍ពេលដែលត្រូវរៀបការជាមួយមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនស្រលាញ់គឺវិសេសវិសាលខ្លាំងណាស់ ប៉ុន្តែក៏មានផលវិបាកមកជាមួយគ្នាបើសិនជាដៃគូររបស់យើងមិនពេញចិត្តជាមួយនឹងមង្គលការមួយនេះ រាល់ថ្ងៃខ្ញុំកាន់តែស្រលាញ់គាត់ខ្លាំងឡើងៗ ជាពិសេសពេលដែលដឹងថាគាត់ព្រមបើកចិត្តទទួលខ្ញុំ អារម្មណ៍ខ្លាចគេបេះគាត់ចេញពីទ្រូងក៏មានច្រើនដូចគ្នា ខ្ញុំមិនចង់បាត់បង់គាត់នោះទេ មិនដែលសូម្បីតែគិត!! មួយជីវិតនេះសូមអោយតែមានគាត់នៅក្បែរ កំដរខ្ញុំដើរដល់ចាស់ស្លាប់រៀងខ្លួន នោះខ្ញុំស្លាប់ទៅក៏គ្មានអ្វីថាសោកស្តាយដែរ !!Jeon Jungkook x Kim Taehyung12/09

201.2K 46 11K Full
Together in Paris

"Gleb Vaganov had seen his life flow quiet, indigestible at times, but without any significat ripple.And then, she had appeared."A fan fiction inspired by the new Broadway musical "Anastasia", in which it's the Bolshevik soldier Gleb Vaganov telling his version of the story.*WARNING: this is a retelling. Many events have been obviously novelized and adapted, so I humbly ask forgiveness of those who have different ideas or ship different characters. Also, I ask forgiveness of all my partners history lovers, who will certainly find some inconsistencies.*^ translation to Insieme a Parigi ^28.06.2018 --> 01.01.2019

9.6K 16 183 Full
Smartass Antagonist

Tunggu, apa yang terjadi padaku? Seharusnya aku udah mati karena kecelakaan....tapi kenapa aku sekarang menjadi Ann Liliana Vicherta, Sang Antagonist dari novel Our Lovely Vanca?Aku tahu apa yang dilalui Ann apalagi dia itu karakter Favoritku. Mulai dari keluarganya yang lebih perhatian ke adiknya, ya siapa lagi kalo bukan Si Protagonist, Vanca Celina. Belum lagi Ann udah kek gak dianggap di keluarganya. Kasian banget, my fav :"Oh ya, jangan lupa sama Male leadnya, yap Leo Xavier Artamura, cowok yang disukai dan dikejar-kejar Ann. Sayangnya, Leo cinta sama Vanca. Fiuhh...dan berending Ann mati ditangan Leo. Favku bodoh karena cinta, ih gak suka aku.Ohoho, tapi santai aja, aku Silvia Clarissa akan menjadi antagonist yang terpintar untuk menjatuhkan segala masalah yang datang ke Ann. Alur novel ini akan kurusak. Berterima kasihlah padaku, Ann :))."Dunia novel ini penuh dengan plot twist yang gak ada di novel, anjir""Hmn...everything she said was bullshit. Just kill her""Baik, nona""Gue gak suka lo jauhin gue. Lo itu milik gue, Ann""Eh woi, gue itu milik gue sendiri. SADAR DIRI PLIS""Gue gak peduli. Selama gue hidup, lo punya gue. Jika gue gak bisa miliki lo, gak ada yang bisa miliki lo selain gue""Astaga, dah lah terserah lo""Ohh, jangan-jangan lo suka sama cowok lain? Kasih tau gue nama, kelas, sama alamatnya. Karena gue pengen dia mati, Ann""EH ANJIR"1. Ini cerita ideku sendiri, yang plagiat atau apapun itu, sini yuk bicara 4 mata sama aku :))2. Ada unsur 18+ tentang darah² sampai psikopat banget :))3. Misal ada yang sama nih, tapi cuman sekilas doang, iya maaf sama yang penulis kaka² diatas yang pro, soalnya aku belajar dari mereka, sekali lagi maaf ya4. Enjoy the story~~Begin: 4 Juli 2021End: ???

163.9K 41 12.3K
Bloodbath of the Fallen Crown

*Book two of the Queen of the Underworld series*Time has passed and Anastasia Bianchi has changed. For better or worse...well, that's not the point.Following a catastrophe that resulted in a downward spiral of mayhem, Anastasia is forced to take her father's throne and wear his heavy crown.Being the leader of the Mafia is never an easy feat. Especially for her, who's still trying to piece herself back together after everything that's happened.With the eyes of the Underworld solely on her, it becomes progressively harder for the world's best assassin to maintain her strongest stance, leaving her vulnerable to disloyalty and betrayal. Something that, now more than ever, she cannot afford.The crown is slipping and her reign is being questioned. Now, a war has begun. A war followed by a bloodbath.It's the bloodbath of the fallen crown.

101.3K 39 3.8K Full
So... I Am Diana?

Fanfiction: Who Made Me A PrincessStatus: HiatusCover not mine ©tto •••I am a writer and I was once a ballerina. A normal human being living peacefully in my one-story house.One day, while buying some refreshments on a grocery. A handsome young man appeared in front of me. He murmured something that I cannot understand except for the words "A Perfect Gift for Athy"What happened next? I passed out, when I regained my consciousness, a beautiful young woman appeared before my eyes. The young woman looks exactly like me and the surprising part is when she called me 'Mother'Do I look like her Mother?Well, yes.But what surprised me the most is when she told me her name. Athanasia de Alger Obelia, a cannon-fodder character in my novel 'The Lovely Princess' and she told me that I am Diana, her deceased mother.So was it a problem? Actually not. It's not a problem until Claude saw me...----------"Lucas told me that you are my Mother," Athanasia said"Actually, You are the Reincarnation of Athy's Mother" Lucas replied"Wait geez... So I am Diana?" I asked" Indeed! and you are my gift to this Idiot" He grinned."Oh shut up! I am not an Idiot"

455.3K 37 19.4K

𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴, 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵, 𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘺, 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦, 𝘧𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘵, 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥, 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘥.©𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊-𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐂 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎𝐅𝐄𝐁 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐓 𝗦𝗘𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗪𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏

36.6K 26 2.1K
Yours, Aphrodite

AN ONC 2020 ENTRY- SHORTLISTEDA Wattpad Romance, Stories Undiscovered, General Fiction, Cupid and AmbassadorsUK featured story.Art in the cover by @CutoutsCo on Etsy.─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─"Dear Miss Clara Abbott,I am delighted to inform you that you have been engaged. I wish you the best of luck with your new husband. Yours, Aphrodite."When Clara was just fifteen, she vowed to the sky that she would never fall in love. For ten years, she told herself that she was happy alone; that stubborn streak inside of her never letting her believe otherwise.Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, for Clara, Aphrodite and her gummy bears saw through her façade, and decided to give her a little nudge to help her make a different sort of vow..."I want to allow myself to feel everything, but there is something in me that feels like it is physically stopping me from doing that."─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─• @newlywrittenbooks featured• @WattOriginals featured• ONC Shortlisted• Second Place- Psychological Novel Reads Contest 2020• Honourable Mention - Romance Reads Contest 2021 • Second Place - The Creative Awards (Fifth Edition)• Third Place - The Gen Z Awards 2020• Honourable Mention - The Ace Awards Supreme • Fifth Place - The Belle Amè Awards 2020 Highest ranking: #8 / 195K in Story [20/7/20]#2 / 69. 4K in Book [5/7/20]#751 / 2M in Love [24/6/20]#1 / 11.1K in Letter [20/7/20]#5 / 3K Novella [22/6/20]#1 / 626 in Opennovellacontest [26/5/20]─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─[Yours, Aphrodite, written by TinyAsianEmpress. © All rights reserved]This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the permission of the author.]

14K 15 841 Full
I want A Salted Fish Life! (Wmmap ff)

Damian De Alger ObeliaHe reincarnated on a the novel he randomly bought just because his friend recommended it to him.But if he was reincarnated as the first child of Claude?What will he do? should he save Athanasia and slap Jeanette's annoying face?Huh...But he doesn't want to become the next emperor!On his past he was known as the golden child of the family, he was full of talents. What will he do now?Just be quiet?Enjoy the drama?Or he will bring chaos?highest ranks:claude: #7anastasius: #1MADE: 1/5/22

91.2K 13 4K
Wearing A Book With A Wealthy Spoiled Girl (MTL) ✓

NOT MINEORIGINAL TITLE: 穿书女配豪门娇宠AUTHOR: 十六月西瓜In the book "The Devil's Lover", the man with "power across Southeast Asia" is as charming as a black rose, as seductive as a poppy, and full of extreme danger as a devil. Yu Sheng, who is dressed as the cannon fodder female partner in the book, with her red lips slightly hooked, her eyes gleaming, "Even if you are the devil, this life will be unique to me." Mr. Devil's thin lips open, "Okay." Weibo Red Ren Yu Sheng wakes up and finds herself dressed as the miserable female partner of the same name in "The Devil's Lover". And all the tragedies of the female partner all come from the heroine in the article, that is, Yu Sheng's sister, Yu Wei. Seeing the miserable ending of the female partner in the novel, Yu Sheng red lips slightly hooked. What is the hostess? She is not a soft persimmon. If the hostess dares to come, she dares to take the initiative. Within the bar, Yu Sheng unknowingly enjoyed the exclusive treatment of the heroine. In the book "The Devil's Lover", the best male matches are everywhere, and there are many demon presidents like dogs. And she was soaked in the most male god among them.Some of her novels- Life Observation Log of Giants- Diary of the wedding with the actor- Buddhism girl wears books everyday- Be a mentor in a love variety show- Green tea cultivation manual- I abducted the hero- Apical dodder flower- What should I do if my brother is too good- After rebirth, I became a jealous- When a female partner is in a men's college-Marshal, you are not convinced- I'm his grandmother- Dressed as the first love of three big brothers- The Queen of Metaphysics [古穿今]- Princess sick pet daily- This Love Is Sour And Sweet

561.5K 102 11.7K Full
Idiots to Lovers (bxb)

||WATTY WINNER 2023🌟|| Two strangers pretend to be a couple to win a dumb bet. The wager: they must enrol in couples therapy and fool their counselor. _________Updates every Friday at 2pm (BST)_________Six non-refundable couples counseling sessions. That's how many Clementine booked for him and his girlfriend to sort out their relationship problems. What he didn't see coming was getting dumped as soon as he informed her of it. Enter Everett, a chaotic, curly-haired boy who barges into Clementine's life. He offers to fake date and attend the counseling sessions with Clementine. Unfortunately, they are both idiots. Did they really believe they could safely fake-date in a Wattpad book and NOT fall in love?❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Might bring to mind:"Heartstopper" but with a ton more baking and fake dating 🌈🎼🎶This book has a Spotify playlist with a song for each chapter. To download it you can search me on Spotify @itsmeimthevampire - the playlist name is "Idiots To Lovers."🏅🏅🏅Watty Winner 2023. Shortlisted in the Open Novella Contest 2023. Featured on Wattpad profiles:@FreeTheLgbt @Romance🏆🏆🏆#2 lgbt#2 lgbtq📆 10/5/23#4 gay 21/5/23#4 bxb 14/5/23#5 boyxboy 13/5/23#1 gayromance 5/5/23#1 gayshipsareyayships 14/5/23Written for ONC2023 using prompt 39:On a blind date with a complete mismatch, you're increasingly uncomfortable but too polite to leave. Then an attractive stranger comes over and gives you an out.

299.7K 59 18.5K Full
SIAD: The Lovely Princess

Same universe from 'So... I am Diana' but in the dimension of 'The Lovely Princess'Diana, the modern writer of 'The Lovely Princess' is the reincarnation of Diana, wife of Claude Del Alger Obelia, and mother of Athanasia Del Alger Obelia who was meant to die according to her novel.For some reason, the black tower magician took her away as a gift for a princess named Athanasia, who has the same name as her cannon-fodder character from her story 'The Lovely Princess'. She also met Claude who is her lover from her past life."They are the same characters from my story, but the relationship of the two seemed to be different from 'The Lovely Princess'. Their father-daughter relationship is sweeter than the father-daughter relationship of Jennette and Claude."Everything seemed peaceful, it was a happy ending without anyone dying or being executed!However, what if after meeting her family with a happy ending, she was suddenly transported into the dimension of her work 'The Lovely Princess' with the LP Athanasia being executed by his father who is non-other Claude•••••••If you want to understand the story more, please read my other fanfiction which is 'So... I am Diana'.

14.7K 9 640
What Happens In Rome.... [Lgbt]  [✔]

At first glance Wei appears to be the most composed, calm man you can think of, but inside he's shaken by an anxiety that constantly chokes him. Trying to understand him Yunlan will find out how his depression and lack of self-esteem almost ruined his life.Now he can either run for his life or keep by his side and help him fight it.~~~Wei moved to Italy to start a new life, planning a way to make things right with his parents.He is reserved, we could call him emotionally fragile; it scares him when people stare at him or gossip. He has some self-confidence issues yet unresolved.In Rome he meets Yunlan, as extrovert and exuberant as he can get, who steals his heart away. Will Wei learn that he doesn't need to obey to be loved?Yunlan has plans of his own for them, but unknown to him Wei's fiancee is about to arrive...~~~(I apologise for forgetting about timezones 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ Nothing I can do now 🤷‍♀️ Just pretend the world has the same timezone please 🙏)Inspired by ONC2020 prompt n. 5Total word count (author notes not included) is 41.841.Start: mid-February 2020 End: 24.03.2020#Therainbowawards⚠️WARNING: some subjects may be triggering: depression and severe low self esteem 🔵 I borrow some names from Priest's novel Guardian because I love them, but this story has nothing to do with the novel/drama, so you Do Not need to know that to read this story.©️ Story, cover and banner are mine.I edited the cover with pictures of Chinese actors Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu. Same for the banner.

25.6K 34 1.5K Full
Wattpad's Best | (Mafia's Edition)

List of the best mafia books on wattpad

1.2M 105 6.3K
Who made me an adorable princess

Athalia de Alger ObeliaThe Adorable younger twin sister of Athanasia de Alger ObeliaUnlike Athanasia who was cased away since birth, Athalia was favoured by everyone even her stone cold father. She grew up with Athanasia until the age of 6, where Athalia would run into her father while Athalia was running away from some maids.Claude de Alger Obelia grew fond of her, his original intention was for her to be killed but the more he let her live the move he grew to love.But the pleasant memories of Athanasia in Athalia's mind vanished by the age of 12, the two princess, the to twin sisters both now missing there other half.Sadly once Athalia reached the age of 13 a month before her 14 birthday, Athalia was assassinated by a group of people plotting to over throw Claude.Claude was devastated by her death and did all he could to torture the men that killed her, Athanasia never heard of her sisters death, so when Athalia didn't turn up to the debute she was shocked to find out about the assassination from a guard.But to make matters worse a young girl who was named Jennette Margarita was announced as Claude's daughter, Claude was reminded of Athalia when he saw Jennette so he decided to let her live for a bit glad to have something that remined him of the one he loved most. That's the Role Athalia played in the novel 'Lovely Princess', she was truly adorable that's why 7 year old Amelie fell in love with her as soon as she read the side story to 'Lovely Princess'. Amelie was confused as to why Athalia was never in the original novel she was only ever mentioned once or twice and all times she was compared to Jennette. Amelie eventually passed due to cancer but what she didn't expect was to open her eyes to find Athalia and Athanasia's mother smiling brightly at her.---slow updates :((

141.5K 22 5K

𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯? 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘦?©𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐊-𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄

8K 13 666
[OG] Suami Pembimbing Syurga

Tiada ribut tiada angin ,Sumaira dikhawinkan ayahnya seorang bilal iaitu anak kepada sahabat ayahnya ."Assalammualaikum sayang .Sayang bangun sayang .Dah azan subuh dah ni .""Ish,aku mengantuklah! .Kau blah boleh tak ."Namun ,makin hari makin teruk .Nasihat si suami langsung tidak menjadi satu perubahan terhadap si isteri .Si suami bernekad untuk berkeras dengan si isteri ."SUMAIRA SHAFI BINTI ISHAQ HARIRI ,awak isteri saya yang sah dan saya takkan sesekali benarkan awak keluar malam lagi! Ingat yang syurga seseorang isteri dibawah tapak kaki suaminya .""Kau kenapa ha?Ini hidup aku and kau jangan nak kawal kehidupan aku .One more ,i'd never in loving with you .Esok kau boleh ambil surat cerai kalau kau tak suka dengan cara aku .Get out from my life ,Hashim!"-Semoga cerita ini dapat beri anda pengajaran 🤍 -start 240223end -99% idea from writer

4.7K 11 160
After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)

Title: "I Cultivated N World Champions"←=.= The Real Title Should Actually Be This, Ahem, Quietly HighlightingSu Bai, as an athlete with no promising future in track and field, decides to apply for retirement due to a lack of hope for performance improvement . However, when he officially submits his retirement application, something strange happens in his mind - the appearance of a "Super Idol System"?! The problem is, this system seems a bit out of the ordinary...His first task is to practice basic knife skills for an hour? And the reward he receives after completing the task is a position as the chef of the S Province Sports Team? Hold on, is this an idol system or a chef development system?Later on, Chef Su Bai becomes the team's legendary figure. The most talented athlete in the team praises Su Bai's cooking as the best in the world. The notorious troublemaker in the team is willing to do anything for Chef Su. Even athletes who originally had poor performance and considered retiring thank Chef Su for suggesting they switch to another event, believing they can compete until the 2024 Olympics!With Su Bai acquiring more and more skills, he finally realizes that this is not just a chef development system - it's a superstar coach development system!Years later, when a reporter interviews the nationally renowned coach Su Bai, the journalist enthusiastically asks, "How did you make athletes who are not much younger than you obedient and disciplined?" Su Bai remains silent for a moment and sighs, "Well, I guess if they don't listen, they won't get to eat the food I make." Journalist: ?????One-sentence Summary: I've nurtured numerous world champions and dominated the world of sports.Theme: Leading exceptional athletes to achieve world dominance in the sports arena.------Completed (296 Chapters + 9 Extras) | Started: 08/26/2023 End: 10/20/2023P.S. Full credit to the author | Not my novelEdited MTL by me (dapotaturs) Not the Official Story Cover

60.5K 199 1.4K Full
I Wanted To Die But Instead I Got Reborn?! (Rewrite) [Hiautus and under editing]

*under editing*I'm making a rewrite of this story since I don't like it. And I'm doing it mostly in the mc's point of view bc it's easier.And the main character will be a different person with a different personality. But he'll still be the twin of Athanasia. Btw I'm not revealing his backstory at first cuz I wann make it a secret for now but you'll know it gradually as the story progresses.And I'm doing this for fun. I might do other stories after this one.Please read this- Many things that happen are not from the Manhwa or novel.- Different characters will be introduced.- Announcements will most likely be in a chapter or on a separate part.- Story may be trash

41.5K 16 1.1K
Living As Jennette From Lovely Princess

Idk? But it's about a person from Korea that transmitted into a fictional novel called "Lovely Princess" instead of "Who made me a princess". She was at first confused, then got used to it. Thinking it was the manwha named Who Made Me A Princess. She thought about running away before she turned 14 living happily in a small but cozy home while being extremely rich or even maybe getting married to the person she loves, because she didn't really want to get involve with the manwha, and having to act like a clueless girl seems tiring and boring.I mean, it won't hurt the plot right? That was until she turned 8 years old, and everything changed from there. She met a beautiful golden wavy haired girl with the same jewelled eyes as her named Athanasia. She met her while she was lost in a garden. Then until now she finally found out this wasn't the manwha Who Made Me A Princess, but instead it's was the fictional novel called Lovely Princess! Jullian. No, Jennette decided to change the faith of the poor princess. Will she change the faith of the forgotten princess and live happily ever after? or will she fail to change the novel scrip and suffer the consequences? Read to find out and see

942 8 45
The Forbidden Act

Vampires exist. And they live amongst us, hidden within the shadows and right under our noses. They are beautiful, forbidden beasts; everything I've been trained to hate and reject.. Yet, what is this that I feel?Lust? Desire? Love..?His crimson eyes pierce through my soul, holding me captive in his gaze. I cannot move, nor do I want to. I want him, even if it means to commit the most sinful act in humanity. All for..Hardin Romano. Anastasia Cross. Orphan. Cold. Numb. Emotionless. All of the great aspects for a Vampire Hunter. When she was 9 she was found abandoned under a tunnel. Blood soaked clothes and tear stained cheeks, with no memory other than a tall dark figure walking away from her. She was scared. But now she wants revenge.. from the very thing that erased all that she has known before the age of 9. Vampires.3rd place - Charm Awards2nd place - The Creators Choice Awards1st place - Casia Flair Awards1st place - The Coronation Awards

13.5K 28 1.6K Full
But Shixiong Doesn't Want To Be A Villain! 🐰 [BL] ✔️

Bai Fanlu transmigrated into an immortal cultivation novel as a villainous Demon Lord. In the original, the demon lord was in the ranks of the immortal class and had a promising future. Unfortunately, he fell in love with the male lead, became a villain for his sake, and ended up with his soul disintegrated.Bai Fanlu objected to this idiotic plot. The reason for the demon lord to become a villain was not the least justified. He was obviously a decent gentleman! The most important reason, of course, is that the demon lord and him share the same name.System: [Giving you a chance to prove yourself.] [Persevere and do not become a villain to the end, and you can return home when the male lead is done with saving the world.] Bai Fanlu: ...What if I become a villain?System: [Then of course you will end up as cannon fodder.]Bai Fanlu has a plan. In order to not become a villain, he has to adhere to three principles:- Do not have any physical contact with the main lead.- Do not have any grudge entanglement with the main lead.- Do not have any emotional interaction with the main lead.However, nothing went as planned...As he was getting desperate, a figure descended from the sky, snatching him out of the red lotus fire and carrying him up into the sky. The young man forcibly trapped him, with a darkness swirling in his eyes he said, "Shixiong...are you trying to leave me? I will not allow it."Bai Fanlu: "..."Bai Fanlu: "So, who exactly is becoming the villain in the end?"ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ᴡᴇʙɴᴏᴠᴇʟ MTL! (roughly edited machine translation)ғᴏʀ ᴏғғʟɪɴᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴘᴜʀᴘᴏsᴇs.

162.1K 104 6.1K Full
The Real Lovely Princess || 𝖶𝖬𝖬𝖠𝖯

[ slow updates at the moment ] There's too many what if's in the world, you can't really expect yourself to know them all. Like, what if your hair will grow in such length today? Or what if the person you like finally noticed you and started talking and hang out with you? Or what if your father is a mafia boss? Or what if Athanasia de Alger Obelia, the forgotten princess, the one who died from the execution due to wrong pertains, return back to time. Where Jennette is the so-called 'Lovely Princess'. Would she end up as Athy, like the one who're on Who Made Me A Princess? Or would she seek revenge and make everyone the made her suffer, suffer like what she experienced? Or would she just live with her father peacefully? ✿❯────「✿」────❮✿ AUTHOR'S NOTE !!! Reminder to all readers, this is the Lovely Princess Dimension.Which is where Jennette is a literal annoying bit- anyways. Please don't hate Jennette (hate Lovely Princess Jeanette instead), or anyone in the manhwa. Jeanette is written in (spoiler alert ig?) a bratty, literally annoying, delusional and suchs because it's what i see in her in the Lovely Princess novel (i just saw some parts in Jeanette's pov) and not the Who Made Me A Princess manhwa. Seriously, i don't get people who hates her. She's the literal sweetest child and i love her. She's just naive and no one tells her anything so that's why she's like that. If someone hates my baby Jennette, i'll kick some asses. [ AUTHOR IS SUFFERING, PLEASE DEMAND MORE CHAPTERS BECAUSE AUTHOR LIKES TO SUFFER. IT'S NOT A FETISH ][ UNEDITED ][ READ COMMENTS FOR AUTHOR'S NOTES ]^^That's all. Sorry for the grammatical and typographical errors. I wrote this in a flash, i think?Act One - CompletedAct Two - CompletedAct Three - On-GoingAct Four - On-Going

108.6K 58 3.4K
Techno Fever [ONC II Round 1 WINNER | Asian Scifi | Complete]

GHOST IN THE SHELL meets THE LUNAR CHRONICLES. Year 2154, Hong Kong: Bod Mods are all the rage. From forearms equipped with blast cannons to telescopes implanted to irises to jet propellers as feet, there is no limit to the modification available that money can buy.University student Chan Meiha witnesses a gruesome Bod Mod safety mechanic malfunction on campus, but that's only the beginning. It's one thing to switch off a glitching machine; it's quite another when it's literally neurally wired to your body and refusing to obey.With the safety measures of Bod Mods now defective, Meiha is tasked to help her stepfather, one of the creators of Bod Mods, fix this glitch. But there are people all too happy to misuse their Bod Mods without repercussion and restriction and Meiha has to sort this before chaos befalls her city.Written for Open Novella Contest II. Round 1 winner.

2.6K 15 373 Full
The Prime Minister's Beloved Wife

Transmigrated into an ancient novel, the modern fashion designer Bai Yu Yan suddenly became the wife of the Prime Minister. However, regardless of her position, her ending was but a tragic death. "Death? Ha!", Bai Yu Yan scoffed as she packed her bag to become the master of her own fate. "Wife, this lord has already warmed the bed for you. You dare run after eating this lord's tofu?", a certain lord stripped himself and closed the bedroom door. ... In a world where survival was her only goal, love came knocking on her door. Although he was her husband, he would soon meet his fated one. But why does this man look so handsome in her design? Bai Yu Yan looked at fate on one hand and her heart on the other. Which one will she choose? Start: 12th April 2020 [Original Story] [Cover credit: @buruberipeach]

1.2M 64 52.1K
Athanasia Youngest sister. [ WMMAP ]

Sorry English isn't my first language!! ⚠️ This is uncannon ⚠️In the novel "Lovely Princess" a young desperate girl tries to get her father's attention but fails and dies in her own father's hand. What if she has a sister cute and innocent sister her lover for her older sister is too much even her older sister adores her the emperor himself does on her.Adeline is a sweet girl who people love from across the world but she was never mentioned in the novel. Let's see her survive in WMMAP!

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