TEN | Elliot

Warning: none

I rest my head on his pillow,pleading my brain for me to just fall back asleep,still my eyes lay wide awake.

Shifting my body to glance at him,elliot was snoring loudly into his pillow which caused a faint giggle to fall from my lips.

I squinted my eyes from how gloomy it was as my mind had some sort of idea with were the end of the bed was.

Cautiously,i pressed one foot down onto the floor,cringing at the rigid noise.As i looked over my shoulder,i could just make out that Elliot was still asleep.

Relief washed over me again while i put my other foot down and slowly began to stand up.My eyes were now gradually starting to adjust to the darkness,but even now i had no clue were my phone was.

I resisted the urge to yawn and wearily opened the door a little,just being able to squeeze through the small gap and wandered up to the kitchen and turned on a switch which made the dark room now be covered in a dim light.

Going over to the cabinet,i grabbed a glass cup and started to fill it up with water then to be stopped by a loud noise.My heart sank as i slowly turned my head only to see complete nothingness.

I continued to fill up the cup and was about to drink from it but this time a pair of arms wrapped around my waist causing me to jump in panic."what the f-"as i turned around,i was faced with an amused Elliot.

"Elliot!you piece of shit you scared the hell out of me!"i mutter,slapping him in the chest playfully before taking a sip from my glass.

"I'm sorry,i don't know what came over me your just so cute when ur scared."he teases,tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I try to hold back a smile as i put the glass to my lips but I was unsuccessful."why are you awake?"he says,bringing his hands to my waist."couldn't sleep,did i wake you up?"i ask.I had tried my best to make a stealthy exit.

"You could say that."he smiles and leans down to press a soft kiss to my lips."do you wanna watch a movie or something since your not tired?"elliot suggests while i quickly nod."yeah,what movie though."

"You can pick."

"Hey that's not fair!you know im indecisive."i protest,crossing my arms."too bad."he says,letting go of my waist."there is so many movies for you to choose from babe."he adds and opens the fridge.

"Can you give me two options to choose from?"i ask."okayy-let me think."he says,rubbing his chin."what about that recent Disney movie that just came out?"he proposes while taking a bite out of an apple.

"Oh..you mean encanto?"i correct."yeah,unless you wanna watch something else." "I feel like it would take us until morning to find a movie."you smile as he chuckles faintly.
"alright you win,come on love."he says,leaning down to offer his hand to me.

"God your such an idiot."i giggle,taking my hand in his."oh i know."
