Some1 turn on Creep by Radiohead 4 Zart

(1 day until the next Greenie)

Gally's Point Of View:

"Top of the Morning Gally." A voice whispered in my ear. Something tickled my neck. Someone. Letting my eyes unblur, I saw her. In the morning light. Y/n. My gut felt like someone kicked it, heart thrumming at the way her hair fell across her face.

"Morning." My usual rasp was gone, y/n's presence made me eager to wake up. She smiled, sweetly. Her nose crinkled. She loved me. Even the way she slightly kept her lips parted had me under some kind of hold.

Y/n laid a kiss on my cheek. Nerves shot in the area she touched. Her hair was already tied up, work clothes on as she stood above me.

"I can't believe you insisted on sleeping in front of the door again." They giggled. "You're crazy." Their hand cupped my chin, lifting my gaze directly in their eyes.

Oh God the things they did to me. Almost made me feel sick.

"Crazy for you." I attempted a grin, wiping my eyes of the overwhelming grogginess.

"Smooth. Are you some kind of Casanova now?."

"A Casanova in the making Knife Girl." I rose up, stretching my limbs. A few cracks here and there enabled me to move past y/n to my clothes (not before ruffling their hair of course).

"Knife girl? Really? Haven't heard that one in a while." I remember knife girl quite well, especially because of the scar knife girl decided to leave when they cut me. I swished my shirt off, eager to engage in our daily banter.

"Haven't heard kitten in a while either-" She had snuck halfway out the door. "Hey?" I was quick to grab her wrist. My chest deflating. "Where you going?" Was she leaving already? I had just gotten up.

"Well I've got to get ready for tomorrow."

"What's tomorrow?"

"Greenie day, don't tell me you forgot." Y/n chuckled. "I'm gonna go and get everything ready. I want to make the greenie as comfortable as possible." She tried to slip away. I held on tighter.

"It's a greenie, feed it, water it, it's fine. How about you spend the day with me instead. The guy you looove." I teased, yanking at her tied up hair.

"Shut up." She beamed, freeing her wrist. "I've got to go." Y/n bounced back on her heels. "But I'll see you later."

"Not if I see you first." I replied leaning down to kiss them. Their lips were like a hard drug.

Once you started it was hard to stop.

When I pulled away and y/n almost got away again, another thought popped up. A dark brewing nasty thought. I held them by the shoulder.

"Hey, Zart isn't gonna be helping you right?" Their eyes widened ever so slightly, their tongue clicking on the roof of their mouth.

"Uh no, no he's not gonna be helping me. He has his own things to do." That satisfied me. He was staying in his lane, just like I'd told him.

"Good." Smiling, I ruffled their hair and finally let them go, watching them from the treehouse. My eyes didn't leave them till they got to the homestead.

And then, they were gone.


Y/n's Point Of View:

"Holy shit Charlie, I think we did it." I said practically breathless, Chuck standing with paint brush in hand next to me. Glitter, paint, crayons, magazine cutouts, and marker was splashed across our banner (along with a few drawn on dicks made by yours truly). It spelled out this.

"Welcome to the Glade Greenie!!!"

"It's perfect." Chuck murmured. "A masterpiece."

"What's a masterpiece?" Gally said from behind, the door freshly opened. He strode over to our arts and crafts. He was analyzing it, I could tell he was. His brow furrowed, head at a slight turn, and lips pursed. "Oh, cool." He wrapped a muscled arm under my neck. "Now I think it's time for y/n to have some Gally time. Can I steal her Chuck?"

"Are you guys gonna kiss or something?" Chuck gave Gally a sweep up and down with his eyes, his brow lifted.

"Or something." I piped up. "See you soon Earthling."

"Yeah, bye Chuck." Gally was already dragging me out the door.

"Bye Captain Gally!" He called out after us, making me reel back with a thrilled grin. Gally was not as entertained.

"Oh God." He groaned with a pained twisted face. "Say it, whatever it is you're dying to say, say it." I was able to hold it in till we were halfway towards the tables.

"Do you have a ship with that nickname?! Are you gonna take me sailing?!" I poked fingers into the sides of his stomach. "Shiver me timber's! Oh gee whiz, do you see that Captain, we're almost to land! Hey, hey, hey, are you a pirate?" I burst into a fit of laughter, continually teasing him as we got our food.

"Are you done yet?" His cheeks were a flushed pink.

"I'm telling you now Gally I want the title of Co-Captain." I demanded, slamming my fist against our wooden table.

"I'll counter you to sailor." He mumbled, starting to dig in.

"Throw in first mate and you got yourself a deal Captain!" I slapped my hand against his back as hard as I could. All in good fun of course.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Gally uttered, his eyes rolling as he cracked a small smile. We started to jostle each other around, playfully, just like immature kids should do. Until someone interrupted...

"Hi y/n." It was him. The hairs on my neck raised, along with my temperature. Turning around there he was, blond and pale as usual. His hands were shoved in his hoodies pockets.


"Oh." My voice cracked. "Hi." He was here. What was he doing here?!

"I was thinking that after dinner you might want to take a walk with me." Zart's shoes seemed to be his point of interest. I only caught snatches of his face as he'd look up to give me a quick glance. "Just a quick one. I just need to talk to you."

"Uh um, well, I, uh, well you see-" My fumbling was interrupted by Gally. Maybe he would save me? He hated Zart.

"You should go." Gally nodded, taking another bite of food. What?! He can't be serious right now.

"Are you sure?" My voice lilted up, hoping Gally would say something rude. His hand found my thigh, giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah. If Zart tries anything him I'll shucking kill him. He knows that. Besides, you guys are just friends. Isn't that right Zart?"

"Yeah." The blond boy bit his lip nervously, knowing full well what he'd done. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to even look at Gally. "We're pals."


(Zart is the epitome of the song "Not Allowed" by Tv Girl)

We made our way to the deadheads...same spot as last time. I leaned against a tree, the barks scratching my back, my shoes digging into the soil. Zart hovered over me, making us side by side. He wasn't saying anything. Not a word.

He stooped down, right in front of my face. Moving his face slowly towards mine. I put up my hand, stopping him.

"No Zart. Don't make this harder than it needs to be for you. Please."

"I like you y/n, like a lot."

"Yeah no shit." A shaky laugh escaped my mouth.

"I could be so much better for you and you know that but you're scared." The words made me snap my head toward him. He cradled my hand, probably all junkied up on his speech. "You're scared. You like me." Brushing stray hairs out of my face he continued his rant. "Look at you. You're so pretty." Zart's voice wavered, his eyes a glazed red, nose stuffy. "Please y/n."

"I can't Zart. I can't be who you want me to be okay. I can't do it."

"Do you love him?" A tear rolled down his cheek, he twisted his lips. "Do you?" Utter silence crossed us, not in any hurry to leave. The sun was already beginning to fade.

"Yes." I whispered.

He unstuck his hand from mine, wiping it off on his sweatshirt. Without a word he crunched his way out of the clearing, leaving me pressed against a tree. Zart was gone. Verbatim, here I was again. Alone.
