I feel Horknee

My first victim was Alby. He didn't really talk through the whole thing. He just kind of had that tired grumpy look in his face. Kind of like an old dog who gave into a child's constant chasing. I told him he looked beautiful and he grunted something indiscernible.

Then there was Newt. He was firm in just wanting to get his turn over with but he didn't seem to hate his reflection when I showed him. I had dusted his cheek bones with blue glitter that matched the eyeshadow I powdered on earlier. His lashes were curled and darkened by mascara.

"Hey you kinda look like David Bowie, y'know Ziggy Stardust?" Newt tilted his head at the mirror.

"Is that a good thing?" He asked. The tension we had previously had broken. It was hard to stay mad at him. I patted his shoulder with affection.

"It's a very good thing."

Zart looked in my eyes the whole time. He didn't speak until I dusted his cheeks with blush (which he didn't need).

"I can't believe you survived." He murmured. I smiled at his gaze that seemed to fall between my eyes and lips.

"Neither can I."

"I'm glad you're here." He smiled back at me all dopey and continued. "Really glad." My hand fell on his as I leaned forward to apply a light lipstick.

"I'm really glad to be here to." I dropped my voice to a whisper, bringing my lips to his ear. "But don't tell them that." I pulled away to see his face in a daze. "Can I put some eyeliner on you?" I asked. "The only thing is that I'd have to get a little closer."

"Yes." He blurted. "Yeah, you can totally..." Zart's voice faltered as I sat myself sideways on his lap. "O-okay um you're on me now. Wow." He gulped. "This is new." I grabbed his face gingerly, holding it in place. My eyeliner was held up like a surgeons scalpel, ready for action.

"Zart if you keep talking your eye might get poked." That seemed to keep him quiet and still.


Gally's Point Of View:

Y/n dipped her head over to Zart's ear. Whispering something. My chest tightened uncomfortably. I shrugged the feeling off. I should be glad that y/n was alive. Breathing. But I couldn't stop thinking of how much I wanted to rip them apart when. She. Sat. On. His. Lap.

My fist clenched and unclenched repeatedly. Does she do this on purpose? Their back was to me which was lucky because the looks I was giving them weren't pretty. God I just don't get them at all. Why do they do this? What's so special about Zart? Then his hands rested on their shoulders and I was done. Done.

I uncrossed my arms and slammed the homestead's door on my way out, not caring if anyone heard.

Y/n's Point Of View:

"Hey did Gally just leave?" Frypan's had an undertone of worry buried in it. I kept my eyes on Zart while I answered him.

"Who cares. He'll be back soon. He's just in one of his moods. Probably on his period with his mangina." I laughed out the last part, trying desperately not to shake Zart's head while the eyeliner coated itself around the rim of his eyes. "There, all done. That'll be ten bucks." I held out my hand. Zart stared at me blankly.

"Uh y/n we don't have-"

"You didn't think this was free did you?" His eyes went wide. "Ah I guess you'll just have to make it up to me in some other way." I shoved his arm playfully and got off of him. "Who's next?"

Winston was probably the fussiest.

"C'mon y/n eye shadow? Eye shadow? This is chick stuff." He moved his face around until I finally held it in place.

"Dude it's fine. I'll make you look like a total babe." He rolled his eyes and grumbled as I carefully started the eye shadow process.

Frypan was my favorite. He even suggested me using the deep plum eye shadow, it went perfectly with the lashes I glued on to him. The makeup intertwining into some sort of art masterpiece.

"Damn I look good. Not bad y/n not bad at all." He checked himself out in the mirror, grinning at his face.

"Yeah I'm kinda a genius at this." I felt my mouth turn into a smug smirk. I was joking of course but it was still fun to play around with people like that. A finger poked itself into my ribs. I flinched, not expecting the sudden touch. I flipped around to see Victor standing beside us. How in the hell did he get there?! Was he Batman or something?

"Heeeey y/n."

"Heeey Victor." A slight groan emerged in my voice. He fidgeted around with his hands. His lips twisting around in impatience.

"Can you do me now? And not in the dirty way but I also wouldn't say no to the dirty way if you know what I'm sayin'." He was already adjusting back to his regular self. Great.

We sat down on the couch to do his makeup. Just as I came towards him with a tube of bright red lipstick, he stopped me by placing a hand on my thigh. I pulled back and smacked his hand off.

"Man you have got some sticky fingers. Hands to yourself."

"Okay I have an idea y/n. What if you put the lipstick on and kiss it on me. That way we can both have some fun."

"Ha that's a laugh. Fat chance Carrot Top." I said, almost bursting into laughter. As he tried to speak again he was muffled by my hand smearing the garish color across his lips.

"Just throwing it out there." He eventually got out. I started the rest of the routine as he continued. "Good to know you're back y/n."

"Yeah. Who else would you harass if I wasn't here." It came out gruffly but he knew it was just my sarcasm. I decided on green for his eye shadow. It suited him. His hand slithered it's way back on my knee. "Off." I demanded. His hand was gone as quick as it had came.

"Right, sorry."

Clint looked way better once I clipped some of those plastic butterflies in his hair. Even more so when I added blush and splashed on some fake white freckles. He almost looked like one of those doe eyed soft boys. Sid took my eyeliner away from me and started applying it on himself as soon as he reached me. Looked like he had done it before, many times. And he was good at it, really good. Then, lastly it was Gally's turn.

He finally came back to the homestead, still pouting in the corner with a sour look etched across his face. Everyone else had gone to their designated rooms or hammocks to get a break before lunch (except for Frypan who had to go cook) so now it was just us two in the homestead's main space.

"Come on." I waved him over to my new spot on the floor. "I'm not getting any younger." He walked over stiffly, his thumbs running over his knuckles in their partially balled up fists. He eventually folded down and took a criss cross seat next to me. I rummaged through the cluttered makeup, trying to find the blush. "What's up with you? You look like I just kicked you in the balls."

"Zart can barely walk three feet without trippin' over air." I turned my head, puzzled at where he was going with this. "I could probably beat him in the circle fight. No, more like I would definitely beat him. Too bad he's such a pussy." My eyes narrowed at his last declaration.

"Is that supposed to impress me...or what? What do you mean by that?"

"Nothin'." He scratched the back of his neck. "Just statin' the obvious." Gally had struck a nerve. Zart was nothing but nice to every single glader. How could he sit here and say these things about him?

"And why?" My temper shortening by the second. He avoided the question.

"So are you gonna sit on my lap too? Or is that just for Zart." He was jealous. It practically reeked off of him. You could see it from a mile away. And I hated it.

I pushed his back against the end of the couch. My lips curled up into a tight I-have-no-time-for-your-bullshit-smile. We were both quick to anger but I always had the shorter fuse. I sank into his lap and ripped his face toward me, my patience already thinning.

"You're gonna shut up and listen to me until I'm done. Got it?" My fingers still pressing into his face's soft skin. He gave a sharp nod and I snatched the eyeliner that had been rolling around aimlessly, off of the floor. As I started on my work the rant that had been bubbling and waiting to come out, found it's escape.

"I'm not an idiot." I spat. "Sure I'm safe for now, but people are going to start getting comfortable around me again. Start thinking they can try things with me. Having the fucking audacity to come around with their stupid faces and say shit to me. Paul's probably gonna make some plan to get rid of me another way since I'm all buddy buddy with the grievers. My point is-" I finished one of his eyes and moved onto the next.

"That I need someone to pretend to be my boyfriend. I need someone that makes kids piss their pants when they walk by. Let's face it, I need someone who could punch the living daylights out of someone. And you know who I thought of?"

"Zart?" He said the other boy's name so arrogantly it made me want to smack his arm. I did one of my trademark devil's smirks and freed his face.

"Guess again." He eyed me up and down, my legs were still draped across his lap.

"What do I get?"

"Is getting to kiss a pretty girl once in a while not enough for you?" I mocked. He remained silent. "I'm one of the cooks right? Unless Newt took that away from me too I've got full access to the kitchen, anything you want." Gally's lips pressed together, a notable clue that he was thinking. Then he matched my smirk with one of his own.

"When do I start?"
