Hanako-kun X Reader

'Y/n... please don't... leave me.'

'Thanks Kou.' I grumbled, staring upon the hundreds of books we had to sort with Tsuchigomori because Kou decided he wanted to mock Tsuchigomori.

He rolled his eyes, staring upon Mitsuba - though Mitsuba hadn't done anything he wanted to help in which he probably had done the most. I stared upon the books of student history, as I fondled the book and read the student name it felt a little too familiar; Yugi Amane.

I went to flicker through the pages yet my hand laid kept on the front page by Tsukigomori who looked gravely upon the book as if the sorrows built up within the novella. We both knew who's it belonged to, Hanako-kun yet both had different opinions of if it should be opened or not.

'It might not be the best day to flicker through that since it's his anniversary.' I looked away upon Kou and Mitsuba disappearing into another aisle, I knew that but in reality I didn't know anything about Hanako before he was a ghost.

'I just want to know more to help him to understand him,' I paused and looked around, 'In fact I haven't seen him all day.'

Tsuchigomori's hand ran through my hair softly, a soft smile as he bent down to my level, a soft sigh as he spoke, 'You two have that sort of relationship where you could ask him anything, just give him his distance today.'

I nodded and played with a few books until I heard the crash of an entire aisle by none other than Mitsuba and Kou. I watched a vein pulse from his forehead, Tsuchigomori kicked them both out on the bums, I said I would leave too just to keep them from running into the other seven mysteries and causing havoc.

'What are we going to do now?' Kou sighed watching Mitsuba disappear with a soft wave,

'I'm probably going to go home. Hanako must be busy and I don't want to annoy him.'

Kou nodded, he stood up with his hands behind his head as he muttered about collecting his math book from his locker. I nodded and sighed, it was the first time I ever left this early since I met Hanako-kun. I wandered towards the gate as the wind blew in a certain direction that lifted my skirt in which I had to hold so it wouldn't fly up.

I reached for the gate my hand placed upon the picket fence- 'Y/n... Please dont.. Leave me!'

I spun around on my heels and felt flesh against flesh. Warmth against warmth, his hands engulfed my body. In the flash of his hug I saw his sad face, riddled with worry and other such negative emotions.

'Hanako..' I whispered,

He wouldn't budge; a statue wrapped around me. My head pulled back and so did his, I could see his tears and anxiety just staring upon him.

'Hanako, why would I?' hanako had moments where his passed would influence him in the future, and while I hadn't done anything of concern sometimes he just needed that little reassurance to define his future from his passed,

'I don't know.' he muttered looking away, I rolled my eyes and cupped his cheek with my hair and my lips upon his forehead,

'Hanako, I'll be back tomorrow, the day after, the day after that and the one after that-' I paused and let my head press against his forehead, 'I'll stay with you forever, and I promise you that.'

I watched him smile, his grip loosen till his arms completely fell away from my body, my hand placed behind me on the pinkett fence. I gave him a small smile,

'I'll be back tomorrow.'

He nodded and smiled.


'Kou, what's number four?' I questioned,

I felt the soft bends of his arm, his soft smell so distinct as they wrapped around me. I looked up to see Hanako's face softly staring down smiling, I cupped his cheek before I pulled him down beside him worried people would think I was strange.

He stood in front of me, Kou beside me; Hanako's eyes never seeing from my face as I stared upon my work distracted by his face.

'Tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow.' Hanako mumbled underneath his breath,

Kou stared confused, his head turned back and forth, until it looked like it would explode.

'What does that mean.' he questioned,

My cheeks burning red, 'Nothing!' hanako and I shouted in sync,

Only for Hanako, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow I'll wait for him. 
