
Loud explosions started going off all over, as the group was running through the grass plain. Each one was having to dodge left and right, in order to avoid getting hit. Spencer looked down at his feet, deciding to pick up the pace. Before long, he passed Bethany. Then, he passed Martha. He quickly passed Fridge, catching up with Tillie at the front of the pack.

"Come on legs!" Fridge yelled out panicking.

As soon as he finished his sentence, Martha passed by him not breaking a sweat.

Fridge kept gasping as he was running.

Bethany soon passed by him, while panting.

Fridge looked at her and yelled, "Why am I running so slow!?!"

Spencer stopped at the tree line, waiting for everyone to catch up. Tillie went ahead and ran into the jungle. Everyone quickly followed after her.

Tillie ran through the river, making her way to the other side. The others following suit.

While running through the tall grass, Bethany yelled out, "This really sucks!"

Tillie yelled back, "Tell me about it!"

The group split and ran two separate directions. Bethany and Martha ran one way, while Spencer and Fridge followed Tillie the other way.

Dodging long pieces of grass, the men on dirt bikes continued shooting at Martha. Martha, using Ruby Roundhouse's strengths ran and jumped. She flipped in the air, landing on her feet. She stood there for a second, in clear shock before continuing to run.
Bethany used one of Professor Oberon's hands to hold on to his hat, as she ran. She tripped, face planting hard onto the jungle floor. She groaned in pain. As she laid there, she looked up to see one of the men on a dirtbike driving towards her.

Martha run out of the surrounding trees. She jumped and spun away, effectively kicking the man off his bike. The bike continued forward. Bethany quickly rolled out of the way.

Martha turned around, looking at Bethany. Bethany looked at her shocked, "Woah."

Martha briefly smiled, before turning back around.

"Come on!"

Martha began running.


Fridge, Spencer, and Tillie crouched low as they walked. They were trying to stay hidden from the men.

Spencer and Fridge began to bicker.

Spencer spoke, "Inside my backpack, you have my weapons."

Fridge stopped.

Tillie whispered, "Get down."

The men crouched low and stopped by her.

Fridge took off his backpack, and began looking through it. "Your weapons..." Fridge dug out a boomerang, holding it in front of him.

"What's this?"

Spencer gasped while grabbing, "Ah yes, boomerang. It's one of my strengths."

Fridge asked, "What are you gonna do with it?"

Tillie coughed, "Throw it I'm guessing."

Fridge looked at her, "Smartass."

Spencer spoke, "Kill them I guess."

"You're gonna kill them with that?"

Spencer replied, "You got a better idea?"

Tillie let out a quiet "nope."

Spencer let out a "watch this." He stood up and threw the boomerang. The boomerang was off, missing every single guy and disappearing into the trees.

Fridge just looked at him.

Tillie broke the silence, "Anyone got a plan B?"

"Nice work Spencer. Want me to reach in here and see if I have a hacky sac so you can throw that too?" Fridge went off on him. Tillie, Spencer, and Fridge began to run as quick as they could.

The group of men on dirtbikes gave chase after them.

Tillie began navigating through the trees, and then the plants. Spencer and Fridge followed after her.

The group stopped, seeing the dirtbikes approach in front of them. Before they could say anything, Spencer's boomerang came out of no where, hitting every man off his dirtbike. All of the dirtbikes crashed into each other, and eventually stopped.

Spencer let out a gasp, "Oh! It worked!" More men on dirtbikes started coming.

"We got to go!"

Fridge looked at Spencer, "I can't out run those guys!"

The shooting began.

Tillie yelled out, "We have to go! Fridge just get on his back! He's the only one that can keep up with me, so it's either him or me. I'm not strong enough to carry you and run!"

Spencer nodded, "Get on my back!"

Fridge looked embarrassed, "I would rather die!"

"Jump on my back!"

"Nope, I'm going to die!" Fridge waved his hands.


Tillie quickly made her way through the plants. Spencer ran behind her, carrying Fridge on Dr. Bravestone's back.

"Let me down Spencer! Put me down!"

Tillie yelled, "No, shut up and let him carry you so you don't die!"

Bethany and Martha ran through the long grass, trying to avoid getting shot.


All five broke through the long grass, stopping at the edge of a cliff.

Bethany yelled, "You have got to be kidding me!"

"No no no no no."

All of them looked down, at how far it was to the water below. The rushing water of the waterfall right next to them could be heard.

Martha looked back before saying, "We have to jump."

Tillie responded, "She's right."

"Are you out of your mind?"

"I would literally rather do anything but that guys."

Martha yelled as she ran off the edge of the cliff.

Tillie looked over, "We have to guys." She looked at them, before jumping after Martha.

Bethany started to freak out. Without saying an actual word, she jumped and closed her eyes.

Fridge spoke, "We have to jump."

"We don't even know how deep that water is."

"We gotta go."

Spencer began protesting.

Fridge pulled his ear repeatedly, "Jump jump."

Spencer leaned over the edge, caught off guard. Both of them falling off the cliff after the others.
