
MILO GARCIA was a motherfucking G. Milo got into selling drugs when he was 14, his best friend and two of his closest cousins got into the wrong crowd then pulled Milo into the wrong crowd by telling him, he could make so much money by selling on this corner, obviously, Milo said yes because whatever he made he got 70% of it and his boss got 30%. By the time Milo was 18 he had started doing a business for himself, no one knew what, not even his parents only his now wife and someone of the family members he worked with. Milo met Hermione when he was 15 they were friends for a year and then got together Milo loved Hermione so much there was too much love to express so they got married at 19, yeah they got Married young people were against it but they didn't care. Milo got Hermione pregnant when they were 20, and Milo became even more protective of his wife and daughter Angela of course. Hermione didn't like what he did but she knew he was damn good at it.

"Open your mouth a little," Angela mumbled to Maddy as she overlined her lips.

"So what the fuck is happening with you and Fez," Maddy asked as Angela changed lip liners.

"What are you talking about," Angela asked.

"Don't act dumb, we know all about you two getting it up in the bed," BB spoke.

"Huh?" Angela gave Cassie a confused face.

"Your mom was talking with my mom about you and Fez, Aunty Hermione said Fez you came down the stairs crying and Fez was mad or something, did he do something to you when yall were in your room or what," Maddy asked, Angela, let out a loud sigh.

"No. Fezco can't keep his freckled nose out of my relationship," Angela rolled her eyes.

"So is he like obsessed with you or something," Cassie asked.

"No," Angela stopped doing Maddy's lips and thought about it for a moment.

"No, I don't think so," Angela added.

"Why else would he be all up in your pussy," BB rolled her eyes and fixed her hair.

"Maybe he does like you," Cassie spoke.

"No he doesn't," Angela rolled her eyes and finished up Maddy's lips and her phone suddenly dings.

"Mark's outside, I'll see you later, bye BB, see ya cass," Angela smiled and hugged Maddy. Angela walked outside of Maddy's house and Mark opened the door for her as he sat in the driver's seat.

"Hey," Mark smiled and watched as Angela jumped up into the truck.

"Hi," Angela gave him a peck on his lips, Mark puts a hand behind her head and gave her another passionate kiss.

Angela pulled away from the kiss and Mark started driving to the gas station, 10 minutes later now arriving at the gas station they got out of the car and went inside, Angela held her head down not wanting to make eye contact with Fezco. They walked down a different aisle and Angela opens the door to the fridge and grabs a strawberry lemonade pop.

"What's good, Angela," Ashtray said from behind the fridge.

"Hey Ash," Angela smiled, and he came around the corner and walked up to Fezco, Fezco quickly looked at Angela and looked back down at the counter. Angela walked up to Mark who was now grabbing a snickers bar.

"Could you pay for this, I'ma head to the car," Angela gave Mark the drink.

"You okay," Mark asked putting a hand on her cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine," Angela smiled and pecked him on the lips, and walked out of the store, Fezco watched as she did so. Mark walked up to the counter that Fezco stood behind, and he rang him up.

"So what's up with you putting your hands on my girl," Mark asked, about to kill Fezco with a death stare.

"Ion know what you heard, but I would never lay a hand on her," Fezco rolled his eyes as he took the blunt away from his lips and put it out on the ashtray.

"If I catch you even talking to her or near her," Mark stopped for a moment and let out a chuckle.

"Let's just not get into that," Mark grabbed the bag.

"Look Ion know what kinda shit you're on, but believe me when I say talking to me like this is one thing you shouldn't be doing, playboy. But if I ever find out you put a hand on Angela, I will fucking kill you," Fezco intimidated, Mark grabbed the bag and walked outside and got in the car, and slammed the door shut, Angela looked at him confused.

"Hey, you okay," Angela asked as she could see the flaming rage coming off of him.

"Yeah I'm fine," Mark angrily said, starting up the car and driving off.

I wasn't a big fan of Mark, he was a dick everyone knew including Angela's friends but Maddy didn't say anything because Nate was a dick too, and still is.

Angela and Maddy were in Angela's room getting ready for the fair.

"Can I tell you something," Maddy asked.

"Shoot," Angela mumbled.

"Okay but you have to swear you won't tell anyone," Maddy announced.

"Sister promise," Angela held out her pinky finger and Maddy connected both their pinkies.

Sister promise something Maddy and Angela made up when they were 9, it was basically a promise that they have to keep for the rest of their life or something stupid shit like that.

"Okay I saw some weird pictures on Nate's phone," Maddy started.

"What do you mean," Angela raised an eyebrow.

"Like some dick pics," Maddy sighed.

"Is it natural I mean isn't it his dick," Angela asked.

"No their other guy's dicks," Maddy explained.

"What the fuck," Angela stopped what she was doing and turned to Maddy.

"Is he like jerking off to dick pics or something," Angela asked.

"I don't know, but is that normal, is he even straight," Maddy questioned herself.

"The fuck it's not normal, trust me," Angela laughed.

"Bitch this is not funny," Maddy shouted and soon enough let out a laugh.

"I'm sorry, okay, just maybe ask him about it," Angela suggested.

"Fuck no," Maddy got up from the chair she sat in.

"Maddy you can't just ignore it," Angela rolled her eyes and went back to doing her makeup.

"I know," Maddy pouted.

"It'll be fine, just ask him about it if something happens call me," Angela reassured.

"God I'm so glad to have a niece like you," Maddy smirked and hugged Angela from behind.

"Ew never say, niece, it makes me feel younger than you," Angela complained.

"I know right," Maddy chuckled.

"Sisters," Angela looked at Maddy in the mirror as Maddy came up behind her.

"Sisters? Bitch your my soulmate," Maddy laughed and Angela laughed as well.

After the girls got done getting dressed Mark picked them up and drove to the carnival with a hand on Angela's upper thigh and another hand on the stirring wheel, Maddy in the back who smirked.

You have to fuck Mark tonight- Maddy

Are you kidding me- Angela

He clearly wants to be fucked I bet he's tired of jerking off to your bikini pics- Maddy

Angela looked behind her and gave Maddy a look, Maddy gave a look back.

Fuck you- Angela

I'm sure he wants to do that to you- Maddy

Bitch- Angela

Angela laughed to herself and felt Mark make small circles with his thumb on her thigh.

Maybe- Angela

They arrived at the carnival and got out of the car entering the carnival, Mark grabbed Angela's arm making them both turn to him.

"Call or text if something's wrong," Mark kissed her passionately, and Angela pulled apart.

"Okay, I love you," Angela pecked his lips one more time.

"I love you more," Mark looked down at her and peck her lips again.

"Ew," Maddy rolled her eyes and the couple looked at her and then back at each other.

"I'll text you when I'm done helping Nate," Mark stated.

"Okay," Angela smiled.

Mark gave her one last kiss and walked away. Angela and Maddy played a few carnival games and later got texts from both of their boyfriends, they parted ways, and Angela and Mark ride the Ferris wheel and played a few games.

"Hey, I'm going to go find someone, I'll be back," Mark kissed her forehead.

"Wait I-" Angela started but he left before she could finish. Angela stood there with cotton candy in her hand, she walked around looking at couples, families, and friends, all of sudden sadness comes rushing to her as she stopped by a trash can and threw away her cotton candy.

"You know it's bad to waste food," Fezco blew out smoke from his mouth, Angela rolled her eyes as she saw Fezco leaning against as trailer with a blunt between his index and his middle finger.

"Stocking me now," Angela asked.

"No I ain't do that type of shit," Fezco chuckled, there was a loud silence.

"I'm sorry, about yesterday," Fezco spoke.

"It's fine, we can just brush it over our shoulder, as long as you promise to stay out of my relationship," Angela walked closer to him.

"I will," Fezco nodded.

"Friend promise," Angela asked.

"What the fuck is that," Fezco asked.

"It's this thing me and Maddy made up when we were 9 it's originally sister promise, sorry that was a really dumb thing to say," Angela chuckled.

"No, it was cute," Fezco flashed a smile.

"Um do you wanna play a carnival game or something," Angela asked.

"Fuck that's not really my thing," Fezco shook his head.

"Well then it's your thing now," Angela took the blunt away from his lips and took a hit before she put it out, she blew the smoke in his face and a grin formed on Fezco's lips.

"Come on I know a great game," Angela intertwined his hand with hers and pulled him to a carnival game. They played carnival games for an hour and Ash had called Fezco as they were walking to the Ferris wheel.

"I gotta go Ash needs me, you wanna come with," Fezco asked.

"Sure," Angela smiled.

They slowly walked to the pretzel stand, as they walked there Fezco's hand grazed Angela's feeling the rings that were on her fingers, Angela took her eyes off the ground and gave him a small smile as their hands collided together. They arrived at the pretzel stand Fezco opened the door for her to go in first, she happily walk up the two steps and went in to see Ash giving someone a "Pretzel".

"You good Ash," Fezco asked.

"Where have yo' bitch ass been," Ashtray asked and his eyes forward to Angela who sat in the corner of the trailer.

"Shit since when is yall hanging out," Ashtray added.

"We aren't," Angela spoke, Fezco gave her a confusing look.

"I mean, we're only hanging out tonight," Angela informed.

"So we ain't friends," Fezco chuckled while scratching the back of his neck.

"Do you think you earned the right to be my friend," Angela asked while standing up.

"I would like to think so, man," Fezco huffed, and Angela chuckled. Maddy and Cassie appeared in front of the stand.

"Welcome to Pretzelmania. Can I take your order," Ashtray said so blankly and Maddy gave him the ticket Fez had given her a while ago.

"How many pretzels do you want," Ashtray asked.

"We don't eat carbs," Maddy rolled her eyes and Angela chuckled.

"Two please," Cassie smiled.

"Ana you want in on this," Maddy asked, Angela took a glance at Fezco who was smoking a blunt beside her.

"Sure," Angela smiled and Fezco watched as she got up and went up to the girls.

"Then make that three please," Cassie requested.

"That'll be 60," Ashtray nodded, and they all pulled out a 20 from their bra and handed it to Ash. Soon enough Ash handed them their pretzel and Fezco was quick to stop them from walking off.

"I want you to be safe, Angel, and if you feel like shit gon end up badly while you on molly call me, okay," Fezco leaned against the counter facing the girls.

"I will," Angela smiled, Maddy and Cassie looked at each other and smiled, and they walk away from the stand.

"Yo, what's going on with you and Fezco," Maddy asked excitedly.

"No idea, he apologized tonight and now we're friends I guess, we played a few games it was really fun," Angela smiled big, and they pulled the molly off the pretzel and put it in their bra.

"Your down bad for him," Maddy laughed as they came across a trash can and threw their pretzel in the trash as they walked.

"What about you and Mark," Cassie asked.

"Honestly fuck Mark, leave him," Maddy suggested.

"I thought you loved Mark," Cassie asked.

"I do, I really really do, and I'm leaving him, Maddy," Angela rolled her eyes.

"Ugh," Maddy groaned.

They came across a mirrored room, the girls had already taken their molly and they roamed around the room looking at their reflections as they danced around.

"Honestly, fuck that whole family," Maddy rolled her eyes.

"For real," Angela smiled.

"Cause right now I'm looking at a thousand versions of myself, and not only do I look good I fucking feel good," Maddy smiled.

"It's a bitch," Cassie mumbled as she admired herself.

"So, if they've got something to say, they should just say it to my face, right?" Maddy asked.

"For real, like what the fuck is their problem with you," Angela asked as she looked at herself in the thousand mirrors.

"Or you could say it to their fucking face," Cassie spoke.

"Right," Maddy turned to the girls.

"That's what I would do," Angela smirked, the molly crept over her.

"I feel like this is a turning point," Cassie stated.

"Totally," Maddy smiled.

"We should just pick the most confident, bad bitch version of ourselves, and be that for the rest of the school year," Cassie suggested.

"Totally," Angela rubbed her hands down her stomach.

"Yo," Maddy admired herself.

"I'm so fucked," Angela laughed and the girls laughed.

Angela was walking around and came across a few trailers, she then heard a groan and she went to see who it was only to find Mark getting head from a blonde, he soon noticed her and all of sudden let out a loud groan cumming into the girl's mouth, Angela felt a pain in her chest she quickly walked from the scene not shedding a tear all she felt was anger and heartbreak. Angela then felt a knot in her stomach and she ran to a trash can and threw up. Angela ran to the Pretzel stand opening up the door and went up the two steps she found Ash and Fezco packing up.

"Hey you good," Fezco asked.

"Yeah, could you take me home," Angela asked, now on the verge of crying.
