━━━ 05. harsh truths

|chapter five:: harsh truths|

I jumped for the third time when Guzman aggressively shoved the vending machine. He was pissed as some of us were shaken up because not even thirty minutes ago did Samuel's brother, Nano showed up at the school and Guzman was ready to attack him. Just the sight of his face wanted me to hit him too, so I didn't even try to keep Guzman calm as he tried to break out of everyone's grip to get to Nano.

My phone suddenly buzzed along with everyone else as we sat down at the table. When I looked at it, I raised a brow, "Isn't a little odd to want to throw a Halloween party after what just happened?"

"Clearly," Carla agreed, meeting my eyes for the first time in a long time, "I don't think it's normal to have a party after a murder just threatened us all."

"So you guys just want to give up having fun all together because of an idiot like that?" Guzman asked as he leaned against the vending machine, "We're all going to that party."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I read the information from the invitation, seeing it was at my old house. My head still pounded a little from last nights fun and the thought of another party- especially at my old house- just made me nauseous.

"Babe," Lu looked at Guzman, "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to your house? It's not just weird, but it's creepy to even think about it."

I furrowed my brows at Lu's odd points, "Sadly, I have to agree with Lu. I don't think I'd like to be in that house again."

"The house isn't going to bite us, Adriana." Guzman sighed, "And Marina didn't die there, she died by the pool we have to go to everyday instead."

I looked down at my shoes, clenching my jaw slightly, "Guzman-"

"We're all going to that damn party tonight and that's final," Guzman exclaimed, shoving the vending machine once again until a few snack fell down from inside before coming up to us, "And I swear if Nano brings his face to that party or bothers any one of you, I swear I will bash his fucking head in." He then scanned the group, scoffing darkly, "What, you guys thought I was joking back there?"

No one said anything, so he huffed angrily before going to get one of the snacks from machine and leaving. I looked down at my hands that shook suddenly, but I ignored it. I was just tense.

"Ana." Lu called me, but I didn't look up at her until she called me again, "Ana, you're bleeding."

"What?" I asked and touch my face lightly when I looked down at my skirt to see blood dripping on it. When I pulled my hand away, blood cover the tips of my fingers, so I quickly got up before rushing away from them.

"Adriana!" I heard someone call behind me, but I kept rushing toward the bathroom, not even paying any mind to the trail of blood I was leaving or the person calling out my name. When I burst into the bathroom, I quickly go to the sink, grabbing as many paper towels I could to stop the bleeding. I stared at my reflection, only to groan when.I seen blood on my shirt and skirt until the bleeding stopped.

It was no use cleaning my uniform, so when I left the bathroom, I quickly met Ander's eyes as he leaned against the wall across the bathroom. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "What?"

"Are you alright?" He asked me, pushing himself away from the wall to come up to me, scanning my face, "Is it bad?"

"I'm okay," I simply respond, before walking away from him, though he followed me.

"Adriana," He sighed, grabbing my arm to prevent me from going further and to turn to him, "I was a dick last night. I'm sorry, it just that I was drinking and had a lot on my mind yesterday."

"Just yesterday?" I retorted, and he briefly looked down at my shoes, "Are we ever going to talk about what's wrong? Are you ever going to tell me?" I sighed when he didn't respond, pushing my hair behind my ears, "I know there are times when we push certain things away from each other and we hold out on what we're feeling and at times that's okay, because we've been through a lot to know that though we aren't going to share everything with each other, we're still going to be close than ever. But this- whatever you're holding in is causing you to push me away and I don't know if you're doing it just for me to leave you alone or to hurt me in some sort. Did I do something?"

"No," He quickly answered, grabbing my hands, "It's not about you, it's just been dealing with something difficult," He shrugged, "Whatever I'm feeling right now will pass."

"You know I can help you, Ander." I assured him, "But you can't shove me away because it won't stick. Anything you're going through right now that you think I won't be able to handle, I can. I can take it."

"I know. I know you can handle anything," He nodded, "It's just that this.. this is something I can't even handle and I wouldn't know how to explain it."

I caressed the back of his hand with my thumb, nodding slowly, "I understand if you choose not to tell me about it, it's fine, but don't let this beat you up," I told him, putting my hand on his cheek, taking in the dark circles under his eyes, "I haven't seen you smile in forever."

At my words, he gave a small smile before pulling me into a hug, "Thank you." I only nodded as I hugged him back, though my stomach churned. My words were killing me internally because it wasn't fine. None of it was fine and I couldn't tell him that because it wouldn't have made a difference besides more distance between us.

I was pissed that the Halloween party was tomorrow because searching for an outfit was literal hell and Lu was no help as we sat in my bedroom. Lu being herself, she was quick to have an outfit set in her room and ready to be put on tomorrow.

"I think Guzman might still be in love with Nadia," Lu sighed loudly as I searched through my closet, "Today they were all close and whispering to each other."

"And that's a problem because?" I asked, glancing back at her.

"Because he wasn't like this over the summer. During the summer, he would be close with me and now it's like I don't exist," She ranted, "And if last night wasn't an example, then I don't know what."

"Lu, you're over exaggerating," I assured, though I couldn't really tell her the truth on how her words might be true.

She then looked away from her phone and at me, "So where did you go last night? You didn't call me like you said you were."

"Sorry, I was at the club all night." I tell her and turn to see her eyeing me, "What?"

"By yourself?" She wondered and I looked back in my closet.

"No," I simply said before she let out a gasp, "What, Lu?"

"You were with NiccolΓ³ last night?" She questioned and when I nodded, she gasped again, "Oh my god, Ana, please don't tell me you two.. " She trailed off, hoping for me to catch on.

When I did, I scoffed, "Lu, I'm not going to sleep with someone else just because I received a bit more attention from them than from my own boyfriend."

"But NiccolΓ³ isn't just 'someone', Ana," She explained and I snapped my head over to her, "What? It's the truth, you and NiccolΓ³ were very close before he left and there were still held in feelings that you guys had for each other."

"Which is nothing, Lu. What we had was a one time thing - a very stupid one time thing," I assured and she raised a brow.

"Why is it stupid?"

"Because it almost cost our friendship," I groaned, "And because now he-"

"Can't get it or you out of his head?" She smirked, "Look, you were the one that chose to tell me." I huffed out as she went on, "What are going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to tell Ander?" She asked, "Did you even tell Ander you were with NiccolΓ³ last night?"

"No, because I know how it's going to end and it's going to be an argument and a fight between him and Nic." I explained, "And Nic is harmless."

She let out a scoff, "To say NiccolΓ³ is harmless is like saying a shark isn't dangerous, Ana." I rolled my eyes and she continued, "If he weren't biologically connected to Carla, I would think he's Valerio's personality doppelganger."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because they grew up together like we did and they became very sneaky and willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want," She explained and I laughed a bit.

"You sure you're not their long lost sibling, Lu?" She gave a fake laugh to my joke, "I can manage Nic, okay? And nothing is going to ever happen between us because I love Ander."

"Until he pushes you away again," She commented, "And Nic knows that, which is why he will take that to his advantage."

I sighed heavily as I went back to my closet, "You don't know what you're talking about, Lu."

"Or maybe I do and you just don't want to admit that you would hook up with Nic in a heartbeat?" She proposed, "Maybe I was wrong last night- maybe instead of him being wrapped around your finger, you're the one wrapped tight around his little scrawny one."

I ignored her as I pulled out a cheerleading outfit I had since freshman year, "I think this is cute enough. What do you think?"

She only nodded and went back to her phone, knowing that I wasn't really asking for her opinion, especially from the start. I turned to my mirror, holding the outfit close to me. It was going to be tight and short, but who goes to a Halloween party looking like a nun?

I put the outfit to the side, but furrowed my brows when my phone buzzed in my pocket. When I pulled it out to check it, Lu looked up at me, "Let me guess, your 'best friend', NiccolΓ³?"

I scoffed with a shake of my head, "No, it's Ander, actually." She rolled her eyes before looking back down at her phone and I looked at mine, swallowing the lie I told Lu as I stared at Nic's text.

I need someone to match with for the party
Please say yes..
Sent 6:13pm
