ten. death
" no restraints "


VLADOVIN WASN'T ALWAYS A CRIME-INDUCED city that people preferred to avoid. Yet that wasn't the case now, as it was nothing more but a living hell split into two districts. A low-town for the low crime and high-town for high crimes. I'm going to spare you the details on crime - I'm sure you can imagine what happens. Yet because of its high population in crime, it's a tourist attraction when it comes to gift shopping or shopping in usual. You learn over time that Vladovin often has things that are usually off the menu elsewhere. Everything in this town comes at a price, some things money can't buy. But everything is for sale if you know the cost - or the right people. And that leads us to that damn site.

As I walked through the streets of the hightown it was a lot less classy than you'd imagine a high street to be. Women with tight, short dresses that sold their bodies walked past in a drunken and drugged state. Men with a stench of female perfume and lipstick stains couldn't seem to get their eyes off the women. But they were all criminals of some sort - it was easy tell. And as a profiler - or former profiler - their body language gave many hints away. The robbers tended to kept their hands in their pockets, eyeing up the belongings of some people a little too long. The drug dealers keeping one hand in their pocket, their other hand clenched with some sort of powder stuffed within. But it was nothing I could do something about anymore.

Besides, I knew why I was here.

Or I liked to tell myself that. I still wasn't so sure how I ended up in Vladovin after 8 months working for the FBI, trying to start a new life. But I liked to remind myself that I was doing this for the safety of the people who attempted to give me a new life - even if they didn't know.

Unfortunately, swiftly moving back onto why I was here, everyone in Vladovin knew each other. That's why the eyes of everyone I walked past ran me up and down, scanning the stranger I was that roamed their streets. The woman who stood out. I was the platinum-blonde haired woman with black jeans, a black tank top and a black leather jacket that stood out only due to the women who exposed more skin, a sight Vladovin was used to. There was nothing wrong with it, trust me, I could care less about what they did with their bodies and how they dressed. Yet the detail was important, because there wasn't one singular woman in that rather small city who worked a regular job. No one actually did. And if they did, they certainly didn't put effort into it.

Like I mentioned countless times, it was a crime induced city...

"Hey! Π±Π»ΠΎΠ½Π΄ΠΈ!"
Hey! Blondie!

The thick Russian accent coming from a woman made my head turn and feet stop. My eyes lingered on the long-haired brunette before I gave her my full attention, spinning around on my heel. She was wearing a spaghetti-strap, short and pink, velvet dress with a white fur jacket. Her brown hair reached her waist, curled to perfection yet her smudged makeup destroyed her glamorous demeanour.

"Who are you?" she smirked, raising her drawn on brow.

"Valerie. Valerie Nova."

"Pretty girl like you should be careful. Haven't you heard what happens to girls like you?"

"Trust me when I say I can handle myself. As for you, you take care of yourself."

"Trust me when I say, I am."

"Tell me, do you know who's taking these girls?"

"Of course. Names? No. Appearance? Sure. They're a bunch of muscular, Thor-like men that like to hunt at night. Makes my job a little more exciting."

"You're saying that as if you like being endangered, kidnapped and brutally murdered."

"I tend to hide my fear with distasteful jokes."

I furrowed my brows, nodding. Yet a smirk managed to make its way across my face, knowing that she could probably handle herself with an attitude like that.

"Have a good day."

"You too, blondie."

Turning back around, I was quick on my feet towards the nearest bar.

Because if I wanted answers, I knew the best place to start was with a bunch of drunken, truth-telling criminals.



No matter how hard the BAU tried, they were unable to find Valentizina. And for Spencer Reid, it made the whole job of keeping her secret a lot easier. It had been a month and they had found out nothing. No names. No numbers. No locations. No evidence of kidnapping. No fingerprints. Nothing new. And so they were just left with a resignment that made them all believe that perhaps Valentizina did just leave herself. Even though her car was still parked, and her bills were payed and... Hell it didn't make sense.

So they were sat on a private jet, on the way to Florida, for another case they were assigned. Spencer found himself occupied in rereading the same book he had been rereading for a week which was strange for Spencer, yet it gave him a comforting feeling. Because even though he didn't know what was going to happen to Valentizina and the BAU, he knew what was going to happen in the book. And that was the only sense of comfort Spencer had gotten in the past month.

"Pretty boy," Derek kicked Spencer's foot from under the table, causing the young agent's head to snap up with furrowed brows.

"You're hiding something."

"She left a month ago."

"You're hiding something," he smiled, taking Spencer's book and closing it, "You're like my little brother and trust me, I know when somethings up."

"I'm not sure what you want me to say, she left and that's all we know."

"You really think that I don't know how you'd be working on finding her with no sleep and a whole whiteboard of possibilities if you weren't hiding something?"

Spencer decided to stay silent, just lowering his head and looking at the table instead. He didn't know what to say to make Derek leave it alone. So he decided to just stay quiet, awaiting for his friend to change topic. And the older agent knew what game Spencer was playing at. Derek found himself leaning back in his seat, breathing out with a small smile.

"The girl was in love with you."

"No she wasn't."

"Yeah she was boy!"

"She doesn't like me."

"Why do you think that?"

"Cause I'm weird," Spencer admitted, looking up with raised brows, "I'm awkward, I slouch, my tie is perpetually crooked..."

Derek let out a small laugh, a grin flashing upon his face that immediately brightened up at Spencer's answers. He shook his head, leaning closer to Spencer.

"I know for a fact that girl doesn't care whether your tie is crooked or not. Besides, have you seen how she sits? That girl can't keep her feet off the table or dashboard, slouching isn't a problem. And your awkwardness? You can't tell me I'm lying, but that goes away when you're with her. You two just have a natural chemistry."

Derek placed the book back down in front of Spencer and stood up. Yet before walking away, he had assured Spencer of one thing.

"When you're ready, you tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"You know what, Reid."


The jingle of the bells echoed as Valentine walked into the bar. Yet the bells didn't give off the same vibe as back in Quantico. It wasn't a coffee shop. There wasn't a handsome agent awaiting for her at the counter, awaiting to make a remark on the attractive man that was already making her coffee. Instead, she was greeted with a strong smell of beer and a loud cheer coming from the men surrounding the pool table, to which her eyes flew immediately.

"I was highest bidder last week!"

"No way man, you watch that shit?"

"Hell yeah. Best shit you can spend your money on trust me. It's better than the stuff on Netflix."

"Boys," Valentizina captured their attention, causing them all to turn to her. Yet once they had saw the pretty face, their full attention was gifted to her as she noticed the small smirks of cockiness growing on their faces. They were rather large men, with muscles and intimidating demeanours that unfortunately (or fortunately for her) she could look past easily. She just didn't buy it. Her lips pressed together tightly as she tilted her head, "Mind if I join?"

"Not at all, gorgeous," his voice had deepened seductively to which the blonde smirked at, walking around the table to retrieve a pool stick, never breaking eye contact with him.

"Heard that you watched the No Restraints Play," she began, her perfume leaving a lingering smell around the group of boys whose eyes seemed to turn into literal hearts.

"Do you?"

"Something like that. Do you know who runs it? Sounds like a smart man."

"No way, I just pay to watch, mamas. But you're right when you call him smart."

Valentizina let out a smirk, tilting her head as she picked up the pool stick and twirled it in her hands as she began making her way back to him in a flirtatious and slow manner.

"But not smart enough."

"What makes you smarter, pretty girl?" he jokingly chuckled. He watched the way she stood in front of him, leaning her hip against the pool table. However, she immediately twirled the stick again, slamming it against her thigh into two pieces.


Without warning, one of the sticks found their way through his hand that was resting on the pool table. He let out a mighty cry as she had start digging the stick in deeper, all of his friends jumping back. Their hearts beat wildly as she smiled at him.

"I'm going to ask again, macho-man, do you know anything on who runs it?"

"N-no!" he screamed, his knees giving up slowly at the amount of pain his hand was going through, "No! I don't know anything."

"You're lying."

"He's not lying!"

A voice from behind says, yet the blonde spun around, raising her brow. The man immediately straightened up, pulling his hand in a tight fist, holding it high in the air before she caught his punch. She gripped his forearm, bending it backwards before jumping up onto his back, wrapping her thigh around his neck and flipping him over on the floor.

Spinning around, she grabbed one of the other men standing by by the neck, slamming him down on the pool table, edging closer to his ear.

"I believe in giving people a taste of their own medicine boys. An eye for an eye. Something like that. You watch someone get tortured, you'll get tortured just as bad. So tell me, and save yourself half the pain, where can I find anything on this site?"

"They find you! You don't find the site! The site finds you!"


"The men. The men give you access to the site themselves. They find you when they want to find you."

Valentizina grabbed the back of his neck, slamming his head against the table before gripping his shirt, pulling him out of the bar, his head already soaked with blood. Gripping the wooden stick in her left hand, she kicked open the door, walking out into the middle of the streets, yelling.

"Listen up!"

The attention of the public caused them all to freeze in their tracks, jumping back. Her eyes flew over the faces of shock. Their eyes widened, lips parting as their heads flew to the side to look for some sort of answer.

"This is what happens to people who are into no restraints play! And I'm coming for all of you!"

Suddenly, the sound of a roaring engine filled the air. Her eyes snapped towards a white, expensive vehicle of a brand new Porsche, yet she had ignored its arrival. Even if she kept her eyes on the group of suited men that were exiting the car, her words loud and clear for all to hear. The prostitutes, the robbers, the criminals, the watchers, the players. All of them.

"All of you! That's a promise! Anyone who plays with no restraints will play with me. And trust me, I love playing without restraints!"

The sound of a gun locking and loading made her look down at the men.

"You won't do anything doll face. But we will."

"Think quick."

Suddenly, the wooden stick pierced through the heart of the man, causing blood to spray out of his mouth as he coughed. The blood has reached the faces of the men pointing their weapons at Valentine who dropped the body on the floor, raising her brows.

"Too slow. And dead."

"Who do you think you are?" the man scoffed, narrowing his eyes. It was the biggest that spoke, but the redhead found herself ready for a fight, cracking all of her knuckles as she listened in, "Snooping into my business. Walking in here, looking like that, talking to my men and my women. Seems like you want to play."

"Then let's play."

"You like games?"

"Love them."

"You win."

"I always win."

"Rule number one," he grabbed a blonde girl from the side of him, pressing up a knife to her neck. Her chest heaved up and down, her exposed skin revealing her numerous cuts from before and goosebumps from both the cold and a state of perpetual fear. But the red head wasn't in the mood, storming towards him as she cut him off.

"Rule number one. Fuck your rules."

Immediately two men jumping out in front of her from the side, but it only took Valentine seconds to knock them down. She jumped onto boy #1, wrapping her legs around him before reaching for the other boy. Flipping boy #1, she brought down boy #2 with them, slamming their bodies onto the ground.

However, she was greeted with a gun placed to the back of her head. Her hands flew to his wrist, applying a pressure to a sensitive spot that made him yell. Without flinching, she twisted them both, two loud clicks allowing Valentizina to grip the barrel of the gun, taking it from him before she spun around and pulled the trigger into his stomach, looking back ahead at the biggest of them all who was still holding the woman.

The blonde immediately sprinted towards him, yet instead of attacking him, she ducked down and rolled perfectly beneath his legs. As she rolled, she managed to slide the gun into her pocket, instead, pressing the buttons near her wrists, her electric batons flying out.

Jumping onto his back, she squeezed her thighs around his neck, kicking the knife out of his hand. Immediately, his hands left the body of the innocent girl who sprinted away and instead, flew to her legs, attempting to pry her off.

Suddenly, she pressed the batons to his neck, a thousand electricity currents running through him as she squeezed harder, frying him alive. All the sudden, she flipped them both over, landing on her feet as he landed on his face. Her foot landed into his side as she picked him up roughly, slamming him onto the bonnet of his white car, leaving fresh blood stains on the front.

"You love watching little kids die? You pay to have innocent people get tortured? And for what? When you can get front row with me right now?"

"N-no! No! I pay to watch!" he cried as she had slid the batons back up her gauntlets, instead pressing her wrists to his neck, electrocuting him once more.

"Tell me that again!"

"I'm not hu- Shit! Shit!" he screamed, making her stop and slam him against the car again, "I'm not hurting anyone, fucking psychotic bitch! I'm not hurting anyone! I promise! I pay to watch! That's all! I watch! I work for him!"

"What do you mean work?"

"I just get him viewers! I give the USB's out! I've never even saw the guy! I don't know who the fuck it is! Lady, I just watch! I don't harm anybody!"

"I don't even either," she chuckled, "Or at least not anyone people will miss."

Taking the gun out of her pocket, she put it up against the head of the man.

"N-no wait! Wait! Have the fucking USB! Fucking take-"

"I'm two steps ahead of you," she held the USB from him that she had already took out, smirking before she pulled the trigger.

The loud bang alarmed everyone as his body slid off the white car, leaving a smudged trail of blood. Valentizina let out a sigh, tossing the gun beside him before looking around.

"I told you all! I also play with no restraints!"

welcome back,

we're back from the dead
