Fire Crotch tries to square up

(20 days till the next Greenie)

I woke up early the next morning perfectly peaceful and in an incredible mood. That was until everything from the night previous came flooding back to me. I heard the door click open and light invaded my tiny home. Newt stepped into the doorway. "Noooo." I groaned. "If you're here that means I have to go outside and-" I shuddered dramatically. "Deal with things."

"What'd you do now Greenie." Newt asked, waiting to hear the worst. I audibly sighed and got up.

"Turns out you were right you twit." I thought about Zart's face from last night. "Zart does have a crush on me or something." Newt gave me an I-told-you-so look.

"I told you slinthead." We exited the closet, braving the real world. "I told yoou." He sang smiling.

"Shut up orphan." I grumbled, heading for the bathroom.

"See you at breakfast." Newt chuckled annoyingly.

"Yeah yeah." I closed the door.

"I love waffles Fry!" I could hear Chuck's voice even from behind the kitchen. I peaked over to see if I could see Zart.

"What are you doing?" I yelped and whipped my head around to find Gally next to me.

"What the fuck Gally!" I whisper shouted. "Jesus Christ you scared me!"

"Sorry." He said unapologetically. "So what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get some food but I have to avoid someone." I hissed, peaking over again. Gally rolled his eyes and headed straight for the kitchen. I watched him do a handshake with Frypan. They talked for a minute or two and Gally seemed strangely less pissed off then usual. He returned with two plates.

"Here." He shoved a plate into my hands. "Don't say I never did nothin' for you." I was shocked from his niceties.

"Uh thanks Gally."

"Alright I'm gonna go eat. Like a regular person, with everyone else." He said gruffly.

"Okay, see ya later." He turned around stiffly and made his way towards the builders. That boy was perpetually strange. He made absolutely no sense. I kind of liked messing with him though, I can't deny that. I ended up eating my food in the homesteads living room.
Newt found me just as I'd finished.

"So you know how you like the medjack room so much."

"Yeah?" I replied, suspicious of Newt.

"We'll then it's your bloody lucky day." He snatched my plate away from me. "Cuz that's exactly where you're gonna be working today."

"Lucky me." I got off the couch and Newt motioned for me to go upstairs. I skipped over every other stair and found myself in the medjack room. Clint and Jeff were nice enough, we'd already been pretty familiar from the two times they took care of me. They explained where the band aids, antiseptic, and odds and ends were.

Jeff said they needed to go get some of the fresh medjack supplies and take inventory downstairs. This left me all alone sitting in a stiff wooden chair. At least I was alone, until a boy popped up in the doorway. His eyes were all buggish as he stared at me. Peaking my head around to see down the hallway I saw another boy, and then another boy, and then another boy.

"Ugh." I groaned, smacking my head with my hand. "I didn't know I was going to have to be around people." I looked them up and down. "What do you want?" The boy woofishly grinned, stepping right in.

"I'm Freddie." He held his hand close to him, eyeing me. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ask for your name, I asked for what you wanted." I felt a little on edge but I couldn't care less what this guy thought about me. I propped my feet up on the table.

"Oh right. Well um, I cut my hand."

"So? What do you want me to do about it." He didn't look so sure of himself anymore.

"Well I was figuring you could patch me up." I sighed and wondered how long it would take for him to leave if I ignored him.

"Can you really not do it yourself?"

"Not really." He lifted his hand that was starting to drip from the cut.

"Ugh fine. Just don't get any blood on me or I'll sell you to a freaky old man who looks like a vampire." Reaching for the gauze behind me I motioned for him to sit in the chair opposite from me. He held out his hand and I cleaned it with antiseptic before applying the bandage. I could feel him staring at me.

"Y'know you're really pretty." I tossed my head up to him.

"Look if you're gonna hit on me make it original. Not some blah blah copy and paste." I made the bandage uncomfortably tight. "Next!" I saw boy after boy each complaining about something different, whether it be, shivers, sneezes, throwing up, bruises, coughing, being sore, getting the chills, feeling hot (that one was usually tied into a pick up line), hiccuping, aches and pains (I usually joked about them being gross old men when they tried that), and even chronic horniness (yes, that was used).

Oh and there's more, of course attached to almost every boy was a for sure pickup line or compliment. Luckily for me I seemed to be the master at knowing every single way to reject them.

"Your eyes are like stars they're-"

"Would you shut the fuck up. No one has time for Shakespeare. He's done, get over it." His name was ironically William.

"You're so beautiful."

"Oh yeah? Tell me something I don't know."

"Since you don't have a name I figured I could call you mine."

"Actually that's pretty smooth. You get points for creativity but just no."

"When you touch me I feel this kind of connection."

"Aw really! When you touch me it makes me wanna hurl. Isn't that so cute?"

"I could for sure hear you say my name all day."

"Oh my god same! Your Mom sounded so fucking hot when she was saying mine last night."

They all would leave without the success they'd dreamed of when first arriving. It felt good to know I was crushing their dreams. Made me feel special. As much fun as turning down boys was, I was admittedly starting to get tired. The whole day was almost spent and I was still taking care of people. Then Gally walked through the door.

"Ugh not you too." I groaned.

"Don't flatter yourself." He looked down at me."I'm here cuz of the cut you gave me." I tossed him the box of bandages. Catching it with ease he opened it, taking one out. My gaze fell onto his hand.

"How's your stupid thumb?" He flexed it around, wincing a little.

"It's still stupid thanks to you."

"Can I see it?" He shrugged.

"Sure." As Gally sat down in the chair opposite me I grabbed his hand. He seemed surprised at first but just let it happen. Peeling back the bandaid I saw a deep purple bruise had flowered across his skin.

"Hey man this is pretty killer." I ran my finger over it lightly. "Makes you look badass for sure." There was that smile again.

"Maybe you should hit me more often." It was brief but imprinted in my mind. Plucking another bandaid from a box I wrapped it carefully over his thumb and patted it a little to hard. He grimaced. "Ow."

"Oh shit sorry my bad." In search of something to do to make him feel better I impulsively kissed it. "There, now it's all better." His face stood still in shock. I immediately dropped his hand. "Maybe?" I laughed awkwardly. "Sorry. I uh didn't mean for it to be weird." He shook out of his stupor.

"You're good."

"Oh she's better than good." A familiar voice that made me cringe threw itself in the air. I sighed. Victor and Chuck stood at the doorway. Chuck dawdled over to my side.

"Ugh gross, who invited ginger pubes?" My confidence surged back to me and I was ready to embarrass the shit out of this kid.

"I didn't know I needed an invitation hot stuff." He strode into the room. "Anyways I think I hurt my lips, do you think you can kiss me there to make me feel better?"

"Hey what rhymes with Vic? I'll give you a clue you have one and it's really really small." My lips started to curl up into a smirk. Chuck clutched his stomach with laughter. Even Gally seemed to be enjoying our spat.

"Hey Victor." Chuck said between guffaws. "Do you need some water for that burn!"

"Oh shut up you fat shuck." Victor sneered. I flipped him off while holding onto Chuck's wrist.

"Don't talk to him like that fire crotch." Victor flipped his head over to me.

"Y'know I was trying to be the nice guy the other day but you obviously don't want that." He snarled.

"Nice?!" I scoffed. "Your version of nice is just being a weirdo pervert, you piece of shit fuck!"

"Fine then!" He started towards me. "You want the full Victor you'll get the full Victor!"

"Oh you wanna fight?!" I shouted, raring for this moment. "I've been waiting for this since the day I got here!" Gally stepped in front of me.

"I think it's time for you to go." Gally glared him down. He put a hand on Victor's chest leading him out of the room. Until they had both left I hadn't noticed that I was clutching Chuck's hand very very tightly. I relinquished my grasp and shook my hand out.

"Sorry Chuck." I muttered, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's okay." Chuck assured. "He deserved it. Let's go get some dinner." He pulled me towards the door but I resisted.

"I-" Pausing a bit before I continued. "I can't go downstairs. Zart's down there and I don't want to see him."

"What happened?"

"It's just that I think he like me and I just, I don't know what to do about it." Chuck looked like he was trying to put a puzzle together.

"Likes you like Victor?" I wondered how I could describe it to him. I bit at the inside of my lip.

"No, like real like. Like an actual crush."

"Oh. Is that a bad thing?"

"I don't think so I just feel like when he kinda sorta told me I didn't react the best. I think it made him feel bad and I just, I don't want to see him. I don't want to make him feel bad again." My ramble finally came to an end. Chuck looked at me with sympathy.

"How about I go get the food and we eat it in here."

"That sounds great Chuck." I smiled and hugged him. He understood. In a world where I didn't think it was possible, he understood.
