
Alex led the group over to the edge of the forest. They all crouched down, trying to not be seen.

He spoke, "There it is, that's the transportation shed. There's a bunch of different vehicles inside. We need to pick one, so we can get across the canyon and to the jaguar statue."

Fridge held up a pair of binoculars, and looked through them.

Bethany held out the map, "Okay, here's the transportation shed. I see the canyon. I still can't see the statue, which I find weird because it's the most important thing in this game. Plus, it's supposed to be huge."

Fridge chuckled, "That's what she said."

Spencer looked over, "Are you drunk?"

Tillie laughed, "He definitely is."

Fridge responded, "What are you guys talking about? I ain't drunk. I had three little margaritas."

Martha piped up, "Well you are about half your usual size."

Tillie laughed once again, "Very true, I didn't even think about that one. Nice one Martha!"

He responded a little irritated, "Whatever."

"Okay Alex, what are we supposed to do? How do we get passed those guards?"

"Last time I just waited until they left."

"How long did that take?"

Alex paused, "Three weeks."

"Uh, we're gonna die."

Spencer sighed, "Okay plan B."

"Maybe there's another door somewhere."

Tillie asked, "Maybe, but someone needs to distract those guards. Who's gonna do that?"

Alex nodded in agreement.

Bethany piped up, "I got it! Distracting guys is what I mainly do. Spencer plays video games, I distract guys."

Fridge looked over at her, "I hate to break it to you but uh, you don't have the correct tool kit at the moment."

Bethany rolled her eyes, "Not me." He turned around and pointed towards Martha.


"You have to go down there and flirt with those guards Martha. You have to hold their attention while we sneak in."

"What? No! Why do I have to, and not Tillie?"

Tillie spoke up, "I would but one of your strengths is dance fighting. If it comes down to it, we might need you to beat them up if flirting doesn't work."

She shook her head, "I just can't go over there and flirt with some weird men I don't even know."

"I know girl, but right now we don't have a better idea. I'm sure Tillie would do it, if one of her strengths was fighting like she mentioned."

Tillie responded, "Yes I would."

Martha began, "You don't understand. I can't do it..." She moved closer to Bethany and whispered, "I don't know how to talk to guys. I'm terrible at it."

Bethany quietly said, "I can give you some tips."

"No I'm sorry, we need a different plan." Martha shook her head, and walked back.

Spencer walked over, "Martha, you just need to talk to them long enough so that we can get inside the shed."

"I don't think I can Spencer, I'm not some badass girl like Ruby is."

Spencer looked at her shocked, "What are you talking about? You are a badass Martha."

Martha looked at him, taking in what he said.

"You can do anything." He smiled at her.

"That's beautiful Spencer," Fridge whispered, "Why don't I set you up with a nice candlelight dinner? Or do you guys want to get the hell out of here?"

Tillie whispered, "Fridge, please not now. We need to be on the same page."

Fridge looked at her and whispered back, "What?"

Martha spoke up, "Alright, show me how it's done."

Bethany nodded, "Alright Martha, class is in session." She walked over, "Come on, watch and learn." They walked out of sight, into the greenery of the jungle.

Spencer looked over to where they just were, before grabbing Fridge's arm. "What did you mean by the candlelight dinner?"


"You're the one that said it. Me, Martha, and the candlelight dinner. What does that mean?"

Before Fridge could respond, Tillie crouched down by them. "She's into you Spencer." Fridge nodded at what Tillie said.

Spencer yelled, "WHAT?"


One of the guards looked down, making sure everything was okay with his gun. Afterwards, he swatted a bug away from his face.


Bethany walked through the tall grass, "In flirting situations, the key is to making them check you out. However, you can't let them know that you know that they are. You're just acting like you are doing you, and whenever they try to talk to you... You can play it one of three ways. Super into it, nasty, or dumb. Which way you play it, depends on what type of guy you are dealing with."

Martha looked at her a bit hesitant, "This is like my dream and my nightmare all at once."

Bethany looked at her, "I'm not gonna take that personal." She tossed her hat off into the grass, "Now your hair is everything, touch it. Move it, play with it."

They both played with their hair at the same time. Martha bounced her hair out, with both hands.

Bethany flipped Dr. Shelly Oberon's hair, "Give me a flip like that."

Martha tried to mimic the hair flip, causing most of her hair to land on her face. She tried to move it out of her eyes, while keeping her head down.

"Tilt up, eyes big. Sparkle."


"Sparkle your eyes like an anime character."ย  Bethany showed her. Martha stared at her, eyes wide. She repeatedly whispered, "Ah, ah."

Bethany took a moment and looked at her, "It needs work."
