Ferb...I know what we're gonna do today (we die)

Y/n's Point of View:

(5 days till the next Greenie)

Ow. Fucking ow, ouch, ow. Fuck! Pain sledgehammered it's way into my head, feeling like someone had shaken it for hours. A throbbing headache is what I woke up to on this fine morning.

"Ow." I groaned, the world barely coming to view.

"Y/n!" A familiar young boy clasped my hand in joy of my waking. "You're up!"

"Not so loud please Satan." I mumbled. "Just get rid of this headache and I'll go straight to hell. Promise."

"You're not dead y/n. You're alive!"

"Gah please no noise." I hissed, taking my hand away. "Low voices, Chuck."

"Okay." He said quietly, almost at a whisper. "Sorry."

"What are you doing here?" My voice was muffled from rolling over into my pillow.

"Gally told me that my job today was to take care of you. Help you get over your sickness." Chuck eagerly grabbed a glass, handing it to me. "He said that you needed a lot of water. Like a lot." I sipped on it, trying to get as much down as possible. "And carbs? I asked Frypan for what those were and he just gave me some bread." He pulled out fresh baked slices on a platter, placing it on my lap.

"Thanks Chuck." I said through a mouthful of bread. "You're so nice." Smiling through the pain I asked a question I'd been regretting. "Chuck?" He looked up at me wide eyed, ready to listen. "What exactly happened last night? I can't seem to remember."

"Well...you and I did that spinning game. That was fun."

"Spinning game? What?"

"Yeah! The one where we spun around in a circle and the first person to throw up loses..." He looked down like he tasted something bad. "I lost."

"Ooh." I winced. "Um did I say anything to Gally? Anything weird or mean? Why isn't he here?"

"Not that I can think of. You were kind all over the place last night. Saying hi to everybody. You did leave with him kind of early though. I dunno. He just said that he had official keeper business to care of."

"Oh." I felt another searing pain wack into my head, I grumbled. "Oh God I feel like death. Death." I laughed. "That's a funny word. Death death death. Death? Death?!" An idea hit me, blasting away the pain (well more like dulling it). "Death!"

"I don't get it." Chuck squinted his eyes, tilting his head. "What's so great about death?"

"Chuckles, I know what we're gonna do today!" Pain. "Ouch."

"What is it?!" His eyes twinkled with excitement. Grinning proudly I straightened my back out, saying.

"I'm going to die."

Gally's Point Of View:Β 

"Gally?" I turned around to find Chuck holding a stack of papers. The kid wiped his nose, passing me a sheet with the same hand. Scribbles littered the page. I could tell that Chuck must've made these himself by the handwriting. It read. 'Come to y/n's funeral at lunch. Exactly 12 pm. Only the semi cool people are invited, everyone else can suck it. Please arrive with a few words to say on y/n's behalf. Look hot. Be there or y/n will arise from the dead and unleash a hellish curse, earning you a day of verbal harassment. Y/n will not hesitate to insult your physical appearance. Come (not in the fun way) or else.' Added at the bottom was something from y/n. 'To Gally, from recently deceased y/n' my name had a small heart scrawled next to it.Β 

Just seeing it made me remember all the good parts from last night. Memories I wondered if y/n even posessed. Did they remember how they planted all those kisses on me? Or the request they had? I guess I could see what they did grasp from last night at their 'funeral'. It was stupid and a waste of time but with y/n it was always better to entertain her weird impulses and ideas. Made things go by faster. Checking my watch I saw the time. Eleven thirty-four. Exactly twenty six minutes until their death party...might as well just get this over with.


Chuck was there to greet everyone who entered the homestead, checking everyone in for admission (the flyer counted as an invitation). It seemed like he had become very serious and stiff, which was the polar opposite of his usual smiles and loose laughs.

"Hey woah slow down there Winston. Whada'ya think you're doin'?" I watched as the young boy, face plastered with sunglasses, almost a foot shorter than winston, held his arm up to block him. "Admission?" Winston gaped at Chuck's new behavior.

"Oh come on Chuck." He didn't budge as Winston towered over him. "You gave me the invite yourself!" Chuck tilted his head down, acting all tough guy. This should be good.

"Do you have it?"

"I lost it."

"Then you can't come in!" He was not going to budge. That was clear to see. All of a sudden y/n's voice filled the room from some random direction. My ears pricked up, trying to find where she'd gone off to.

"Let Winston in Chuck."Β 

"Fine!" His mop of curls bouncing back to their usual spring, Chuck looked around at the small crowd gathered, hand on his heart. His face crushed with sorrow he said. "It's almost like you can still hear her." Winston skirted around him grumbling.Β 

After their scuffle had ended I let my gaze fall on the different gladers that had made the exclusive gathering. We had all made our way to the chairs, now lined up like pews. I took a seat in the front. There was Newt, Winston of course, Frypan, Minho surprisingly (must've been his break day), Ben, and Zart. I still didn't like him. It was simple as that. He hadn't been poking around y/n lately but I wasn't dumb. Or at least not thatΒ dumb. One look away and someone could swoop in and take her from me. Practically happened to her last night.Β 

I shot him a glare and turned my attention to Chuck making his way up to the front. He cleared his throat, eager to start his speech.Β 

"Welcome Gentlemen and Shanks to the exclusive, one afternoon only, never been done before funeral. For the Goddess of the glade...y/n!"
