
At first it was really quiet, and even as it got louder it still felt calming. The birds chirping outside singing their beautiful lullabies, some quieter some louder.

The warm sun shining through the window felt comforting even at the thought of all the stress you'd probably be facing as soon as you got out of bed.

Your face was smushed in the pillow below you, already having gotten warmer since the sun was shining on it. You hated getting out of the comfort of the bed but when your stomach decided to have a concert you knew it was time to face your problems.

You lifted your head and slowly opened your eyes facing the headboard of the bed. Your vision was still blurry but it adjusted after a few more seconds of waiting.

You pushed the blanket aside and sat at the edge of the bed, contemplating on what to do next when an surprisingly sweet scent filled your nostrils. You hadn't smelled it before but now that you were fully awake the sweet Aroma that filled the room was undeniably heavenly.

The T-shirt hung loosely across your shoulders as you stood up on your wobbly legs.

The closet in the back of the room was reached in just a few seconds. You didn't have any clothes so you had to borrow some from the guest rooms closet. Canada allowed you to take some for the night so he for sure wouldn't mind if you wore some for the day too...

You certainly didn't want to wear the clothes you laid on the forest floor with yesterday. Not happening. It usually didn't bother you wearing the same outfit two or three days in a row but that was just something different.

Looking at the closet and seeing the variety of different clothes you quickly picked out an easy outfit. Some jeans and a black T-shirt with a word written on it. You didn't really care. In a drawer next to the closet you also found a pair of socks which, surprisingly, fit you.

I wonder who all these clothes belong to..maybe just some of Canadas clothes?

It was an embarrassing thought so you quickly pushed it aside.

You took the clothes and made your way to the bathroom. It was big. You certainly hadn't expected it to be big. Regardless you quickly locked the door and changed into your new outfit.

A mirror hung in front of you and...You didn't look too good. Eyebags, messy hair, you name it. No wonder, you've experienced some things that shouldn't have happened so it was more than understanding that you looked so ravaged.

You sighed and turned the faucet on, cold water coming out of it before you splashed your face with it and rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes. It felt refreshing.

You were done fairly quickly in the bathroom and were now standing in the hallway leading down to the first floor. Outside the guest rooms door it smelled even better than before.

You walked to the staircase and looked over the wooden railing wanting to see downstairs...without luck. You were really nervous by now, pacing beside the railing contemplating if you should go downstairs or not.

Too many thoughts were clouding your mind but you finally got a grip of yourself, now finally Standing in front of the first step leading downstairs.
Slowly and carefully you made your way down the stairs until you reached the bottom one. You quickly checked the room but nobody seemed to be in the cabin. You let out a sigh of relief and walked into the room glancing at the kitchen in the while doing so and you noticed something. On the Kitchen counter was a piece of paper and something written on it.

โ€žGood morning Y/N, as you can see im not home right now...I'll come back soon though so don't worry! I made some pancakes in case your hungry, theres maple syrup in the top kitchen cabinet. Your free to make yourself anything you like though. While I'm gone please don't break anything or leave the house... You can watch TV ,read some books or just explore the house a bit. See ya!"

Pancakes!? I love pancakes!

And there on a table next to the stove were some pancakes stacked on top of each other. Your mouth watered and you quickly found the Maple syrup in the cabinet and walked towards the table with the plate, syrup and fork in hand.

You were so grateful that Canada was the one who found you and not...someone else. Though you had to admit it was very naive of him to just leave some girl he met yesterday in his cabin. Alone. But in this situation it was the best case scenario for you.

The pancakes were still mildly warm and with the maple syrup they tasted godly.

I wonder how he learned to cook this good!Maybe he can teach me... Ugh what am I thinking. I'm probably gonna get out of here within a week or so. He for sure won't let me stay here long term.

The sun shining through the windows was warm and felt nice on your skin. It let you relax and you soon forgot the thoughts circling your mind.

After you devoured all the pancakes and washed the utensils you used, you decided that watching some TV was the best thing that you could do right now.

Slumping down on the couch you picked up the remote and switched the TV on. There was a documentary playing but you decided to switch through all the channels. Finally you landed on a Movie which you found interesting and started watching that.
Needless to say it got boring really fast. Turns out the movie wasn't as interesting as you had thought and now you were strolling around the cabin and exploring every corner.

You already knew everything about the bottom floor, like there was a kitchen, a fireplace a couch a TV and even a door leading out back to what you assumed was a shack with wood or something like that.

Exploring the top floor was much more interesting. You skipped Canadas room and immediately went past the Guest room as well.

There was some kind of Bar in the left corner of the top floor. Many cabinets filled with different liquors and liquids.

You snooped around a bit more and found the balcony to the right. You had noticed that there was a balcony at the window in the room you were sleeping in too and it seemed to connect to the one you were in front of right now.

You wanted to go outside really bad but Canadas letter instructed you not to do so and so you followed its orders.

Or so you thought you would.

It's not really going outside right? Just the balcony!

You opened the sliding glass door and went outside to the balcony. The fresh air and sun was awesome. You obviously felt bad for disobeying but you couldn't just watch TV all day. Besides, you couldn't directly see on top of the balcony from the dirt road below, or anywhere from the ground. So you had enough time to quickly get back in the house if Canada came back.

There was a chair with sunlight directly pouring on it.


A soft breeze made your hair flutter a little after you sat down and started enjoying the peace for a while.

The birds would occasionally sing some of their lullabies and squeaks in the trees surrounding the cabin.

You wondered

When I left home it was late summer...Almost September...It's gonna get cold soon if it's the same time of year here. Wherever I am right now.

You closed your eyes, relaxed and listened to the birds while the suns warmth gave you the comfort you so desperately needed.


Your eyes shot open in a panic and quickly looked towards where the noise came from. A big black car, unfamiliar to you, had stopped in front of the cabin. Some dust was still in the air around the tires.

That was not Canadas car.ย  At Yesterdays Dinner he had told you that somebody had gifted him a WHITE car, this one was black.

You panicked and stood up, hoping that the person hadn't seen you in the chair.

Canada didn't tell you about any guests so you were beyond confused and quickly stepped inside sliding the glass door shut.




Your heart was basically inside your throat but it felt like it had failed completely. You were snapped outside your trance when you heard loud banging on the front door downstairs and muffled shouting coming from behind it.


You were white as a ghost by now and slowly went into the guest rooms bathroom locking the door behind you. You could still hear the guy outside even through the doors. It felt like you couldn't even breathe you were panicking so hard. But as far as you knew he hadn't seen you, which was a huge relief.


Your blood ran cold and all the blood in your veins froze.

The front door...oh no...

The sound was undeniably the door opening and shortly after heavy footsteps were Heard making their way up the creaky stairs.

โ€žHis car wasn't even here of course he's not either."

Oh no..is he coming towards my room?

The footsteps grew heavier and louder by the second and you breathing stocked as they stopped right in front of the guest bedrooms door.

You silently prayed that he wouldn't come in the room, tears were by now forming in your eyes. If the people would really react so harsh if they found out about you, you definitely didn't want them to find you.

You wanted to scream when you heard the door handle click as it swung open.

โ€žAtleast the bastard gave me a key...So now where was it...."

You heard him rummaging through the closet for a few moments before letting out a frustrated sigh.

โ€žUghhh he probably still hasn't washed laundry"

The person muttered with a angry undertone. You covered your mouth with both hands and pulled your legs up to your chest. Tears were by now running down your cheeks. Hopefully he would just leave.

A wave of relief washed over you when you heard the man walk back out the room and downstairs out the front door, all while muttering curses under his breath. With a loud bang the front door slammed shut and you could feel your heart beat beginning to get normal again.

A loud motor was being turned on outside and you heard the car drive away into the distance, away from you.

You sighed and your body slumped down trying to get into a more comfortable position, and the bathroom floor was not comfortable at all. After calming down for a few minutes you began moving again.

Shaky breaths left your quivering lips as you quietly unlocked the bathroom door and walked outside.

Your arms were hugging each other as you went out your room and down the stairs just like the stranger had done before.

100% sure he was gone and it was safe you entered the bottom floor and looked around. Your breaths were still shaky but atleast your heart was beating normal again.

A jar of cookies catched your eyes attention and even though you knew how wrong it was to take some you couldn't retain yourself. Eating something after being shocked felt calming so you took a big cookie and sat down on the couch.

This time you started watching a documentary and it easily distracted you from the events which had just taken place even though you were still wary about everything.

The cookie was quickly devoured and you were now just watching the show on TV completely focused on it.


[Authors Note!

Ok I know this chapter makes like 0 sense but who cares. This is my first book and I'm still learning so don't hate me.

Hope this chapter wasn't too cheesy or weird lmao...

Bye bye

~sharkll ]
