
" So fast, huh ? " Jackson whispered in my ear while wrapping his hands on my shoulder. I chuckled. " Of course.. Anything for my money.. " I said, smiling before winking at him. He laughed. " Woah, alright then.. " I'm serious though.. Anything for my money..

Few Hours Later..

I was packing my stuffs while tidying my table when suddenly.. " Hi, handsome boy~ " I slowly looked up, only to see Y/N is standing in front of me while smiling sweetly. Her smile is killing me.. Stop ! " Emm, y-yes ? " I asked, still dealing with this stuttering thingy. Can't I just say something perfectly in front of her ?! She smiled before moving closer to me, wrapping her hands on my waist. Uh oh..

" Wanna join me for recess ? " She asked, tilting his head while looking at me. I blinked my eyes a few times. " Err.. " " Say yes please~ " She said, staring at me with puppy eyes. How can I say no to that.. " Emm.. But my frie- " " You can bring him ! " She cut my words off again, making me looked at her. " Really ? " I asked, my eyes lit up. She nodded. " Yup.. Come, let's call him.. " She said, immediately pulling me with her. Oh my, what did I get myself into..

Not gonna lie.. He is really a handsome boy..

If he is not a nerd, I am definitely leaving Jackson for him. Hahaha, just kidding~ " You, sit here.. " I said, pushing Jimin to sit down. " And you, sit here.. " I walked towards the guy that I don't know his name, pushing to sit down too. I then walked towards my seat then sat down.

And now, I am sitting between Jackson and Jimin while the guy with nerdy glass is sitting beside Sowon. " So . I think you guys should introduce yourself first.. " I said, breaking the awkward silence. Come on, guys.. Help me with my plan..! Sowon cleared her throat, flashing a cute smile. " Hi ! My name is Sowon.. "

I can see by the corner of my eyes that Jimin bowed his head, smiling slightly. Ahh, what a good boy you are.. " I'm SinB.. "

She said, looking at him with a small smile. SinB always like that. She will be someone that is not HER when she's with someone that she don't know. Jimin smiled, bowing again. I can see that the nerd is just looking at us one by one with a scared expression. Do we look like a ghost to him ? " Jackson Wang.. "

Jackson suddenly said without even looking at Jimin. I looked at him before pinching his arms, making him whinced in pain. I signalled him to look at Jimin as soon as his eyes fell to my face. He rolled his eyes. " Fine.. Hi ! Nice to meet you ! I'm Jackson Wang ! " He said 'happily' while extending his hand for Jimin to shake. I mentally face palmed. You're lucky you are my boyfriend..

I can see that SinB and Sowon are trying their hard not to laugh. Jimin awkwardly laughed before slowly reaching for his hand, shaking it. I smiled. Finally.. I turned my head towards the nerd, only to see that he is still looking at us with a scared expression. I sighed. What the hell is wrong with this guy.. " Emm.. Hi..? " I asked, looking at him with a slight frown. He looked at me before bowing his head. " Hi ! Nice to meet you ! " He said loudly, making me covered both of my ears. " Geez, calm down.. No need to be loud.. " I said then sit properly.

" Tell us your name.. " I said, looking at him. He gulped while his face started to sweat. " M-My n-name i-is M-Michael.. Mike for s-short.. " He said, KEEPING ON stuttering. I looked away, scratching my head before looking at him again, smiling fakely. " Okay.. Nice to meet you, Mike.. " I said sweetly before looking at Jimin. " Not gonna introduce yourself ? " I asked, tilting my head. He looked at me then smiled, eyes turning into a thin line. Cute- Wait what ??

" I'm Park Jimin.. Call me Jimin.. " He said, smiling sincerely. And I don't know why.. Just seeing his smile makes me smiled too.. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I mentally smirked before moving closer to his ear. " But can I call you.. Oppa ?.. " I whispered, making sure to brush my lips on his ear. His eyes widen before his face slowly turned into red. He really love to blush.. I smirked, knowing that I got a BIG effect on him.. This is gonna be easy..
