
request from @imjadensgirlfriend ,hope you like it! also remember to vote!

it has now been 65 days since you broke up with your boyfriend Lucas, you knew he was a huge jerk but you really liked him and two months later you kept thinking about him, knowing full well that he moved on.

Maddy would take you every weekend to some cool party that everyone would've wanted to go to, to get you distracted and maybe meet some other guy who would make you forget about Lucas, but any guy who tried to get close to you, you would chase away.

actually getting back with him wouldn't have been a good idea, and you knew that too, cuz when you weren't around him he didn't waste time hitting other girls and maybe even kissing them, but he had something that when you were with him made you feel special and you didn't want to lose that feeling.

Ashtray, on the other hand, had dumped his girlfriend only a month ago, the wound still stinging cause she had cheated on him, with a fucking nerd. he wasn't the type to spend entire nights cryingΒ  over the loss of his girlfriend, but she had been his first real girlfriend, and every night before he went sleep all he could do was think about her, Cindy.

Fezco always said he was young, though he had no idea lot of girls simped for him, and he simply had to choose the right one, but Ashtray never listened to him, he didn't want someone else, he wanted revenge.

"y/n come on, you can't still be thinking about that pussy of Lucas, I know it's hard but go ahead, he's not even that all" Maddy repeated for the hundredth time in two months, trying to comfort me, "I know, I just can't stop thinking about him" I mumbled with my face splattered on the pillow of my bed, "well but you need to move on, you can't waste your fucking time behind that cunt, so get ready we're going to a good party tonight" ordered Maddy stroking my hair and then walking out of my room, leaving me in my thoughts.

"yo guys" said Rue as she get into the gas station, "Rue" said Fezco with a nod of his head as Ashtray simply nodded. "umh... are you guys coming tonight" she asked shifting her gaze from one to the other, resting her elbows on the counter. "where?" asked Ashtray confused wrinkling his face, "at the party duh" she said chuckling, "y'all can't miss it" she said shrugging her shoulders, "we'll be there."

"how do I look?" I asked Maddy, "fucking hot, now let's go inside" she took me by the hand and we get into the house full of teenagers, it was so hot that I already regretted wearing a tight dress. Maddy started talking to Cassie and I took the opportunity to look around, all the boys looked so ugly. "come y/n" said Maddy taking me by the hand, there were so many people I couldn't even figure out where to step, which led me to bump into someone.

"watch where the fuck you're going" he said quite angrily, "you too" I spat narrowing my eyes, looking down at him. he was a little taller than me, dressed in jeans and a Gucci t-shirt, he had a tattoo on his face, which made him look tough. the guy rolled his eyes walking away without bumping me with his shoulder, "asshole" I said chasing after Maddy.

after bumping into a girl, I went to the back of the house, and sat next Fezco and Rue, waiting for some customers to arrive. my eyes scanned the garden, when I saw my ex, Cindy, talking to a guy, laughing with him.

bitch, I thought to myself shifting my attention back to my brother and Rue's conversation.

"where's Fezco?" my sister asked Cassie, I had never met him in person but he was known to everyone as the city's drug dealer. "I saw him outside a few min ago" she replied, "k I'll be back in 5 min" said Maddy taking me by the hand and leading me behind her.

"hi Fezco" Maddy said once we got in front of these three teen, when I saw the guy from before.

was he Fezco?!

"yo, ya need some Molly?" spoke the red-haired guy, so it was him, "yeah" nodded my sister with $50 in her hand. the guy from before took a clear baggie and handed it to her and then took the money, making eye contact with me.

"is she your sister?" the guy asked Maddy, "yeah muddy why? you gotta a crush or what?" said Maddy with a grin looking at me, I was about to speak but the guy interrupted me, "no, we already met" he replied still looking at me strangely, "unfortunately" I replied mugging him.

"okk lovebirds, ion have time now for all this drama, let's go back to the party" said Maddy taking me by the hand, waving to Fezco.

"how do ya know her, Maddy's sister?" asked Rue lighting her joint, "she don't know how to walk straight" I replied taking an hit from , Rue looked at me in confusion as I threw out the smoke repeating that scene in my head for the tenth time.

after dancing for a while I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. I poured cola into my cup drinking it all in one gulp, I was looking around when i saw my ex, Lucas, what the fuck?

he was talking to a girl, she had ash blond hair and she was wearing a purple dress that perfectly matched her body, Lucas's hand was on her hip bringing her toward him, making me clasp my hand around the cup.

that bitch of Cindy Parker.

"you again" said the boy of before , popping up beside me with a mock bored face. "if you didn't chase me we wouldn't see each other again," I said shifting my gaze to him, with a fake smile. "or maybe I just came here to get a drink" he replied rolling his eyes, but frowned when he saw I wasn't listening, "the fuck are you looking at?" he asked shifting his gaze in the same direction as mine..

"just my ex..." I replied lowering my gaze, only to see out of the corner of my eye his confused expression, "and my ex."

"your ex is Cindy Parker?!" I almost screamed I widened my eyes, "don't fucking scream it" he said covering my mouth with his hand, "wow okay" I replied after he lifted his hand. "so your ex is Lucas Peterson, I expected better from you" he said chuckling, "shut up Cindy" I replied rolling my eyes, earning a dirty look.

there was a minute of silence, where i found myself thinking about a pretty crazy idea. he was pretty cool, and so was I... I guess, well that's not the point. maybe he could have helped me make Lucas jealous and I could have helped him make Cindy jealous

"what are you thinking?" he asked waking me up from my thoughts, "okay listen I know it's crazy, but before you say anything listen to me, we could make our exes jealous together, and-"

he interrupted me abruptly, "wait, wait, wait, you want us to kiss?! I don't even know your fucking name." "my name is y/n and yes, you'd gain from that too, so it's not such a bad idea," I replied shrugging my shoulders, crossing my arms.

I thought about it for a few seconds, after all she was pretty hot, almost hotter than Cindy. I wanted revenge, she wanted her boyfriend back, so why not?

"deal" I said handing her my hand, she quickly shake it and then dragged me behind her without letting go of my hand, "my name is Ashtray" I said, "I love it" she shouted back to overpower the music, she was the first person who wasn't shocked by my name, and it made me pretty happy.

we stopped not far from them, so that they could see us, then y/n wrapped her hands around my neck, making me quite nervous. "are you ready?" she asked approaching me, I nodded placing my hands on her hips, drawing her to me, making her tits slam against me, fuck.

she slammed her lips on mine without hesitation, I returned the kiss enjoying the synchronized rhythm of our lips. she seemed to be enjoying the kiss, so i moved further, sliding my tongue into her mouth. she smiled into the kiss, nibbling my lip. one of her hands had settled on the back of my head caressing my scalp, how the fuck was I supposed to break away from her.

she pulled away from me with a smile, her lips pursed, making me grin. then I shifted my gaze behind her, to see Cindy and Lucas looking at us confused, both shocked. y/n did the same thing, meeting Lucas's gaze, then did something unexpected, she turned to me and with a grin resumed kissing me.

Fuck Lucas

Fuck Cindy.
