
✦ ༉‧₊˚⋆˚( ᵖᵉʳᶠᵉᶜᵗ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ )˚⁺✧₊˚.*♡

🍦— 010. vivi hates her gift.

HERE IS A PIECE OF ADVICE ─ never follow a mechanical spider that was a creation of Hephaestus. You might end up in the mechanical shop, Underworld, Texas or hit the tree roots that appeared in the labyrinth. The spider raced along and the group were trying to keep up, but then they spotted a tunnel off to the side that was dug from raw earth, and wrapped in thick roots. Grover stopped dead in his tracks.

"What is it?" Percy said.

He didn't move. He stared open mouthed into the dark tunnel. His curly hair rustled in the breeze.

"Come on!" Annabeth said. "We have to keep moving."

"This is the way," Grover muttered in awe. "This is it."

"What way?" Percy asked. "You mean. . . to Pan?"

Grover looked at Tyson. "Don't you smell it?"

"Dirt," Tyson said. "And plants."

"Yes! This is the way. I'm sure of it!"

Up ahead, the spider was getting farther down the stone corridor. A few more seconds and they'd lose it.

"We'll come back," Annabeth promised. "On our way back to Hephaestus."

"The tunnel will be gone by then," Grover said. "I have to follow it. A door like this won't stay open!"

"But we can't," Annabeth said. "The forges!"

Grover looked at her sadly. "I have to, Annabeth. Don't you understand?"

She looked desperate, like she didn't understand at all. The spider was almost out of sight.

"We'll split up," Percy said.

"No!" Annabeth said.

"Yeah, no!" Vivi agreed with her best friend, "That's way too dangerous. There is a chance we won't find each other again. And, I don't want Grover going alone."

Tyson put his hand on Grover's shoulder. "I ─ I will go with him."

"Tyson, are you sure?"

The big guy nodded. "Goat boy needs help. We will find the god person. I am not like Hephaestus. I trust friends."

Grover took a deep breath. "Percy, we'll find each other again. We've still got the empathy link. I just. . . have to."

Vivi didn't blame him. This was his life's goal. If he didn't find Pan on this journey, the council would never give him another chance.

"I hope you're right," Percy said

"I know I am." 

"Be careful," Percy told him. Then he looked at Tyson. He gulped back a sob and gave Percy a hug, a bear hug. Then he and Grover disappeared through the tunnel of tree roots and were lost in the darkness.

"This is bad," Annabeth said. "Splitting up is a really, really bad idea."

"We'll see them again," Percy said, trying to sound confident. "Now come on. The spider is getting away!"

It wasn't long before the tunnel started to get hot. The stone walls glowed. The air felt as if they were walking through an oven. The tunnel sloped down and Vivi could hear a loud roar, like a river of metal. The spider skittered along, with Annabeth right behind.

"Hey, wait up," Percy called to her.

She glanced back at him. "Yeah?"

"Something Hephaestus said back there. . . about Athena."

"She swore never to marry," Annabeth said. "Like Artemis and Hestia. She's one of the maiden goddesses." 

"But then ─ "

"How come she has demigod children?" 

Vivi pinched his arm, "Even I know that and I've been at the Camp for maybe three months." 

"But like, wasn't she sprung from the head of Zeus in full battle armor or something."

"Exactly. She wasn't born in the normal way. She was literally born from thoughts. Her children are born the same way. When Athena falls in love with a mortal man, it's purely intellectual, the way she loved Odysseus in the old stories. It's a meeting of minds. She would tell you that's the purest kind of love."

"So your dad and Athena. . . so you weren't. . ."

"Oh my gods, how are we having this conversation right now." Vivi said.

"I was a brain child," Annabeth said. "Literally. Children of Athena are sprung from the divine thoughts of our mother and the mortal ingenuity of our father. We are supposed to be a gift, a blessing from Athena on the men she favors."

"But ─ "

"Percy, the spider's getting away. Do you really want me to explain the exact details of how I was born?"

"Um . . . no. That's okay."

Annabeth looked at Vivi and smirked, "He's such a Seaweed Brain sometimes."

Vivi laughed and nodded. Percy looked between two best friends with offended look, but Vivi just raffled his already messy hair and urged him to follow after Annabeth. He, however, looked behind at Vivi.

"I was born the normal way." Vivi said, as if she was reading his thoughts.

Percy nodded, "Okay. ."

The roaring got louder. After another half mile or so, they emerged in a cavern the size of a Super Bowl stadium. Their spider escort stopped and curled into a ball. The trio had arrived at the forge of Hephaestus. There was no floor, just bubbling lava hundreds of feet below. They stood on a rock ridge that circled the cavern. A network of metal bridges spanned across it. At the center was a huge platform with all sorts of machines, cauldrons, forges, and the largest anvil Vivi'd ever seen ─ a block of iron the size of a house. Creatures moved around the platform ─ several strange, dark shapes, but they were too far away to make out details.

"We'll never be able to sneak up on them," Percy said.

Annabeth picked up the metal spider and slipped it into her pocket. "I can. Wait here."

"Hold it!" Percy said, but before he could argue, she put on her Yankees cap and turned invisible. 

Vivi knew about powers that hat held, but will it keep Annabeth safe? She will be safe, it's Annabeth Chase we're talking about.

Percy looked back at the Labyrinth tunnel, before looking at Vivi, "You're staying with me."

"Um, I can take care of myself, thank you very much," Vivi said, her hand half-way towards her bracelet. However, before she could grab it, Percy grabbed her hand.

"No, Hades no," Percy said, holding tightly onto her hand, "Bibi, this is your first quest, you don't know the dangers of it." the boy sighed, "I don't want anything to happen to you. I just got you back, I'm not letting you go so easily now."

This shouldn't have been the moment that the butterflies almost exploded in her stomach. Why was Percy Jackson such a charmer? Why was he full of love and loyalty that put him in danger? But, all those qualities made her fall in love with him over and over again; no matter the age, Vivienne Wu will still fall for Percy Jackson over and over gain.

"Then we should stay here." Vivi decided.

"Or we could get a better angel at the platform."

Vivi narrowed her eyes at him, "Didn't you just say 'no to the danger'."

"Well, that only counted for you. . ." he gave her a sheepish smile.

"If you go, I go, end of the story."

The two held an intense eye contact for a long minute. Percy was the first one to look away. Vivi won.


The two crept along the outer rim of the lava lake, hoping they could get a better angle to see what was happening in the middle. The heat was horrible. Geryon's ranch had been a winter wonderland compared to this. Vivi's eyes stung from the smoke. They moved along, trying to keep away from the edge, until their way was blocked by a cart on metal wheels, like the kind they use in mineshafts. Percy and Vivi looked at each other, before Percy lifted up the tarp. It was half full of scrap metal. They were about to squeeze their way around it when voices came from up ahead, probably from a side tunnel.

"Bring it in?" one asked.

"Yeah," another said. "Movie's just about done."

They panicked. The pair didn't have enough time to back up. There was nowhere to hide except. . . the cart. Percy grabbed Vivi's hand and the two of them scrambled inside and pulled the tarp over their bodies, hoping no one had seen anything happening. The cart lurched forward.

"Oi," a gruff voice said. "Thing weighs a ton."

"It's celestial bronze," the other said. "What did you expect?"

The cart got pulled along. They turned a corner, and from the sound of the wheels echoing against the walls, Vivi guessed they had passed down a tunnel and into a smaller room. She tried not to think about how close she and Percy were; she could hear his heartbeat beating so loudly, probably out of panic and fear.

Outside, Vivi heard lots of talking, chattering voices that didn't sound human ─ somewhere between a seal's bark and a dog's growl. There were other sounds too ─ like an old fashioned film projector and a tinny voice narrating.

"Just set it in the back," a new voice ordered from across the room. "Now, younglings, please attend to the film. There will be time for questions afterward."

The voices quieted down, and Vivi could hear the film.

"As a young sea demon matures," the narrator said, "changes happen in thevmonster's body. You may notice your fangs getting longer and you may have a sudden desire to devour human beings. These changes are perfectly normal and happen to all young monsters."

Excited snarling filled the room.

The teacher ─ who really knows ─ told the younglings to be quiet, and the film continued. Vivi didn't understand most of it, and she didn't dare look. The film kept talking about growth spurts and acne problems caused by working in the forges, and proper flipper hygiene, and finally it was over.

"Now, younglings," the instructor said, "what is the proper name of our kind?"

"Sea demons!" one of them barked.

"No. Anyone else?"

"Telekhines!" another monster growled.

"Very good," the instructor said. "And why are we here?"

"Revenge!" several shouted.

"Yes, yes, but why?"

"Zeus is evil!" one monster said. "He cast us into Tartarus just because we used magic!" 

"Indeed," the instructor said. "After we made so many of the gods' finest weapons. The trident of Poseidon, for one. And of course  ─ we made the greatest weapon of the Titans! Nevertheless, Zeus cast us away and relied on those fumbling Cyclopes. That is why we are taking over the forges of the usurper Hephaestus. And soon we will control the undersea furnaces, our ancestral home!"

Vivi's fingers creeped towards her bracelet.

"And so, younglings," the instructor continued, "who do we serve?"

"Kronos!" they shouted.

"And when you grow to be big telekhines, will you make weapons for his army?"


"Excellent. Now, we've brought in some scraps for you to practice with. Let's see how ingenious you are."

There was a rush of movement and excited voices coming toward thecart. Vivi had already taken off her bracelet and let her dagger appear. The tarp was thrown back. Percy jumped up first, his bronze sword springing to life in his  hands. Vivi followed, ready to strike with her dagger.

To put it simply, Telekhines looked like dogs. Well, their faces were dogs, anyway, with black snouts, brown eyes, and pointy ears. Their bodies were sleek and black like sea mammals, with stubby legs that were half flipper, half foot, and human like hands with sharp claws. 

"Demigods!" one snarled.

"Eat them!" yelled another.

But that's as far as they got before Percy slashed a wide arc with Riptide and vaporized the entire front row of monsters.

"Back off!" Vivi yelled, her voice coming out strong,

Behind them stood their instructor ─ a six-foot-tall telekhine with Doberman fangs snarling at them. 

"New lesson, class," Percy announced. "Most monsters will vaporize when sliced with a celestial bronze sword. This change is perfectly normal, and will happen to you right now if you don't BACK OFF!"

Surprisingly, it worked. The monsters backed up, but there were at least twenty of them. They jumped out of the cart, and Vivi yelled, "CLASS DISMISSED!" and the two ran for the exit.

The monsters charged after the pair, barking and growling. Vivi hoped they couldn't run very fast with those stubby little legs and flippers, but they waddled along pretty well. Thank the gods there was a door on the tunnel leading out to the main cavern. Percy slammed it shut and turned the wheel handle to lock it, but Vivi doubted it would keep them long. They ran toward the platform at the center of the lava lake.

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled.

"Shhh!" an invisible hand clamped over his mouth and wrestled him down behind a big bronze cauldron, pulling Vivi along, "You want to get us killed?"

Percy found her head and took off her Yankees cap. She shimmered into existence in front of them, scowling, her face streaked with ash and grime. "Percy, what is your problem?"

"We're going to have company!" Vivi explained quickly about the monster orientation class. 

Annabeth's eyes widened. "So that's what they are," she said. "Telekhines. I should've known. And they're making. . . Well, look."

They peeked over the cauldron. In the center of the platform stood four sea demons, but these were fully grown, at least eight feet tall. Their black skin glistened in the firelight as they worked, sparks flying as they took turns hammering on a long piece of glowing hot metal. 

"The blade is almost complete," one said. "It needs another cooling in blood to fuse the metals." 

"Aye," a second said. "It shall be even sharper than before."

"What is that?" Percy whispered.

Annabeth shook her head. "They keep talking about fusing metals. I wonder ─ "

"They were talking about the greatest Titan weapon, And they. . . they said they made my father's trident." Percy said.

"The telekhines betrayed the gods," Annabeth said. "They were practicing dark magic. I don't know what, exactly, but Zeus banished them to Tartarus."

"With Kronos."

Annabeth nodded. "We have to get out ─ "

No sooner had she said that than the door to the classroom exploded and young telekhines came pouring out. They stumbled over each other, trying to figure out which way to charge.

"Put your cap back on," Percy said. "Get out! Both of you!"

"What, no!" Vivi protested, "I'm not leaving you. Beside I can distract them with my superspeed. I'm the fastest one here."

"Which is why you have the best chances of surviving." Percy reasoned. "And, I've got a plan."

"No!" Annabeth said, "I ain't leaving either of you do this alone."

"I'll distract them." Percy said, like it was final decision, "You can use the metal spider ─ maybe it'll lead you back to Hephaestus. You have to tell him what's going on."

"But you'll be killed!"

"I'll be fine. Besides, we've got no choice."

Vivi shook her head, "Percy no."

"I'll be fine," but the words were deceived him. Vivi wanted to call him out for it, to scream that he wouldn't be fine, that something is going to happen because always something happens to demigods. But she didn't. She kept her mouth shut and tried to believe in the lie that left his mouth.

She leaned in and kissed his cheek, hugging him and whispering in his ear, "Don't die on me, Hǎi."

"Never," he mumbled soflty.

That was the last time Vivi saw Percy before she and Annabeth disappeared back into the maze.

The two girls finally found the bronze spider, which began to scurry away once they got near it. Vivi and Annabeth ran out of of the volcano and back into the Labyrinth. Vivi looked back. They were far away from the Mount St Helens and Percy was not after them still. Worry settled in her chest. Percy only said he was causing a distraction, nothing else. This distraction was taking too long. Every few second, Vivi would look back, but there was no sign of a mop of messy black hair.

He wasn't coming.

"Annie," Vivi's voice shook as she spoke.

"Keep going, V," Annabeth encouraged, though her voice was shaky from emotions. "He's coming. Don't look back."

But how could she not look back when they heard the explosion happening where Percy was supposed to be. Vivi froze in her tracks; her blood tuning ice cold.

"Annie. . . "

Just like Vivi, Annabeth had unshed tears held captive in her eyes. There was sadness, grief and tons of emotions painted across the blonde's face that mirrored Vivi's. But Vivi felt something more. There was heartache on Vivi's face too. The waves of nausea, sadness, grief mixed with heartache exploded inside the girl. A cry left her mouth as her body curved in agony. Annabeth reached for her best friend, hugging her tightly and whispering soft nothings in her ear. But nothing was helping. Nothing could help when you lost the person you already lost before.

The spider whirred and began to scurry off again.

"V, we have to go," Annabeth choked out.

But the girl shook her head. "No, Annie. He can still be there. We have to go back."

Annabeth began to tug her along again. Vivi tried to resist, but she knew they couldn't do anything about it. The two girls stumbled after the spider having no idea if they would even escape this hell.

niki speaks!

do i love making my ocs suffer?
hell yeah. . .
just u wait on the upcoming percy jackson
book i have planned.
the pain will be there.

anyway, my math professor will, hopefully,
bring our test results today
and i'm hoping for a 3(c),
so. . . fingers crossed

have a nice day/night!
